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How our first year of high school is actually shaping up

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For those of you who have helped me so many times here, and for anyone else who is curious, this is how things are shaping up. Dd starts gr 9 Aug 17 (drumroll, please ;)).


All year courses, etc:

Latin 1, German 1, Phys Ed 1 (swim team, swim clinics), Recorder (not really a course, but she calls it that) & Jensens' Vocabulary.


Semester 1 (since she eventually wants to take a few courses at the ps hs, but she gets 21 weeks to do this)

Geometry--LoF (surprisingly) with Dressler 1973 (I insist on combining that)

Chemistry 1 (Conceptual Chem with labs, Chem Alive!, etc)

Logic 1 (Traditional Logic plus some other logic reading to round it out with other perspectives)


Semester 2

English 1 (1/2 of R&S 8, continue Skills For Literary Analysis reading list using WEM as a guide, too, & Wordsmith in another stab at expository writing teaching)

World History I (for state college requirements this is the name) SWB's Ancient History text for the spine plus other reading, etc

Art 1 (painting of various kinds with some reading etc involved)


Noncredit work: she's going to study the Greek Alpahabet & do an Old Testament history class on tape when she does her History 1, but I don't require any written work for that.


Am I missing anything? I'm hoping that in 6 months she'll be somewhat more mature in regard to essay writing. Do I need more than 9 classes? I don't think so; in fact, I really don't think she needs to take 2 foreign languages.

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Ds15 is taking 7 classes through Veritas Press online Scholars:


We're one of the "guinea pig classes" for

Omnibus IV primary

Omnibus IV secondary



Composition II

Logic II (class was cancelled last year, so we're making it up this year)

Rhetoric I

Algebra II



This is the most he has ever taken online We'll see how it goes.

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It seems unusual to spend only half a year on core subjects such as English, History, and Geometry, while spending a full year on Phys Ed. Not sure what is involved in her ps courses.


Just a comment.




Phys Ed will get the same credit as the English, but since she swims year round, it goes year round. She's a competitive swimmer, although not the serious FINA type. She's going to swim for the local B&G club & for the local hs, but then there are clinics in the spring & a summer team. She isn't yet in a ps course, but wants to get into the Latin program there first. However, the VP I had to speak with (there are more than one) didn't call me back until it was full, even though I called before all the lists were in. I'm going to call next week, and if it's still full, see if she can go on a waiting list. That would change our semester lineup somewhat. I think foreign languages & physical fitness need to be year round, but not English (I wasn't an English major, either :)). Her grammar, spelling & punctuation is such that she has become quite a stickler and points out errors she sees regularly. She's never going to be an English major, and, to be frank, is taking it because I'm making her and because it's required by law. This is the same dc who at age 8 wanted to become president in order to repeal the mandatory education act (I kid you not, but by 9 she figured out it would be too much work, plus I explained that the President alone couldn't do that.)


At the ps they do 83 minute blocks for classes and only do four classes per semester. So what she has to do is compress a full year's course work into five months. I'm willing to let her try this, because the number of subjects she has to do affects her attitude more than the volume of work (we're not talking strictly logical here.) She does English because she has to, but science because she likes it. Three out of four of the high schools I went to were semester, as was my first university, only it was tri-semester. She'll do all that she would if she were to stretch it out over the year, but she'll be able to be more focused this way. Since she has excellent retention, I think it will work well for her.


Something I forgot to mention, is that she'll also have a reading list to do during the year of books she doesn't have to write about, just read. For example, over the course of her high school years she's going to read a book on the history of math, and I'm planning to tie it in with what she's studying in math. She also has a number of other nonfiction books to read to help round out her education that I'll put on a list along with any signifcant fiction she reads.


This is not strictly classical, but we have always modified WTM to suit our needs. I mainly want to be sure I have all the main things covered because homeschooling high school is the first time I've been smart enough to be nervous about homeschooling. I'm even laying out what she has to do every week ahead of time (we've always been a do what comes next family) because it really needs to be done as well as we can do it.

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Mine starts ninth in the fall too. Here is what she is taking for the full yr.


Bio 1

Alg 1

Omnibus !!! primary and secondary (hist and eng)

Comp 1


No pe til 10 or 11, its just a one sem course req. here. That and health.



Do you mean no PE until Oct or Nov by 10 or 11? I have a feeling dd needs to do health at some point, but I don't think we can cram that in this year unless we drop Art, but she's so talented (but not motivated) at it that I want her to do it as an elective. She likes painting, so we're doing painting. She got to choose her foreign languages & her main Geometry text. Someday, though, she's going to learn that ps dc choose their own electives...

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Ds15 is taking 7 classes through Veritas Press online Scholars:


We're one of the "guinea pig classes" for

Omnibus IV primary

Omnibus IV secondary



Composition II

Logic II (class was cancelled last year, so we're making it up this year)

Rhetoric I

Algebra II



This is the most he has ever taken online We'll see how it goes.



I'd be interested to find out how it goes. Someday I'd like dd to do an online class, but she's not that interested yet.

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I am curious, my dh has actually suggested that we try this. Semester classes, doing half the classes the first semester, and the other half the second semester.


My concern is how would you keep the knowledge in math or science for the 6-8 months that you aren't using it, before the next fall when you would use it again. I have a hard enough time with my kids forgetting things over our 6-8 week summer break.


Do you have some sort of review planned in? I am interested in it, but am curious how it would work.


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I'd be interested to find out how it goes. Someday I'd like dd to do an online class, but she's not that interested yet.


We did 6 classes last year; Omnibus III prim and sec, geometry, biology, comp I, and Latin II. It went very well. We were impressed by the quality of the teaching and the curriculum used except for maybe biology. Ds15 wished it had been a little "meatier". No problem with that in the other classes though. Plenty of "meat" there.


Ds15 also loves using the computer and the live class format is perfect for him. So much more interesting than watching prerecorded videos, although they are available if you miss class.

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I am curious, my dh has actually suggested that we try this. Semester classes, doing half the classes the first semester, and the other half the second semester.


My concern is how would you keep the knowledge in math or science for the 6-8 months that you aren't using it, before the next fall when you would use it again. I have a hard enough time with my kids forgetting things over our 6-8 week summer break.


Do you have some sort of review planned in? I am interested in it, but am curious how it would work.




My dd has demonstrated the ability to retain a great deal of information in subjects like math & science over extended periods of time, so I'm not terribly worried about it. Since there are review chapters at the end of some of her math texts, I think she can just do those before starting the next math courses next year. I'm not so sure that I'll do that with all of them, and if it doesn't work well, we can revert to doing everything all year during her sophomore year. I'm not even sure that she'll get to do Latin in the ps this year, which at this point is the only class we're thinking about.


Something interesting that happened earlier this week is that my dd discovered that she knows more than the ps kids she's been getting to know lately. Turns out she was nervous that she wasn't learning enough (she does have motivation issues.) This means that her interest in taking courses at the ps may disappear. We're still going with this semester plan for those six subjects, though, because she's very keen on that.

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English : writing, vocabulary and literature

Math: algebra I

Science: physical science


World History




Twins 9th grade is looking to be:


For Ds:

-Algebra 2 1st semester.... Geometry 2nd semester

-Conceptual Chemistry for 1st semester, Conceptual Physics 2nd semester

-AP World History... World Lit (probably will take two years instead of 1)

-Life Time Health (w/CAP first aid training) 1/2 credit covered the full yr.

-Phys Ed (Kung Fu, Civil Air Patrol, bowling for Ds)

-Langauge Arts (composition, grammar, vocabulary, logic)


-Computer Fundamentals 1st semester...Consumer Ed/Econ 2nd semester


For Dd:

-Algebra 2 (Dd didn't like the geometry-LOL)

-Conceptual Chemistry

-AP World History... World Lit (probably will take two years instead of 1)

-Life Time Health (w/CAP first aid training) 1/2 credit covered the full yr.

-Phys Ed (Kung Fu, Civil Air Patrol, also bowling for Ds)

-Langauge Arts (composition, grammar, vocabulary, logic)


-Music History for Dd 1st semester... Consumer Education 2nd semester

-Alternating Private music lessons for Piano, guitar, percussion, voice, clarinet.


Both joined Civil Air Patrol and so they will recieve some high school credit (for science and Health/PE I think).


So far we started almost three weeks ago with Lang Arts, World History, Algebra 2, Health and so far it isn't going so smoothly :tongue_smilie:. We have a lot of kinks to work out as we haven't completed even two full weeks of what was planned. So we have some adjustments to make-:confused:.


Decided to put off the college route until next year. From the looks of how it is currently going... neither of twins are ready to handle the responsibility on their own. So I have some work cut out to get them more independent and able to manage time and how to study. They just aren't there maturity wise I think.

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