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What do Lego-maniac children become?....


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I have a Lego maniac ds almost 10. He could spend 17 hours straight putting things together following instructions, or creating them himself. He is meticulous with his Lego building, but not with ANYTHING else. Writing, math, reading (the list goes on) tends to be sloppy.


What kind of learner/doer is he visual/spatial? I would love to hear from other parents of Lego-maniacs. What interests did your child develop? I am sure his Lego-mania (also loves K'nex, and toys that similarly engage the brain) is pointing to an area of talent that translates to some sort of occupation. I would like to identify it, so I can cultivate that and help him explore areas that he will be really passionate about.

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Engineers?? Sounds like what I can imagine my husband doing as a child. Especially the creating himself...and wanting pieces that "Lego" hasn't thought to create, yet! And, if he's spending time reading instructions and such..his reading is probably fine for comprehension:-) Do you look at Timberdoodle? I wish I could buy all of the stuff in there for my son...for now his set of Legos will have to do...


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Go to the Lego page, or google for Lego Digital Designer. He may LOVE that. My son, who's 7.5, likes to make up odd models using all the virtual pieces. He's not into complex stuff yet, but the program can handle really cool stuff. (The part where it shows you how to build the model you've just created ... the 'instructions' ... doesn't seem to be very good yet though.)


Anyway, one cool thing ... if you don't use too many odd pieces, you can actually upload it to the site and purchase the kit you designed! And if you play on the My Lego Network game site, you can showcase some of your creations, and if it's a purchasable item you created, others could buy it too. He might think that's cool.


(No monetary kickbacks, alas, though. LOL.)


Anyway, I've liked the digital one because I don't have to trip over small pieces. :) It sates my son till I'm ready to get out our rather extensive Lego collection (mine from growing up, which is stored in several containers in the garage). He's also got his own small beginning collection.

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Thanks, everyone. This is what I was thinking too. Something linked to engineering or architecture. He had a very heavy clay period, until mom (me) started putting some heavy boundaries on clay usage. It was everywhere! I may need to relax my laws. :-)


He is definitely interested in robotics. He loves the lego designer software too. What is FLL competition?


Also, did any of you notice sloppiness in other areas? I'm wondering if it is all linked, or if it is more of an unrelated flaw that needs careful correction. All my engineer friends tend to be fussy and meticulous in all aspects of their lives. So that is the piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit for me..

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FLL = First Lego League

It is where a group of students get together and solve a problem using Legos and robotics. (edited to add, they compete at meets against other teams)

My DS would be into this, but he is young yet.

I am sure if you googled it, you could gets lots of info on FLL.

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