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I have 2 months to get the house ready for yet another military move.

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Warning upfront...this is a whine! :o


I have 2 months to purge, reorganize and get ready for another move. Seems like I just found everything, again. Could you please motivate me to work hard this weekend? Ron will move on to his new assignment in 3 weeks and I'm stuck here, just hours away from my husband. I'll continue to homeschool and my oldest will be going "down range" with her job to serve our troops. I'm going to miss her. So basically...I'm a crazy women right now. Any advice?:o

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Warning upfront...this is a whine! :o


I have 2 months to purge, reorganize and get ready for another move. Seems like I just found everything, again. Could you please motivate me to work hard this weekend? Ron will move on to his new assignment in 3 weeks and I'm stuck here, just hours away from my husband. I'll continue to homeschool and my oldest will be going "down range" with her job to serve our troops. I'm going to miss her. So basically...I'm a crazy women right now. Any advice?:o


Enlist friends to help!


You may (or may not! It was harder to tell people apart on the old board) remember that my husband was overseas when I had to prepare our house for sale before our move. I *would not* have been able to do it without help from some dear friends. Scheduling a few times where people would come and help made it go *SO* much faster and it motivated me to get certain things accomplished so that I'd be ready for the help. Good luck, I completely understand.

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Oh girls...thank you for being so kind. I love that we serve a wonderful country! I feel so blessed and so does my family. We are so proud to serve! :D


I don't have any friends left here either...they've all moved ahead of us back to the states. I'm basically the only American in my community. I keep telling myself I can do this...you would think it gets easier..but I hate moving from my wonderful German friends, and this great house. We get to stay in Germany and I'm so thankful as there's so many places left to explore...but..there's always a but...I hate moving! :o

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It's such a pain to move. We leave for Japan in about 3 months and I just began purging yesterday. The fact that we can only take 25% of our allowed weight is killing me! I don't know what I'll do without all of my books. I hope you can get a lot of work done this weekend. Hang in there! :)

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Two years ago, I was in Belgium waiting to hear if and where we were getting orders. We knew we should be packing out in late April but at this point, we still didn't have orders. This time around, we don't know what we are doing. Dh may nbe retiring and that may caus two moves ina short time since our lease is up end of June and he might retire later. If he stays in and gets promoted, we will have to be ready to move with two weeks notice. That is how its been going lately -very short notice moves. Take breaks, get help, and know that all of us are pulling for you.

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I feel your pain girlfirend! We found out 2 weeks ago we're moving to VA June 1st and hubby is "out of town"! So I will be moving by myself also! I know what you are going through. No advice, because you just have to get it done but know that I'm thinking of you and miserable with you!:D

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Whine away! I guess the one bonus to always moving is that we are constantly purging. :o


My hubby comes up for orders soon. I am praying that we won't have to move, but it is highly possible. I look around my house and think, "UGH!" There are no other words. :p

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