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What should I spend money on?

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I moved in December from Florida and there we had free community college classes. Here they are 94 a credit. That means almost 300 to 400 a course. Then there is BJU Science and maybe Spanish 3 which would be nearly 800. Then I was looking at a online AP English class and that is close to 500. Finally there is Chalkdust Algebra 2 at 500. This is all for one child and without books in CC. We also have a bill upcoming for tuition for our older son at 4000.


She doesn't yet know what she will do in community college here but most likely a social science course. She is considering going into law or maybe psychology or politics (but definitely a policy person, not the candidate). However, she has also been seriously thinking about psychiatry which ivolves a medical degree. Therefore, while I had been thinking about an easier and cheaper Biology course, I think I have to go with a very rigorous one so as to not limit her options. She is a very auditory child and really needs lectures and not just texts. She can do completely or nearly completely reading work but since her visual memory is poor, it takes her a long time. SO this year, her 11th, I need to bite the bullet and change all her courses to lectures whether on DVD, online, by me, or in college.

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I moved in December from Florida and there we had free community college classes. Here they are 94 a credit. That means almost 300 to 400 a course. Then there is BJU Science and maybe Spanish 3 which would be nearly 800. Then I was looking at a online AP English class and that is close to 500. Finally there is Chalkdust Algebra 2 at 500. This is all for one child and without books in CC. We also have a bill upcoming for tuition for our older son at 4000.


She doesn't yet know what she will do in community college here but most likely a social science course. She is considering going into law or maybe psychology or politics (but definitely a policy person, not the candidate). However, she has also been seriously thinking about psychiatry which ivolves a medical degree. Therefore, while I had been thinking about an easier and cheaper Biology course, I think I have to go with a very rigorous one so as to not limit her options. She is a very auditory child and really needs lectures and not just texts. She can do completely or nearly completely reading work but since her visual memory is poor, it takes her a long time. SO this year, her 11th, I need to bite the bullet and change all her courses to lectures whether on DVD, online, by me, or in college.


I thought community college was free in Va??? We moved from Va to SC 11 years ago, from a wonderful co-op and tons of support to a smaller community with just a technical college (which has less than community) and a 4-year college, where it is $250/credit hour. Ended up doing it all myself. We had a lot of financial challenges, so had to go somewhat cheaply, but sacrificed when we needed to.


What grade is your daughter going into?

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