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Is there a nurse here who also homeschools?

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Me! I only work 1-2 nights a week, and those nights are Friday and Saturday. I've done weekends since I had children so that we've never had to do daycare. I don't mind working weekends. It is more quiet on the weekends, and the pay differential makes it really nice. If she has specific questions, I would be happy to help her out!

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OH thanks for responding! I think she hopes to ask for Fri, Sat, Sun night shifts. She's been working during the week right now and has activities that the kids can do while she's sleeping. Her kids are 4th grader and 1st grader. She's wondering about logistics of when do you sleep, what do the kids do while you sleep, when do you do chores, grocery shop etc.

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I'm a nurse and homeschooled throughout four years of nursing school (I graduated 2.5 years ago). It was challenging, but if she's determined she definitely can do it. I worked a weekend program, Sat/Sun 12 hour nights. The pay is great, although I got burned out on nights and now work two 3-11 shifts a week and it's great. There are so many options, such flexibility. I'm definitely reaping the rewards for persevering (sp?) those school years.


I would always encourage the nursing career, especially for moms! Double especially for homeschooling moms, because for each season of their journey there are different scheduling options.




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I see your post asked for specifics as far as sleep, etc. I would say if she plans on working Fri/Sat/Sun, and if her husband is home on the weekend, then Sat and Sun should be her heavy sleeping days. (Unfortunately, Fridays she'll probably not get a nap during the day with those ages and may have to go into Friday night shift on no sleep, unless she can pop a movie in and try to nap). Mondays are tough. If she's organized and has her kids schoolwork ready, she could have them start on independent work, then allow them to watch t.v. until she gets in a two hour nap, just to get her through the day. Then she could go to sleep really early Monday night and be good for the week.




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OH thanks for responding! I think she hopes to ask for Fri, Sat, Sun night shifts. She's been working during the week right now and has activities that the kids can do while she's sleeping. Her kids are 4th grader and 1st grader. She's wondering about logistics of when do you sleep, what do the kids do while you sleep, when do you do chores, grocery shop etc.


Well the first night I go in, it is on no sleep, but it's not that bad once you get used to it. I sleep on Saturday, and my husband is there. On Sunday, I go to church (most of the time) and then take a nap for like four hours. Then I go to bed Sunday night. Monday is hard, but we make it!


As far as chores, oh boy. My house is a mess most of the time. But I just do a little every day, and my girls and my DH help me a lot!

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It's been a while since I worked nights. I did weekend nights(F & Sat.) but was a single mom at the time.


I would usually try for a good long nap before the work stretch. Kids would watch tv/movie and since this was the only time in the week they got to watch tv it worked rather well. I dropped kids off at a grandparents house for the weekend on the way to work and pick them up Sunday after a 5 hour nap. We did errands/grocery shop Sunday evening. We did school M-TH full days with a lighter day on Fri. At the time my older kids were in the 8-9 yo range.


I currently work 2 12 hour day shifts per week. Alternating weekends and Alternating M/W. DH is in charge of the kids on the weekends and does everything including housework(usually just pickup)/shopping(as needed)/meals on those days. Grandma and/or oldest DD watch them on the weekday. DH or dd will fix dinner on that day. I schedule a 4 day school week for the littles. As they get older they will have something scheduled for my workday for them to work on independently. It is possible that sometime in the future I will again do some nightshifts especially that weekday to help with the flow of school and childcare.


I've always been fortunate to have to only work 2 12 shifts per week but know several nursing friends who manage well enough on the 3 shift weekend shift.


My older kids were fairly independent with housework/chores/etc. They were responsible for their own laundry and could clean a house as well as I. They knew that if we were to do the fun stuff then the housework had to be done first so they just pitched it without complaint. I'm fortunate that my DH sees it the same way and has no problem doing whatever needs to be done around the house on my workdays.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to add to this thread late, but I am a night shift ICU RN and homeschooling dad who works Thurs/Fri/Sat, 7p-7a. My kids (8 2/3, 11, & 12) do math 5x/week and must get other work completed by Thursday. Fridays, when my daytime coma begins, they are expected to finish their math (which I will grade ONLY after a fresh cup of joe, around 3-4pm). They also have to read for 1-2 hours daily and on Friday submit a synopsis of their reading to the pater familia.


I catch up on Latin during the middle of the Saturday shift and review more Sunday night.


We are probably not a pure classical homeschool, and there are times I feel guilty not being able to give my children my best d/t fatigue. But we hang in there and pray. I am blessed with three self-learners who score high on standardized test and understand their responsibilities with minimal reminding. I am proud of their progress despite our less than ideal circumstances, but I will always worry if I'm cheating them. I am pretty sure your friend will do a better job than me. I will pray for her. I have no idea who she is ,but I am proud of her for taking on this challenge! She must be strong woman. (I'm not implying that I am strong. Far from it! Trust me.)



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I have worked Baylor shifts on weekends, 3p-7a Sat and Sun. I don't recommend it. 16 hour back to back shifts are hard! 12 hour shifts are not too bad. Right now I'm just working 3-11 2x/wk. I love 3-11! If she's going to go back to school to become a nurse, she may want to check her area and make sure they are hiring new nurses. While most areas in the US need nurses, there are pockets where new grads cannot find work. I think California being the worst, as well as NYC. Just an fyi. I'd hate for that to happen to her. She should be prepared for physically and mentally demanding work. I've known people who couldn't hack it. Nursing is a great career for moms. You can work practically any shift or days. Downside, you will probably be working weekends and holidays, but you get paid extra for those.

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I work 2 8 hour shifts and then 2 12 hour shifts. By the time I've finished that on Monday morning I may be a bit tired and grumpy.(The children would scold me for falling asleep while they were reading.) I try to schedule any work that the children need me there for first and then I can sleep while they finish up doing any independent work. It was most difficult during the years when a child couldn't read. Once they were able to read well enough to follow the directions then it got easier. Even if you are not a big fan of workbooks, they are good for days when you can't be sitting right next to them. So are any books they can read to themselves.

Up until this year I never scheduled any outside activites on my work days.It limited us a bit in the amount of hs activites the children could participate in but the family likes my schedule.

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I work every Friday from 7 PM to 7 AM and every other Saturday 7 P to 7 AM. That means one week I work Friday and the other week Friday and Saturday.


If it's slow on Friday night at work I make my grocery list then and organize my coupons. I am an admissions nurse in a pysch hospital. My tasks are to admit patients; call insurance companies for certifications; and make up new charts for those who might show up. If no one shows up or is brought in for admission it's a slow night.


When I leave work Saturday AM I buy groceries. I sleep when I get home. My dh baby-sits while I sleep. He also runs errands if there are any to run.


When I work on Saturdays I sleep when I get home Sunday AM. When I wake up I exercise, eat and then go to an evening service. I used to go to church on Sunday AMs even after working. I stopped doing that about four months ago. I am 41 and it has been too hard for me to do that. I can say I was doing it to not disappoint my dh and a couple of friends. I stopped doing it because it was too much for me to bear. I am content with just going to the evening service when I work on Saturdays now.


Our children probably watch too much TV and do too much gaming while I am sleeping. Dh is trying to keep an eye on that.


Once in a while I work an extra shift during the week. If I do my mom might baby-sit them the next day or dh if he is not working that day.


I think that a person with this schedule should exercise. It helps tremendously. I started exercising regularly at the end of May and it has made a world of difference.


My house is too messy but I don't thinks it's due to my work schedule. My work is at the end of the week. :)


On Fridays I make hamburgers for supper which I usually prepare on Thursdays or Friday AMs. On Thursday, I also start prep for our meal for the Lord's Day meal on Sunday.

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