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Why is New Hampshire the only state with no adult seat belt law?

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So some would say let the orphans and first responders suffer. But I don't want to live in that sort of society. Does anyone truly want to?


You want us to choose between a society where everyone is free and some people suffer, or a society where nobody is truly free and people still suffer?

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I'm just curious as to whether people who say that one shouldn't regulate private behavior are also tolerant (or allowing, at least) of alternate lifestyles. It sounds like you are. You had expressed a libertarian perspective and I was wondering how far it extended.


I can only speak for myself of course, but in my case it extends so far that it actually causes conflict on some issues that are difficult for me to resolve. One particular example that hopefully will not cause too much disagreement on this board is pornography. I abhor it. I do not allow it in my household, on any family computers or allow my children to access it. My personal choice on this issue is against.


My hubby on the other hand is a different matter. He is a grown man and I feel that he should have the right to make his own decisions. If he was single, his choice would be for. We are both adults with the freedom to make our own choices as long as we don't hurt someone else and while it could be argued that it would hurt my feelings, I think that it would be a much more difficult argument to say that it would physically hurt me. In this particular case are choices are in conflict and we have to resolve this issue between ourselves. In our case, my hubby gives on this issue because it is so very important to me. But it took a very long time and a lot of hard work to get here.


It would have been so much easier for me if it was just illegal. Actually, I believe that society as a whole would be better off if porn was illegal. However, my love of freedom overrides my hatred of pornography so I would not be able to support that. This is gives a true life, close to the bone example of wrestling with these kinds of conflicts. I yet to find a single issue in which my personal preferences have overriden my believe in personal freedoms. This is one of my most important values, something I would be willing to fight and die for.


There is one issue like this in which the conflicting sides seem to have equal weight in my mind and I am therefore unable to make a decision on this issue and have been at this standstill on this issue for pretty close to 20 years.


I hope that this has at least given you an idea of how some people wrestle with this issue. Hopefully some of our other freedom minded people will weight in on the subject.

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