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Help! I need to make a gluten free dinner for a large group!

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In about two weeks we're going to a family reunion. We'll get together for a week in the mountains, and each individual family takes a turn cooking one night while we're there. Several members from one branch of the family have celiac disease, so I'm trying to find an celiac-friendly recipe that will serve about 40 people. I've found lots of great recipes, but they'd be hard to multiply for that large of a group, so I thought I'd try here since you ladies seem to have a solution for every problem! It would be great if it were yummy and easy. (hey, I can ask, right?) ;)


Any suggestions?

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One of my new favorites is to just put chicken pieces (bone in or out works fine) in the crock pot and cover them with spaghetti sauce, if you have a big roaster, maybe that would work. That would be gluten free for a main course, then you could serve it with rice and veggies (or make some pasta for the non-celiacs) and you'd be all set.

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My MIL has celiac disease, and one of our favorite things to have is cheesy chicken enchiladas made using corn tortillas instead of the usual flour ones. Although enchiladas might be a little difficult to make for 40 people unless you have a LARGE oven. Tacos could be fun (and easy!) for a crowd. You could have several fillings (chicken, beef, etc.) and lots of toppings to choose from. And you could have some yummy refried beans and fresh salsa and chips, and maybe some queso dip too. Ok, now I really want some Mexican food!

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Second the taco buffet style idea. Tacos with multiple fillings and lots of toppings and salsa and chips would be a great meal.


If you have a grill, grilling chicken and preparing fresh veggies is good too.


Big pots of chili ??


Being the summer, what about salad type stuff? Buffet style again with grilled chicken?


Just don't be offended if you have a crazy CD like me who wants to know which brands of which foods and spices you used on everything :D All the family knows to save the labels from anything used because I will dig them out of the trash to see what is in it!:lol: Yea, I'm crazy.

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Thanks for all your great suggestions. I think the taco thing just might work. MIL isn't real big on those buffet kinds of meals, but allergies trump preferences.




Just don't be offended if you have a crazy CD like me who wants to know which brands of which foods and spices you used on everything :D All the family knows to save the labels from anything used because I will dig them out of the trash to see what is in it!:lol: Yea, I'm crazy.


SIL sounds just like that! (not that you, or she are crazy!) I don't mind at all. I'd rather have her check the label than have a bad reaction just because she was trying to be polite.

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Another option would be to make a big pot of chili and serve it with baked potatoes and all the toppings, and a green salad on the side. :001_smile:


And salad dressing on the side too. My bil can't have white vinegar. We just get cider vinegar and oil for him.

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I have 2 friends with celiac children, so when we all get together it is a big meal. I prefer to grill something - usually chicken, then make a huge batch of brown rice and a huge salad. Sometimes we also have red beans (kidney) to mix with the rice. The only salad dressing we provide is oil and vinegar. No soy unless we are absolutely positive it is gluten free. Salsa is usually a good choice to top the chicken or beans and rice.


Desert is usually fresh fruit. My dd is allergic to dairy and another child in the group is allergic to corn and soy. So, sometimes we make ice cream with coconut milk. Or, someone will make a "health food store" box mix that is allergy free of just about everything. Some of them are rather tasty.

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For dessert, you can get the new Betty Crocker GF cake, cookie, or brownie mixes. The brownies are the best. My dh normally won't eat GF baked goods, but he said the BC ones tasted just like "normal". I will warn you, though, it's about $2 more per box for GF, so you might do some GF and some regular, just be sure to let everyone know which is which.

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Here's a Celiac-friendly dessert recipe that gets RAVE reviews from Celiacs and non-Celiacs. :) We call them No Peeks because if you open the oven to peek at them after you put them in, they will be ruined.


No Peeks


4 egg whites

1 pinch salt

1 dash cream of tartar

1 1/3 cups white sugar

4 drops green food coloring

1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

½ teaspoon peppermint extract





  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a cookie sheet.
  2. Beat egg whites until fluffy. Add salt and cream of tartar. Adding sugar gradually, continue to beat until egg whites are stiff and will stand. Fold in desired food coloring, peppermint extract and chocolate chips.
  3. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet, put in oven and turn oven OFF. Leave in oven undisturbed several hours or overnight. Do not open oven once cookies have been put in or they will be soggy, not crisp and airy. NO PEEK!


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My bil can't have white vinegar. We just get cider vinegar and oil for him.


But that's not a celiac thing. It's been shown and confirmed that white vinegar, regardless of source (corn or wheat) is gluten free b/c of the distillation process.


Only 'malt vinegar' is a problem



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