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Question for Virginians- HS regulations

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I moved here in late Dec. and put in my intent of homeschooling and a description of our school subjects and resources in early Jan. It was approved. I have tested the girls. Now I am wondering what do I exactly have to do and when. I think the deadline is sometime in Aug but I do I send in the test results first and the description later? What if I am not sure what they will do in all areas? For example, my older daughter will take some classes at home, some in co-op with home supplementation, some at CC, and maybe some online. The CC choices for SPring won't be made yet, and neither will second semester online. In fact, although we are in VA now and have to file VA paperwork, we are, in fact, Floridians and so we can use Florida Virtual for school without cost. If I use this with either, I won't start them until September at the earliest and maybe nor till later. How vague can I be and get away with it? I know math for both girls and English for one and social science for the other. I have some ideas about science but haven;t chosen books yet and won't know for sure until later.

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We're also military and technically Floridians. We don't use the Florida Virtual , but it's nice to know that's an option.


As for what to do now, you can send in your test results anytime before Aug 1st. If you have your new NOI and description of curriculum ready you can send that in with it, otherwise that would be due by Aug 15th.


As for the how vague the description can be. I just typed up mine and this is what I put.



Our curriculum is based on an interdisciplinary, cross-curricular, child-initiated learning approach. We plan to make use of a combination of formal instruction, independent study, and project-based learning by using textbooks, the public library, field trips, video and computer curriculum and other resources that we feel are beneficial to their education.


Our coursework planned for Everett includes the study of Literature, Writing, Spelling, Cursive Penmanship and Grammar, Teaching Textbooks Grade 6 Math, History of Early Modern Times, Science covering areas of historical and mechanical technology, geology, biology and micrology, and Art.


Our coursework planned for Annika Clare includes a continuation of Phonics, and Reading Skills, Penmanship skills, Basic Grammar, an introduction to Writing, Spelling, Christian Light Education Grade 2 Math, History of Early Modern Times, Science covering areas of historical and mechanical technology, geology, biology and micrology, and Art.


We appreciate the ability to change any and all methods and materials in order to meet our children’s learning needs as the year progresses.


I hereby certify that I am the parent of the children listed above.



You don't really have to give specifics. If you're filing under option 1 like us you basically just need to give them the subject areas you feel you'll be covering. I always add in that last part which basically says I reserve the right to change my mind, methods and materials depending on what we see as fit for our children.

I have a copy of my letter as a word document if you'd like me to email you a copy please email me at fawkes.academy@gmail.com and I'd be happy to send you one. You could just tweak it for your kids and be all set. I usually just open up last years word file change the ages of the kids, and adjust a few things in the course work area and I'm done.



PS if you know math and la you're ok, just put something pretty vague for everything else. I've found VA is really only concerned with math and LA anyways.


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My letter stated that the letter is "to inform you of my intent to homeschool my son, (his name) during the 2009-20010 school year. Enclosed is my high school diploma." Then I stated that a list of my curriculum was listed below etc. -very short and too the point. Then I listed my curriculum for the year. I wouldn't worry about not knowing for certain whether those choices will change during the year. People here have the same problems that many other people have-that of getting into a curriculum and then having to shelve it. The first year we home schooled, I ended up enrolling my ds in Calvert Academy after just a few weeks, so much of the curriculum I listed on my letter of intent never got used. The letter of intent as well as test results are due by August 1. Since I usually test in May, I get my letter of intent, a copy of my hs diploma,and a copy of my CAT results all packed in one envelope. I keep the originals of everything. I even make a copy of my letter of intent so I know exactly what I said.

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The Deadline is August 15th, I think, but I don't know of any county that is so strict that they will give you a hard time about filing late. I got to know my school board ladies very well since I would hand deliver our letters of intent and test scores each year. They would say hello to my kids and ask them how they were enjoying school. They are mostly very, very nice people.


I'd send the results of the testing and send in your letter of intent at the same time and just be as specific as you can. Tell them what you plan to do at this moment and mention the other things as possibilities. They really just want to know that you have thought about this stuff and that you aren't planning to have them work in a sweatshop ;) I have found that mentioning community outings goes over very well.

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As far as I can tell from HSLDA's Legal Analysis of VA law, you only have to list "curriculum," which is what you will be teaching, NOT the methods you'll be using, or any outsourcing, or co-ops, or virtual courses, or a list of textbooks, or anything.


You submit your curriculum--the list of subjects you'll be teaching--with your NOI by August 15. It doesn't matter if you change your mind later and do something different.

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Check www.heav.org

I send my test scores and my Notice of Intent at the same time, even though they are due separately (test scores are due August 1st, NOI is due the 15th). I am pretty vague, and sometimes change what I'm going to do half way though the year :)

When we moved to this county, I sent in a copy of my diploma. Ever since then, I send in a note that they have my diploma on file and don't send in another copy :)

As far as being Floridians living in VA.....I have no idea....maybe contact HSLDA and see what they recommend?




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Guest Virginia Dawn

I turn in my tests from the year before, and my intent for the next year, in the same package. I also include a copy of my husbands BA and a "Program of Study" sheet for each child.


The Program of Study includes ONLY a list of Math and Language Arts resources and a short description of the scope of each subject with a statment that they fulfill and/or exceed the Virginia Standards of Learning for Math and Language Arts. That is all that is required and that is all that I have done for the last 17 years, living in two Virginia Counties.


You do not need to provide any extra explanatory statements. In fact it is recommended that you do not give any more information than is absolutely necessary by law.

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I send in my NOI and program of study together. We do portfolios instead of testing, but since that tends to be a physically larger package ;) it gets mailed separately. I do choose to pay extra for delivery confirmation.


This is what I send in for my NOI:



I am providing notice of my intent to provide home instruction for the

children listed below as provided for by Section 22.1-254.1 of the Code

of Virginia (1950) as amended, in lieu of having them attend public

school during the 2009-2010 school year.


Yacko 07/26/1996

Wacko 04/24/1998

Dot 10/17/2003

I am eligible to provide home instruction under the option indicated


Option i: I have a high school diploma.

A copy of my diploma is on file in your office.

Attached please find a description of my program of study.

I understand that, if my child has reached age six by September 30 of this school

year, I must provide evidence of educational achievement by August 1.

I hereby certify that I am the parent or guardian of the child or children listed


Signature_________________________________ Date August 1, 2009

name and address



My program of study:

Program of Study Description




Christian Light Education level 500

Language Arts:

Christian Light Education level 500




Christian Light Education - level 500

Language Arts:

Christian Light Education - level 400




Christian Light Education - level 100

Language Arts:

Christian Light Education - level 100

Explode the Code phonics - level 4


All children will meet or exceed the appropriate Standards of

Learning for their grade level using the aforementioned


History, science, art, music, physical education and foreign

language will also be studied using a variety of sources,

materials and approaches.



I don't know if listing the level they're using is necessary; I hope not because the boys levels change frequently, but I know for a fact that no one really cares if they end up using something different that what you list at the beginning of the year.

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