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Does SWB say how to combine FLL 1 with WWE 1?


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I thought I read somewhere that you just do one lesson from each book. That WWE was designed to cover the skills learned in FLL about 2 weeks after they were introduced.


*I, of course, could be wrong though. :)

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If you start both programs at the same time, the lessons will be lined up. FLL is meant to be done 2-3 times per week, depending on how many weeks you do school, there are 100 lessons in a year. WWE is 4 lessons per week. I am simply following these guidelines and everything is matching up on its own: WWE seems to reinforce the topics that we learned recently in FLL.

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I don't have the workbook, I just bought WWE the Complete Writer.


I'm looking at the table of contents in FLL. I just don't see how to combine the two. I would rather use the narration exercises in FLL, that way I don't have to come up with my own.


I think I read somewhere to drop the narrations in FLL and only use the narrations in WWE, but then I would have to come up with my own if I don't use the workbook. Why would I need to come up with my own if they are already in FLL?


Why does FLL not introduce copy work until lesson 42 and WWE day 1?


I'm starting to think I won't need WWE if I use FLL?


I really don't want to to do too much. It seems that doing both would be repetitive?


I'm really confused. I don't want to put too much on my 1st grader.

I thought the programs were to be used together.




Would the program make more sense if I bought the workbook and dropped all copy work and narration in FLL. If I do that do I drop the picture narration in FLL?

Edited by Tabrett
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If you just use FLL, and do it 2-3 times per week, you will probably only be doing one narration every other week, and copywork only once a week or so. IMO this isn't quite enough. If you combine the two, you will be doing two or three narrations a week and copywork 3-4 times per week. This has been a good amount for us and hasn't seemed like too much at all. The two subjects together usually only take us 15-20 minutes, 4 times a week. The copywork is only one sentence per day. I do skip the FLL copywork (or narration) if there is WWE copywork (or narration) assigned for the same day.


If you don't want to use the workbook for WWE, you could come up with 1-2 more narrations per week on your own, using the narration guidelines in your WWE book. These could be from other books you are reading for other subjects. I'll be skipping some WWE workbook narrations this year and having dd narrate from some of the history books we are reading for TOG. You could pick sentences from whatever the source material is that you are using for narrations for your copywork. Just make sure that the sentences you use for copywork reinforce the grammar you are learning about in FLL.


I will say though: the WWE workbook is a *real* time saver and has worked really well for us. I highly recommend using it, especially if you don't have a clear understanding of how to start out with SWB's writing program. After using it for a couple months it is starting to make a lot of sense to me.

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My first grader does both FLL and WWE. We don't do the copywork in FLL (except for the personal info). She loves narrations, though, so we always do those. What works for us is to do FLL and WWE the first three days and just WWE the fourth day. After a few weeks the fourth day of WWE 1 is both narration and copywork so it takes a little longer than the other days. It would be a rare day we would spend more than 15 minutes on writing and grammar.


As an aside, I would really consider WWE to be more important at this age. My third grader started both this year, and he had no problem with FLL 3. But he couldn't even start in WWE 2; he's still working on WWE 1 (which I desperately want to finish this summer). WWE has improved his writing and his writing attitude immensely, but I wish I had started him writing this way earlier.


Julie D.

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We are using FLL and WWE 1 at the same time. I noticed that they do seem to match up well. I have not made my dd do the enrichment activities in FLL. I think that it would be just too much writing for her at this time. She doesn't like to write as it is, and I think doing all the writing would turn into a war. :tongue_smilie: However, if your dc love to write, then I don't know why you would not want to give them the extra practice :D.

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If you start both programs at the same time, the lessons will be lined up. FLL is meant to be done 2-3 times per week, depending on how many weeks you do school, there are 100 lessons in a year. WWE is 4 lessons per week.
I have had such a hard time figuring this out. :001_huh: You would think I wouldn't.:D


Finally, we are happy with this: Monday: FLL and WWE copywork, Tuesday: WWE narration, Cursive handwriting from Zaner Bloser, Wednesday: FLL and WWE copywork. Rinse and repeat. Whew! It is working!

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I have had such a hard time figuring this out. :001_huh: You would think I wouldn't.:D


Finally, we are happy with this: Monday: FLL and WWE copywork, Tuesday: WWE narration, Cursive handwriting from Zaner Bloser, Wednesday: FLL and WWE copywork. Rinse and repeat. Whew! It is working!


That sounds like a good schedule! It took me a while to figure it out too. At one point my dd5 was doing her WWE copywork and I thought to myself "hey, what a cool coincidence, she just learned about capitalizing proper nouns in FLL, and now they are in her copywork assignment! .....Oh....wait. They did that on purpose." :D


Now that I am starting TOG I'm trying to integrate one of the narrations and one of the copywork assignments with the books we are reading with that program, so we will probably only use the WWE workbook 2 times a week and FLL 2 times a week. Hopefully I won't mess up a good thing!

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  • 4 weeks later...
I looked, and if you go to www.peacehillpress.com, and click on the the picture of the catalog, you will find an explanation on how to use the two together. Look on pages 22 and 23. HTH!


You know, I thought it was so weird they didn't explain somewhere how to put the two together, LOL! I do think they should have a spot on their website though where they make it just as clear, kwim? I don't usually download a catalog when I'm looking at someone's stuff online. :tongue_smilie:

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