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Organizing kids books--will this work?

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We have a tall bookshelf that is all non-fiction kids books. Right now they are in catagories with cardboard dividers that show what catagory it is (dinosaur, earth, etc.). The problem is that the kids pull a book out and all of the other flop to the side and the kids can't lift them to put them back so they leave the book on the floor:glare:. I've tried bookends and they didn't work. I was thinking about getting a bunch of magazine boxes http://www.amazon.com/Bankers-Low-Cost-Fiberboard-Magazine-File/dp/B0000AI45R/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1243291703&sr=8-3 and putting the books in those. In theory, the kids could then just pull out a box, get a book and put the box back. I would also be easier for me to pull out all the Christmas books or all of the Jupiter books. Will this work or am I just wasting money? Any better ideas are welcome!!

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With my kids: waste of money. They'd pull out a magazine holder and end up dropping all the books out of it. Then there'd be a big pile of books on the floor. Or they'd try to shove them back in and rip covers and such.


Maybe your kids aren't as frenetic as mine seem to be most of the time.

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Maybe you could use something like this



If the link doesn't work, they are fabric storage bins from Target. They are fairly sturdy, and you could put books in them by category, and just put the bins on the shelf. The website says they are $9.99, but I paid about $6 in store. They are 13x13. hth

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Depending on how many books they go through ...


We've got a 'Recently Been Read' bin on the floor of my library (well, I say mine, but I let the kids in, LOL). Borrowed books are returned to this bin if they can't get them on the shelf, and anything recently used in a lesson ends up there too ... this way the kids (mine are young) are encouraged to keep browsing what we just learned about.


Anyway, make a Returns bin for your library, and then either you can empty it on a regular basis (once a day, once a week, whatever rate it fills up) or you can make it part of the family cleaning routine ... the kids hand you the books one at a time and you put them back. Models how they go until the kids are strong enough to do it themselves, and still keeps them responsible for cleaning up rather than leaving a mess.

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