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What in the world is going on? Now Steve McNair is dead...

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They are saying McNairs was a gunshot to the head. One article I read said it happened in an upper class area and a gated community. So who knows.


Would I say that the deaths of so many celebrities is the end of the world? Nah. I don't remember seeing in the Bible that one of the signs of the end of the world was the death of many famous people. Just a strange coincidence and too many news reporters trying to publish something that no one else knows so they can leep a job in an overstaffed, overstimulated career field.

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I don't know. With so many celebrities dying, it's like the signal for the end of the world.


Umm.. I meant this as a complete joke. I do not believe this world will ever come to an end. And people die every day. Only if you're well known or a horrible tragic event does it become a headline. I didn't even know who Steve McNair was. I had to click on the link to find out.

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We live in Nashville and are all shocked. He consistently was such a decent guy. So no one really knows all the details yet. Also, we're having tornadic weather all around, so the McNair story not being reported on the news right now, because the weather is on nonstop.

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