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One more BIG STEP towards Malaysia!

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So yesterday we moved out of our home! All of our stuff is gone...shipped or stored. We spent last night at my brother's house and today we leave for our trip down south to visit friends before we move.


It was SO WEIRD looking at the empty home...the echoing foot steps...the memories of laughter. We enjoyed this home a lot. I don't feel sad because I know it is just bricks and drywall...my memories and my family come with me.


My oldest son said "How can I be so excited to move to Malaysia and still be sad to leave this home?" He felt like it was an either/or type of thing. I told him that loving one thing does NOT require hating another. You CAN love both. You can like Malaysia AND Michigan AND North Carolina AND....


I really hope that my boys learn that lesson about life. We have so many choices. I don't want them to lead an either/or kind of life...I want them to have a both/and life. Achieving balance, taking chances, stepping outside the box.



this is so exciting :D

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I walked through our old house for the last time on Sunday. It was echo-y and empty and I am so glad to be out of it! Out from under the size, the pool, the loud motorcycle that woke us up every morning at 4. We are so happy in our new, tiny place. And the public pool is only a few houses away! We don't have to clean it and add chlorine or nothin'! Can you tell I'm excited? Now the big job is finding places for our stuff. I've gotten rid of so much that we just didn't need. I feel lighter. :001_smile:


Good luck on your journey! Stepping outside the box rocks! :party:

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