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A week in the life of CW.....


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I'm starting CW Aesop B with dd9 and ds10 this fall. I've read through the IG and manual so I wanted to give a run down of a week with CW to see if I'm somewhere near understanding how to apply this program. It's a bit overwhelming so please fill in any blanks that I'm missing, or advice on how to make it flow smoother. Thanks.

Day 1-Read the model, have dc read the model, discuss the model, go over unfamiliar vocab, punctuation,, discuss main characters, problem, solution,point of the story, have dc narrate back to me the story, and tell background of writer


Day 2- Mark any unfamiliar spelling words, underline those words in model, make a spelling list, alphabetizing them


Day 3-Grammar review-identifying types of sentences, capitalization and punctuation, quotations and rules


Day 4-Copywork/Dictation-whichever is applicable for skill level of dc-in our case it will be dictation. So I choose a dictation exercise, preferably with some of the spelling words that they have trouble with.


Writing Project-during the week we choose our type of writing project and work on it throughout the week, ending in a final draft. Our skill level in that will be the first writing project.


So please tell...am I understanding this at all?:D

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I think you have it. :D We spent more time focused on the writing part when we did Aesop B. For my ds we did a lot of the grammar orally.


The one thing I finally realized was when they outline for the writing assignment you use the entire model, not just the analysis portion, for your rewrite. IIRC, that aspect doesn't show up until later in Aesop.


I like how the student book is lined out and many times I would simply grab his book to see how we were supposed to be doing something. I ended up buying my own workbook for Homer. We haven't even started and I've worked through a few weeks on my own. I can see how having my own workbook will be most helpful.


ONE IMPORTANT REMINDER: Know what is important to you that they get out of CW. Is it the grammar? the Writing? Don't get too hung up if you don't get it all done in one week. You can either change around your focus each week (ie: grammar, spelling, writing, sentence analysis) or you can take two weeks to do a model.


Don't let CW dictate how you will use it, mold it to what you need.

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Thank you, EL. I'll probably have more questions for you as I get into it. I'm wondering if I should get me an extra student workbook? I'm going to go ahead and try to do the first 3 lessons now so if I have questions I will be prepared. Thanks again!

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Thank you, EL. I'll probably have more questions for you as I get into it. I'm wondering if I should get me an extra student workbook? I'm going to go ahead and try to do the first 3 lessons now so if I have questions I will be prepared. Thanks again!


I know many people don't need the student book and do just fine. However, the IG isn't organized the way my brain is, so the added expense was justified for me.

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Stephanie, That looks very much like what we do. The only thing we do differently is I have my kids do a key word outline on Monday in preparation for the rewrite on Friday. Monday always seems to be a light day so if we do the outline then, we can spend as much time as we like on Friday doing the rewrite. It feels more evenly spread out through the week.

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ONE IMPORTANT REMINDER: Know what is important to you that they get out of CW. Is it the grammar? the Writing? Don't get too hung up if you don't get it all done in one week. You can either change around your focus each week (ie: grammar, spelling, writing, sentence analysis) or you can take two weeks to do a model.


Don't let CW dictate how you will use it, mold it to what you need.



I just wanted to agree with this. And re-emphasize it. And frame it, and hang flashing neon lights around it :)

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Thank you, EL. I'll probably have more questions for you as I get into it. I'm wondering if I should get me an extra student workbook? I'm going to go ahead and try to do the first 3 lessons now so if I have questions I will be prepared. Thanks again!




And there are two focuses of the re-write, outside of normal punctuation, spelling, grammar type stuff, the writing of quotations and the adding of descriptive detail. These will be added down the road and don't start immediately.


Looks like you have a good handle on it.




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ONE IMPORTANT REMINDER: Know what is important to you that they get out of CW. Is it the grammar? the Writing? Don't get too hung up if you don't get it all done in one week. You can either change around your focus each week (ie: grammar, spelling, writing, sentence analysis) or you can take two weeks to do a model.


Don't let CW dictate how you will use it, mold it to what you need.

I'll triple-state this. We never bothered much with the spelling, though I'm looking forward to introducing etymology this year in Homer. We did a lot of the grammar orally, since we got it in R+S as well. I focused a lot on copia and writing.

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