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Need Advice about sick cat

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OUr beloved 14 year old cat has been under the weather for a couple of weeks- lost a lot of weight, not eating much at all, not using the litter, lethargic and for the last day or so has been giving off a terrible smell. I'm afraid to take him to the vet lest we are advised to put him down which would be traumatic for the entire family. Any advice on what I should do.

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You can ask Soph the vet on the social group section. But I would definitely take your kitty to the vet. I hope he is ok, and you don't have to put him down. But as one who just 2 weeks ago had to put a loved pet to sleep, I can say that sometimes it is best for the pet, even if it doesn't feel best for us. Anyway, I hope it is something simple.



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Is poor kitty in indoor/outdoor cat? He could have been in a fight and have an abscess somewhere which is causing his misery and smell. You probably should take him to the vet. It could be easily treatable....14 isn't that old for a kitty cat!



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