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DD has bad brain fog with pre-monthly time- help

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My dd has severe pre-monthly time problems and severe monthly cramps. I am taking her to a gynocologist next week. HOwever, this question involves schooling. She has such severe bnrain fog with her pre time that she literally forgets almost everything she knows. FOr example, she has been doing ALEKS geometry. She was almost done with the complete course. Then she had an evaluation yesterday. INstead of being 90% done with triangles, she fell to 43%. Instead of being 66% done with coordinate geometry, (and this is what she has been studying the last week and a half), she fell on that too. Her anxiety level rises in this time and doing worse in school is no help. In homeschool, we keep on working. In college or work- what then? Her ADHD gets worse, her anxiety gets worse, her sleep problems occur, and whatever else contributes to her general brain fog. It is most obvious with her math and science but it affects everything to some degree. I have never had such problems so I can't help her with my experiences. (I get migraines and asthma flares). Anyone have any advice? I know she won't be able to go on hormone things since she has severe migraine problems too.

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Could be related to the prostaglandins (and I know that is not spelled right!) in her system. You might try given her a medium-high dosage of ibruprofen 2 days before her period starts, continuing until after the cramps usually go away (my cramps were so bad, I can relate--just had them at the start, tho--I took 800mg of ibruprofen). Of course, I'm not a dr.

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Oh, and I was also told to take a B-complex vitamin and avoid caffeine to prevent/reduce PMS cramping.


Lastly, I know from experience that raspberry leaf tea works very well to alleviate the cramping, but it has to be the real thing, not a "flavored" tea.

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A good food based vitamin would be one thing. I can tell when I'm going to start, because of how bad my legs hurt...until I take a vitamin...probably the vitamin B?? And, just be patient. It's nice to have the internet and such now. When I was a teen, I didn't even know that I could take something for the pain. My mom had never had periods that even started to hurt. I, on the other hand, felt as though someone was playing with knives inside of me.

The raspberry tea is great for you....(if possibly pregnant, you have to use with wisdom.)


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