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What are the odds?

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Monday I refilled online 3 prescriptions for me and my husband (2 for me and 1 for him). I picked them up yesterday but didn't open the bag until today. There were 3 for me including one I take but didn't order a refill for this week. I look at the prescription number of my unordered prescription and his that hadn't arrived. The numbers were identical except that two numbers in the middle were transposed. I was on the phone with the pharmacy voide mail before I even realized the numbers weren't identical.


What are the odds that when I mistype a prescription number it happens to match the number of a different prescription for this house? Wierdness......:001_huh:

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kinda similar to the odds of getting two speeding tickets w/in two weeks of each other, 20 miles from each other, one on a little county back road and one on the highway, and it being the same State Trooper both times?



... like he has it in for you. :thumbdown:

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Peek, is that why you were banned? ;) The cops grounded you, didn't they.


LOL! no -- i was banned for getting too mouthy [who, me??!]


... like he has it in for you. :thumbdown:


and to be fair, I don't think the Trooper was stalking me or anything. He was just doing his job. he certainly wasn't an @$$ about it. I'm a big girl. I can suck it up and pay the $@#& fine$.


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[and to be fair, I don't think the Trooper was stalking me or anything. He was just doing his job. he certainly wasn't an @$$ about it. I'm a big girl. I can suck it up and pay the $@#& fine$.]


I guess it was just an unlucky coincidence for you then. :glare:

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What are the odds that when I mistype a prescription number it happens to match the number of a different prescription for this house? Wierdness......:001_huh:


Honestly, We see it happen all the time, at least a few times a week. :0) (I work in a pharmacy)


This is especially common when the first numbers are the same and just the last two are different. Our computer system asks if the last name starts with "abcde" and if you have the same last name....it is easy to see how the mistake isn't caught by the patient typing it in.


The pharmacy probably won't take back the wrong medicine, since it was your error, but they should be able to get your dh's filled quickly so you don't have to wait again.


I always recommend to people that they check all meds before the leave the pharmacy, just because this type of thing happens often.


Sorry you have to make another trip back :0(



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kinda similar to the odds of getting two speeding tickets w/in two weeks of each other, 20 miles from each other, one on a little county back road and one on the highway, and it being the same State Trooper both times?




Years ago when we lived in a small town in NH, I got stopped and a few weeks later Dh got stopped. Same car, same cop and I was in the car with DH. After the cop writes DH the ticket, he leans down and says to us both

" is there anyone else in yoru family you'd like me to ticket?" :lol:

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The pharmacy probably won't take back the wrong medicine, since it was your error, but they should be able to get your dh's filled quickly so you don't have to wait again.


I always recommend to people that they check all meds before the leave the pharmacy, just because this type of thing happens often.


Sorry you have to make another trip back :0(




The one I got by mistake is something I'll need soon anyway, so no biggie. DH had to wait for his, but then if it were that important to him, he'd have checked the bag yesterday, no?:001_smile:

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Years ago when we lived in a small town in NH, I got stopped and a few weeks later Dh got stopped. Same car, same cop and I was in the car with DH. After the cop writes DH the ticket, he leans down and says to us both

" is there anyone else in yoru family you'd like me to ticket?" :lol:


LOL. He deserved a tip for that one.

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Years ago when we lived in a small town in NH, I got stopped and a few weeks later Dh got stopped. Same car, same cop and I was in the car with DH. After the cop writes DH the ticket, he leans down and says to us both

" is there anyone else in yoru family you'd like me to ticket?" :lol:


Both got pulled over about a week apart by the same police officer. This town isn't that small either (it's really a city, but I remember when it was a "town"). The only reason we knew it was the same officer is that he went to our church at the time. :D:001_huh:

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What about the odds of getting in a wreck on the interstate in DFW.... by rear-ending a police officer who just happens to be your son? :blink: I was in high school and riding with my bf and her mother when this actually happened to us. That was freaky!

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What about the odds of getting in a wreck on the interstate in DFW.... by rear-ending a police officer who just happens to be your son? :blink: I was in high school and riding with my bf and her mother when this actually happened to us. That was freaky!



I've been to DFW and it ISN'T a small place. :w00t:

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I've been to DFW and it ISN'T a small place. :w00t:



Exactly! Just fyi, the DFW metroplex population topped 6 million about 2000, so even though this happened over 15 years ago there were still a LOT of people there and we were not even on Joe's regular patrol route.

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