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Off "clip on" repellent

Guest lahmeh

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Guest lahmeh

Before we head out to the drive in I wanted to buy a couple of those Off "clip on" repellents. Have any of you tried them? Do they work? They run about $8. each so I wanted to ask first. Thanks! :)

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The commercial makes it look like they stay feet away. That's not true. I used them on our recent trip to WY. As long as I was sitting mostly still and there wasn't a real breeze, they worked great. That's what I told my mom. BUT I didn't get stung even when there was a breeze. I think the mosquitoes were so thick out there that without the breeze, it worked better. With a breeze it still worked.


But I do think you have to be mostly still. On the directions (can't remember if they were inside the packaging or on the outside) it says something like if you move it may take a few minutes for it to be effective again. So I wouldn't use it for golf game, but sitting around seems to be fine!

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but not if you're intending to wear it walking fast, running, or anything athletic. It can't keep up then.


I wear mine gardening, sitting around a camp fire, and for the 4th of July. We also put a couple going in the garage during a picnic and they worked great. It creates a "zone" that keeps out the 'squitos.

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