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Playstation 2 - Can anyone recommend games for a 9yo boy?

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My ds9 already has a ton of PS2 games, but he has some money burning a hole in his pocket and would like to buy a new game. Can anyone recommend something fun and educational? (Ok, probably not educational, but I had to put that in there to see if you were paying attention! ;))


He already loves the PS2 Lego games, as well as games like the Sly Cooper series. I don't want anything super-violent or that has overly suggestive female characters, but other than that, I'm open to pretty much anything anyone can suggest. He likes all kinds of games, so I can't really provide any more guidelines.





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My son loves the CARS one (with characters fromthe movie). I think there are 2 versions. He likes that he can either race or do freestyle kinds of things. The other favorite is the ATV series where he can race 4wheelers. I don't like the music on that one so we just turn the music off. He prefers the reving engines anyway.


The other one he and friends like to play is based on the characters of Flushed Away. We hated the movie but they like the game for some reason.

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Mine like the Shrek games, Ratchet and Clank, LEGO.... SSX, SSX tricky (snowboarding games), any kind of skateboarding game, oh, and also those ATV, Motocross games, too - those are BIG faves around here.


I have to also say that mine LOVE all of the Lord of the Rings games - they are freaks about the movies and the books, so although the violence is a bit on the high side, DH and I enjoy them and dont mind letting them destroy some orcs :)

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I was told by DS to add the Nicktoon/Spongebob games, and our very favorite (mine, too).... KINGDOM HEARTS - super fun! You get to travel with Donald and Goofy to different worlds (all Disney movies like Tarzan, Alladin, Peter Pan, Hercules, etc...) in order to help King Mickey . It may sound juvenile, but it really isn't at all. It has great graphics and the story line is quite smart. My kids have loved this game and the sequel continuously for many, many years. (I have even "won" the game 2x - and enjoyed it quite a bit;)).

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My kids(ds now 11 and dd now 14) have quite a few PS2 games, and these two series are the ones they have played and enjoyed the most. My son wanted me to also suggest the Gran Tourismo 3 racing game. He plays it but not nearly as much as the first two. They are the real winners at our house.


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Well... the verdict is in! Ds ended up choosing Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. (Thanks, Stacia and lgm!) He really likes it so far! Thanks so much for all of the suggestions -- it gave us some specific titles to look for at the game store, instead of wandering aimlessly, looking at thousands of game boxes.


It sounds like many of our kids enjoy the same games. My ds already has the Gran Turismo game that Sue recommended, several Nicktoons and Lego titles and Kingdom Hearts that Mrs MacGyver suggested, and while he claims not to be interested in the Cars game, I'm thinking of ordering the Flushed Away game that Dobela mentioned. (My ds had no interest in the movie, either, but if the game is fun, I'm sure he'll like it.) Secular Mom mentioned Super Monkey Ball, but we didn't see that one today, so ds has it on his list of games to look for next time.


Thanks again for all of the wonderful suggestions! :hurray: If anyone else has any ideas, please keep posting, as I'm always stashing away games to give ds as little surprises.



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Our current favorite is Dance Dance Revolution....got it at Walmart for $25. Best money I have spent in a long time. The kids LOVE it, and the fact that it gets them up and moving is a huge plus.


I know there are several different DDRs -- do you know which one might be best for a boy? Some of them seem pretty girly!





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(If you have a Wii too, we can offer even more suggestions! ;) Personally, I'm a big fan of Mario Kart racing. :lol:)


We don't have a Wii yet, as I'm trying to cut back on the video games a bit, and if we buy a new system, all bets are off! I think ds would enjoy a Wii, though, as our car dealership has one in the waiting area and ds loves playing the sports games, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I give in... ;)



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I know there are several different DDRs -- do you know which one might be best for a boy? Some of them seem pretty girly!





I'm not sure which one we have, but there are videos that play during some of the songs that you might object to (hoochie dancing and such).

Just giving you a heads up.

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Thanks, skai!


I like Katamari Damacy, too! I bought it for ds last Christmas because it was on sale at Amazon for 9.99 and the reviews were excellent, but I haven't purchased We Love Katamari game you mentioned because while ds enjoys Katamari when he plays it, he doesn't pick it up on his own unless I challenge him to a game.


Personally, I like rolling everything into the big balls of stuff! :001_smile:



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