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allergic reaction to pears?

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My 9yo son has severe food allergies to eggs and most nuts. Throat closes up, etc. Well, about two weeks ago he was eating a pear and about half way through he started complaining about that "eggy" feeling in his mouth. I sort of brushed him off at first, because he had been being a pain in general about his lunch that day, but after a few minutes he seemed to be getting really bad, thought he was going to throw up, etc. so I got him some benadryl fast and he calmed down after a bit.

We chalked it up to somehow getting some mayo on his hands or on the pear from one of the other kids lunches.

Now today, I put a pear in his lunch for a day out at the park and after two bites, he was saying he was getting the same reaction. This time, my husband took a few bites to try it out and he said that it gave him that same feeling that you can get from eating walnuts - kind of chalky/dry on your teeth and roof of your mouth, if you know what I mean.

Any ideas on this??? He's had pears tons of times before - it just seems so weird.

Thanks for any help


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thank you so much! I checked out that link and it looks like that is probably exactly what is going on. He is allergic to birch pollen which has been in high season for the last month or so. I would never have had any clue about this...love the internet!


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I get an itchy throat and mouth if I eat certain things,and they change, when I was younger....it was bananas...then almonds, avocados, raw nuts, carrots, peaches, nectarings, apples.... (you get the picture) I'm fine if I cook them...or if they're in a smoothie.... usually fine with apples in say..fondue....

There was an allergy pamphlet at Kaiser Insurance that someone picked up for me...I finally feel validated!


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Dd's throat first started closing up when she would eat apples. She loved apples. Next came carrots. Then strawberries, pears, oranges, lemons, lettuce. At this point, she can't eat ANY fruits or vegetables that haven't been cooked. We have to keep liquid Benadryl on close hand in case someone in a restaurant puts a lemon wedge in her water and takes it out since she doesn't want lemon. You would be surprised how often it happens.:tongue_smilie:

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