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Saying "hello" after a long absence...

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Hi everyone! I have been gone from the board for nearly a year now, though still homeschooling my youngest son. He graduates at the end of next week--can't believe it!--and will matriculate at Hillsdale College in their honors program late in the summer.


I am also just about finished with the 20th C history and literature class I have been teaching online. That has been fun, a lot of work, and challenging because of all the changes that have taken place over the past year.


Anyway, it is good to see so many familiar names, and I hope to pay more attention in the future. I do hope to continue teaching some online classes over the next few years. What does everyone else do with their time after finishing homeschooling? It would feel so weird not to teach someone!



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It's good to hear from you again; I always appreciate your wisdom.


I still have one 7th grader at home, but my oldest is also graduating this year. I, too, wonder what I will do with my "free" time after the youngest one has moved out. Let us know how you enjoy your on-line teaching endeavors!



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What does everyone else do with their time after finishing homeschooling? It would feel so weird not to teach someone!
Hi, Kathleen! I, too, have been absent from these boards for quite a while. But I lurk here on the HS board and answer the occasional question when I feel I have something to share. We graduated our youngest son 4 years ago, so I'm feeling more and more limited in that regard.


For my part, I took a year to just consider my options. I ended up going back to work. I didn't really feel the need to keep teaching -- I've never considered teaching a gift or a passion of mine, so I can't say I missed it.

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Guest Katia

Hi Kathleen! My dd is at Hillsdale as well...she'll be a Sophomore this fall. I can't believe her first year of college is over. Wow. Time certainly flies.

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Hi Kathleen!! It's so good to see you! :seeya:


I'll be officially done w/hs'ing as of this June. I, too, wonder what it is going to be like not teaching any longer.


Congratulations on your son entering Hillsdale. :001_smile:

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Thanks everyone! I appreciate the welcome back.


Margaret in CO, he is really looking forward to the Honors Program. He's actually taking a summer class at Hillsdale beginning next week, and then going on their Italy Western Civilization trip in July. I guess he's pretty excited about Hillsdale :001_smile:.

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