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Did you see the video of Jenny Sanford (wife of Gov. of S.C.) today?

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Wow. That lady has class.

She probably knew something was up for a while - I am impressed with how she handled the press as well. Her husband is a tool - it is one thing to be cheat on your wife, but even worse to do so, and make so many stupid mistakes while doing it. He should step down as governor, because he totally checked out and didn't assign any authority to the lt. governor when he flew down to South America on his booty call. That is just irresponsible. Normally I wouldn't say being a pig would necessitate one leaving his job/office - but he clearly cannot keep his personal life from interfering with his political office. That isn't good. Who needs an emotionalism in the governor's spot?


Oh - looks like the poor lady knew for a bit, and even told him NOT to go see his mistress again.


Wow - he is a bigger fool than I thought.

Edited by SherryTX
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Wow. That lady has class.

She probably knew something was up for a while - I am impressed with how she handled the press as well. Her husband is a tool - it is one thing to be cheat on your wife, but even worse to do so, and make so many stupid mistakes while doing it. He should step down as governor, because he totally checked out and didn't assign any authority to the lt. governor when he flew down to South America on his booty call. That is just irresponsible. Normally I wouldn't say being a pig would necessitate one leaving his job/office - but he clearly cannot keep his personal life from interfering with his political office. That isn't good. Who needs an emotionalism in the governor's spot?


Oh - looks like the poor lady knew for a bit, and even told him NOT to go see his mistress again.


Wow - he is a bigger fool than I thought.


She actually did know about his affair. She asked him to end it before. He kept going back, though. Oops -- I see you added that part.

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He should step down as governor, because he totally checked out and didn't assign any authority to the lt. governor when he flew down to South America on his booty call. That is just irresponsible. Normally I wouldn't say being a pig would necessitate one leaving his job/office - but he clearly cannot keep his personal life from interfering with his political office. That isn't good. Who needs an emotionalism in the governor's spot?




I thought it was interesting that he was quick to refer to King David and how he didn't step down after his affair.


Nothing like using a Bible verse/reference for your own benefit when you need it. If only he had been so eager to read the Bible and apply those scriptures about giving no opportunity to the flesh, feeling the strange woman and so on.

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I thought it was interesting that he was quick to refer to King David and how he didn't step down after his affair.


Nothing like using a Bible verse/reference for your own benefit when you need it. If only he had been so eager to read the Bible and apply those scriptures about giving no opportunity to the flesh, feeling the strange woman and so on.


Yes - that disgusted me too. He is no King David. And if he were - does he want what David brought down on his head for his fling? What a fool he is, this fellow. Sigh.

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I think she's wonderful, and her handling of the situation will earn her the respect of every woman in America.


However, the whole situation has got me trying to reason this question out philosophically (slow morning around here). Is it better to (a) preserve the sanctity of your home by not tolerating sin (what Jenny S. is doing), or (b) preserve the relationship, even at the cost of your dignity (sort of what Hilary C. did -- her husband probably still plays around, but at least their marriage is still intact, and they still have each other).


And, how much sin would you tolerate from other family members, like grown children? Would you (a) preserve the sanctity of your home by not tolerating sinful behavior or attitudes -- basically throwing out an older child with an unrepentant sin problem -- or (b) preserve relationships by letting things slide and hoping they'll mature?


I'm aware that this particular situation wasn't a one-night fling -- he was madly in love with this woman and desperate to get back to her -- but I guess I'm just wondering whether sanctity of the home is more important, or preserving a long-term relationship is more important. Just something to keep my mind busy while we try to decide what to do with a chronically-ill dog who is not doing well after surgery....

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She is absolutely amazing... I think they had the wrong candidate in that couple - she's a strong woman!




I applaud the first political wife I can think of who did not stand there while her husband confessed his sin publicly. Whether he manned up and didn't ask her to, or whether she had the guts to say no, it is a much better, imo, for the husband to take his lumps on his own, than for the wronged wife partake in the spectacle.


I do wonder who gave the emails from his private account to the newspaper. They got them the month that she found out about the affair.

I don't think they should have been printed, however. That kind of thing serves no public benefit and is harmful to the family. Now the sons will be able to access the info when they're old enough to do an internet search. Some privacy should be respected for everyone's sakes.


As for a governor leaving his state unattended--that was critically poor judgment. I suppose one could say that in the internet age, he could have kept track of everything that was happening and been in touch immediately, but it still doesn't sit well that he left the country with absolutely no one knowing where he was.


My sons used to marvel at why Samson kept telling Delilah his secrets when she was obviously betraying him. We used to tell them, "Hormones can make you stupid." i.e. Be warned. Ayup.

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I thought it was interesting that he was quick to refer to King David and how he didn't step down after his affair.


Nothing like using a Bible verse/reference for your own benefit when you need it. If only he had been so eager to read the Bible and apply those scriptures about giving no opportunity to the flesh, feeling the strange woman and so on.


I agree. I would like to see him step down. It would be the right thing to do.

Edited by Texas T
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Although I am not a Christian myself, I think that Jenny Sanford is an amazing example of a Christian wife and mother. What a role model for the rest of us! She's really got a great head on her shoulders. I admire her tremendously. Her kids are lucky to have her - and Mark Sanford is a complete idiot for treating her this way. What a tool.

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I think she's wonderful, and her handling of the situation will earn her the respect of every woman in America.


However, the whole situation has got me trying to reason this question out philosophically (slow morning around here). Is it better to (a) preserve the sanctity of your home by not tolerating sin (what Jenny S. is doing), or (b) preserve the relationship, even at the cost of your dignity (sort of what Hilary C. did -- her husband probably still plays around, but at least their marriage is still intact, and they still have each other).




I don't think she is doing either of those things. I think she has told him that if he wishes to keep their marriage going he is going to have to do certain things. (Or rather to *stop* doing certain things.) She is not tossing him on his ear (yet), but she is also not going to go up and humiliate herself by standing there while her husband rehashes his sins to the world. Have you read her statement? Here is where it can be found. This part of her statement says it all to me:

I believe wholeheartedly in the sanctity, dignity and importance of the institution of marriage. I believe that has been consistently reflected in my actions. When I found out about my husband's infidelity I worked immediately to first seek reconciliation through forgiveness, and then to work diligently to repair our marriage. We reached a point where I felt it was important to look my sons in the eyes and maintain my dignity, self-respect, and my basic sense of right and wrong. I therefore asked my husband to leave two weeks ago.


I have tremendous respect for her. What kind of marriage would you really have if you just took the lumps and let him keep going? What would that teach her children? His sin needs to be dealt with. God does not call us to sit in marriages where the husband does what he wishes. You would just be another one of his harlots at that point. No thank you.

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