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Just Venting...

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Why can't my 12 year old son take a pill(he's on anti~biotics for an infection and he just can't do it.. It frustrates me to no end..

So, today I bought a tablet crusher and he still can't do it :mad: He will take a drink right after putting the crushed tablet in his mouth and just let the drink spill right out.

I just want to scream!

Tomorrow I am going to the store to get yogurt(his favorite) to mix the medicine in, if this doesn't work, I am really gonna freak..


I just needed to vent

Thanks :)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My son couldn't take pills till he was 16. It's not that unusual. Call the doc in the morning and ask him for a prescription for the antibiotic in liquid form.

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My son couldn't take pills till he was 16. It's not that unusual. Call the doc in the morning and ask him for a prescription for the antibiotic in liquid form.

Totally agree. I know you're frustrated but I wouldn't take it out on him when he's sick. Get a liquid for now. Then when he's better have him practice with a small M&M or a Sudafed. My dd has found if the pill is "coated" it's easier to swallow.


Until you can get a liquid, try putting the pill in some apple sauce or yogurt and see whether he can swallow it that way.

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My son, at 13, has just recently found the ability to swallow a pill.

We tried pudding, apple sauce, etc., but the pill was so different from the texture of those, that he still couldn't swallow it.

The first time we had success was with cottage cheese. The lumpy texture allowed the pill to blend in.


I know it's frustrating. I remember a couple of middle-of-the-night headaches when I wanted him to just TAKE THE TYLENOL! I'm sorry you're having to deal with it.



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He will make a big production out of taking one, and often ends up gagging and spitting the pill out in the sink. It's very annoying, but I also have a hard time with pills if they are big, so I sort of understand.


Of course, my DS makes an even bigger fuss about any sort of liquid medicine, so that is out too.


DS is now on daily meds for ADHD though, so he has had to get used to swallowing them. They are small though.


I second having your DS practice with M&M's when he is feeling better.

Michelle T

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