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Tutankhamun exhibit- how old?

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I did this in Atlanta with my 7 and 10 year old boys. I was glad my husband was along, though it wouldn't have been terrible on my own either. Both boys had the audio phones (I think there may have been a kids version and an adult version). My older son wanted to spend a ton of time and is nervous if someone isn't in the room with him. My younger son wanted to move through quickly and didn't listen to every audio track; my older son wanted to listen to everything.


So they were going at different speeds. That said, my 7 year old loved it and loved the imax movie we saw there too. I was glad he went.

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Becca loved it, but she did get tired partway through. DH and I took both girls and we had Grandpa along too! Sylvia was not fascinated and we adults took turns going through the exhibit with Becca and sitting on a bench with Sylvia.


Becca wanted to zip and read everything quickly and move along. We did not invest in the audio tour so we could move at our own pace, and I was glad for it.

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We saw the Tut exhibit a few months before DS turned 7. We had studied Egypt so DS was very familiar with what he would see. We did the audio tour, which DS enjoyed.

DS is very bouncy but did a good job. He was ready to run by the time we got through the exhibit, but he was never out of hand during the exhibit. (I did buy tickets for late morning and stuffed him full of protein snacks before we went in. I think most kids are more likely to get out of hand when they are tired or hungry.)

I hate to say... We were at the start of the exhibit at the same time as a local public high school class. DS knew more about Ancient Egypt than those children did (based off their insipid remarks) and he was way more interested - many of the boys hung back and didn't even go near the exhibits to look at or read about. What a waste.

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