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Are there any states that require a college degree to homeschool?

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We were discussing our kids and college at co-op yesterday. One of my dear friends is worried that if her dd doesn't go to college that she may not be able to homeschool in the future. She thought that there are a few states now that require a college degree and wonders if this will be the way of homeschooling in the future.


So I'm curious, are there any states that require a college degree? I certainly don't have one, and am not certain that my 13dd is looking towards college.


Thanks so much!


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Several states' requirements list having a college degree (or teaching certificate) as ONE of the ways you can qualify to homeschool, but all of them also give other options besides that. You will need to check carefully, though, because even within a state, the requirements may vary from county to county or even district to district. Your best bet is to arm yourself with accurate information. Research those regulations!

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Besides the variance from state to state, there's the potential for change in the future.


I would say that college is not a bad idea for a future hs'er, but *at this point* (& where I live) not necessary enough to take out loans for, kwim?


13 seems young to decide against college. She might want to do some kind of dual enrollment in highschool. If not, no big deal.


What will she do after that? I went to school for 10 years after graduating public high school, first because I didn't know what else to do (wasn't married or anything), then because I'd started. We didn't have any dc, no reason not to finish.


The result? A lot of debt & no income to justify it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a bookish person. I probably needed to go to college for its own sake, because it's a part of who I am. I didn't need to take out loans to make sure I finished. (I'm the first in my fam to get a college degree, so the perspective was pretty skewed. We had a baby, & they were sure neither dh nor I would ever finish, kwim?)


Otoh, I'm glad to have the education. It does help some w/ hs'ing, & it's reassuring that even if the laws should change, I'll probably be ok to teach my dc however I want. (Otoh, I look at ps & worry that they'll eventually start drafting certified teachers.:eek: Did I mention I'm paranoid? LOL)


So, I wouldn't send dd's to college solely for the sake of protecting their right to hs in the future, but I wouldn't completely write off that reason, either. As long as there's a reasonable way to pay for it, I think post-secondary ed is a great idea for a lot of people, for developing character, etc. But that *is* coming from someone who didn't get as much of that at home as the typical hs'er.


Sorry for rambling!

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and yet it still has not happened.


I don't want to hide my head in the sand, but still...there isn't any evidence that all 50 states are going to swing that way, KWIM?


Are you replying to me? My response was not at all clear--sorry!


What I meant was, I wouldn't pursue a degree out of fear, but I wouldn't just discount it, either. There is a period between high school & marriage that has to be filled w/ something. Not nec college, but...if that's feasible, it *might* be desirable.


Yep, clear as mud. LOL I think I'm going to go drink coffee.

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I believe in the state of TN that the only way you can homeschool high school is if you have a college degree.



That is the law if you're registering through the school district. Most people don't do that, though, and instead register through a 'church-related' umbrella school (like HomeLife Academy or Gateway Christian Schools). Those only require a high school diploma.

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We are in Ohio. I read the requirements every year. ;) I was just curious if YOUR state DOES require it.


That my dd doesn't know if she wants to go to college was just an aside :) But, if that is what she decides, I am content with that. My Dad and his brothers owned a building company and were quite successful with trade without a college degree. I say that only to explain. My post wasn't about whether or not she should go to college:)


I guess my friend just really had me wondering if there WERE states that required a degree at present. Most of my friends have dd's who are planning to homeschool their children in the future.


Does that help clarify?



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I think there are only a very few. Isn't MN one of them?



No, in MN it is easier to homeschool if you have a college degree, but it isn't required. If you don't have a degree, you have some additional paperwork--you are required to share your child's report cards. I always found that to be a silly requirement, since report cards are subjective anyway.

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