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Thanks to whoever recommended

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"Hold On To Your Kids"


I've read about this book so many times, but figured I didn't need to read it since I'm already homeschooling and I'm already a conservative parent.


But, boy did it come to the rescue yesterday. I read 1.5 chapters and it stopped me from making a big mistake with my kids. I'd been feeling worn down in several areas of my parenting and was just about to "give in" on a few things.


This helped.


Anyone on the fence about reading it....go get it today!

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:iagree: Oh yeah, it's one great book.


I'm part of an attachment parenting support group in my metro area, and while there are a lot of good books on the topic of meeting your baby's needs, toddler's needs, and preschooler's needs, not much has been written for older kids.


Hold On To Your Kids gave me the direction I needed to continue well. Another seems to be one Joanne has often recommended, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes . . . in You and Your Kids! by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller. As the group's librarian I get to have a lot of say in which books we get for our library, and we this one just arrived on my doorstep.


I can't wait to dive in!

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Thanks Kareni, for beating me to it.


We actually do many "attachment" things by instinct but I feel like we get disapproved a lot by other people looking in. And I do feel like it's a constant struggle to keep the balance - especially with me trying to create my own career at the same time.

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Gordon Neufeld lives in my town & I've had the pleasure of hearing him live several times, as well as having private consults with a counsellor trained by him.


I really recommend the videos that he's now got avail. I esp like The Making Sense of Adolescence course. They are expensive but when you consider the costs of counselling, they're a steal. And if you can prevent problems, rather than having to deal with them after the fact, all the better!




I think youtube has a few clips of his courses so you can see what they're like.


He also had audio downloads on his site - I found I was more successful in getting dh to listening to audio files of his talks than reading the book. I had audio cd's from his talks at a homeschool convention - excellent stuff.

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