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I used FlyLady for a while.


My advice is to remember that it's about the principles behind the system, not the specifics of the system itself. In other words, even though I never put shining my sink as a priority, I did put something as a priority, followed through, and it still worked for me. You'll find that FlyLady herself recommends this too. She recommends making the ideas work for you in practical ways.


There is a place on her website to sign up. I didn't mind getting 10 emails a day, because I needed the reminders. And all I had to do, after the first two weeks of getting them, was read the subject line. I then either decided to do the job or not, and then deleted the email without guilt. If I didn't have time to read a testimony that day I deleted it. FlyLady also says to do this, but many people feel compelled to read everything that lands in their inbox so they get overwhelmed. Actually, FlyLady, and deleting her emails, completely changed my relationship with email. I am much faster at deleting forwarded junk and it has freed me.


Anyway, FlyLady overall helped me look at my home differently. She helped me to see what I was and wasn't doing, and how easy it really is to get things done once you get into the routine. She helped me let go of the feeling of being perpetually behind.


I hope you have a good experience. :)

Edited by CookieMonster
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My advice is to remember that it's about the principles behind the system, not the specifics of the system itself.



I have never signed up for the emails, because it would drive me mad. What I did was read the book (which is pretty much the basic website, only more readable to me) and use the principles behind it. I designed my own chore schedule. I really like the Zone idea, and now I use her Zone schedule, which you can get on her website (I just get the 'sneak peek for the week' from there instead of the emails).


So what I would do is look over the website and see if you think it will fit you. The tone may drive you crazy (or not), but look at the principles and see what you think. There are quite a few usable ideas in there. For someone as messy as I am, it really helps to think of some of her adages--housework half-done still blesses your family, don't exhaust yourself, etc. You don't have to do it all today or have a perfect home, you just need to do a little bit every day.

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I have used her e-mails off and on for years. You can feel overwhelmed starting out, but she encourages you to just take one step at a time. I had a Danish neighbor whose home was always clean and organized, she cooked wonderful meals for her family and still had time to invite me over for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. It took me two years of doing FlyLady to realize that my friend did a lot of what was suggested, naturally. It's the little daily routines like wiping down your bathrooms, keeping your sink empty, doing a load of laundry a day, and picking up after yourself that leave your with a tidy house and more time on your hands. She reminds you that life is a work in progress. I always thought cleaning house involved getting down on my hands and knees with a toothbrush, and scrubbing every surface imaginable (thanks, Mom :D).


Oh, she does encourage you to get dressed every day to the make-up and the shoes. This is not for the faint-hearted.

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I think Flylady is a wonderful website. The baby steps are great. In the past I have subscribed to the emails for a time, but long term they really drive me nuts. I prefer to go to the website and glean a few ideas from time to time when my housekeeping is getting out of control.



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