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Ok that's IT! (m)

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I'm charging the kids for pencils! If 10cents doesn't hurt them enough to keep track of them, I'll start charging 25cents. I just might end up turning a profit! :rolleyes:


After trying a bunch of things to try to keep track of pencils, I finally just saturated the house with them: there are big cups of pencils in two different places and we can always find one when we need it.



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Really I feel like we have pencil explosions. or are our pencils reproducing. I have bins full of pencils.

I like your idea though. I should do that with spoons, which seem to disappear here.


So good to know that silverware disappears in someone else's house. I don't know where it goes. Pencils I have but only because I buy in volume. I would like to know where my blue pens go though, I am the "only" one who uses them but I can never find them.

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That's what I do.

At the beginning of the year I gave each child a brand new box of Ticonderogas, and each pencil was labeled with an identifying color or a little page reinforcer or whatever. So now everyone knows that if you find a pencil with a red splotch on it, it belongs do dd7 and so forth. The first box of pencils was free, and any additional pencils need to be purchased from the "school store" at the price of .25/each. I've yet to sell one, so I think it's working for me. :)

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Oh wow...what an awesome idea!

See, THAT's why I enjoy coming to this board. Simple, yet BRILLIANT ideas like this.


I'm going to start this too.


But, um, small problem...my kids don't ever get any money. LOL Ok, have to do something about that, THEN start the 'pay for your pencils' idea.




Perhaps they could 'pay' by doing an extra chore or something though eh? Or would that come across too much like 'punishment' ?? I'm not talking major..swipe the bathroom counters, or the light switches, vacuum one room...that kind of thing. Ya think?


Nonetheless, great idea!

I like the designated color idea too.



Maybe this will curb the number of pencils I find stuffed in my couch/chair cushions too :p

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Oh wow...what an awesome idea!

See, THAT's why I enjoy coming to this board. Simple, yet BRILLIANT ideas like this.


I'm going to start this too.


But, um, small problem...my kids don't ever get any money. LOL Ok, have to do something about that, THEN start the 'pay for your pencils' idea.




Perhaps they could 'pay' by doing an extra chore or something though eh? Or would that come across too much like 'punishment' ?? I'm not talking major..swipe the bathroom counters, or the light switches, vacuum one room...that kind of thing. Ya think?


Nonetheless, great idea!

I like the designated color idea too.



Maybe this will curb the number of pencils I find stuffed in my couch/chair cushions too :p


my ds8 a dime to kill a spider for me :cool:.


I've also put a quarter reward for a lost sippy cup or snack bowl's return.


I also pay my boys in change for doing things for me that I could do myself but just don't want to. I never pay for things I need them to do because I'm up to my eyeballs with other things. So, if I'm reading, but the bathroom counter needs a swipe, I'll offer them a bit of change to do it. If I'm vacuuming, making dinner, and changing a diaper, and the bathroom counter needs a swipe, then they do it for free. And they aren't allowed to ask for money when I tell them to do something.


So basically I give them my spare change for making my life easier :D. And I never pay over a quarter.

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Ooh, ooh! I'm thinking about charging for laundry!!


When it's time to clean their room, mine scoop up all clothes & put them in the hamper. No. matter. what.:confused: And lest you think I'm unsanitary;), I'm talking coats, zip-up sweaters, etc.--worn for under 5 min sometimes!!!:eek:


I read the thread about laundry recently. Several of you make your 7yos & up do their own. Hmm.... Ds7 is the worse culprit of the two, but...our laundry is outside, down the sidewalk & costs 1.50/load to wash + dry. (Although that would REALLY teach him, wouldn't it?) But I'm afraid that a) he'd need way too much supervision & b) he'd LIKE it. LOL:D

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