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Handwriting help for 4th/5t grade...

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ok.. i could use some recommendations..


my dd is just finshing 4th. we've been doing cursive since 2nd and her print was rather nice when we transitioned...


we did a co op this year where they required her to print her work instead if doing it in cursive, no problem. but somehow her print looks like CRAP! i mean all of a sudden it is awful! there no spaces, no capitals, its worse then my younger dd's!


so i figured we had better review some print this summer. im looking for a workbook style that has paragraph to print. we LOVE penwrite for cursive, but there print is only for 1st and 2nd grade and it doesnt look meaty enough.


any ideas? thanks!

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Are you wanting to stay with the same style? My dd LOVES Getty-Dubay Italic. It's makes for beautiful penmanship!



Would the 5th grade level have enough practice with the basic italic for someone just starting out? I have two fourth graders who are struggling with this also.

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yeah i think thats what she needs, not so much something that teachs as a copybook. but it has to be non boring ... a fun on biblicla copywork book would be perfect. any ideas?
Christian or non-Christian? I think Queen Homeschool might have that. They have different themes. I think they all have a Christian bent, but they do have different ones to choose from. You could e-mail and ask them or ask others who have gotten their copybooks from Queen's. www.queenhomeschool.com


Would the 5th grade level have enough practice with the basic italic for someone just starting out? I have two fourth graders who are struggling with this also.
Check out this site. http://allport.com/Catalog_Category.aspx?catid=128



She could do any level you wanted her to, it doesn't HAVE to be grade level. When my dd started it, I started her a level lower, as it had wider lines, and made it easier to practice. They also have cd's that have extra practice sheets you can print off. They're a decent price too!

Edited by Brindee
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do u happen to know wheres theres samples of the actual pages of the copywork for girls for queens? i dont see the actual pages... but would love to!!! thanks!



Christian or non-Christian? I think Queen Homeschool might have that. They have different themes. I think they all have a Christian bent, but they do have different ones to choose from. You could e-mail and ask them or ask others who have gotten their copybooks from Queen's. www.queenhomeschool.com


Check out this site. http://allport.com/Catalog_Category.aspx?catid=128



She could do any level you wanted her to, it doesn't HAVE to be grade level. When my dd started it, I started her a level lower, as it had wider lines, and made it easier to practice. They also have cd's that have extra practice sheets you can print off. They're a decent price too!

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Check out this site. http://allport.com/Catalog_Category.aspx?catid=128



She could do any level you wanted her to, it doesn't HAVE to be grade level. When my dd started it, I started her a level lower, as it had wider lines, and made it easier to practice. They also have cd's that have extra practice sheets you can print off. They're a decent price too!


What level would you recommend starting at? Would you go all the way back to the beginning? I just worry about the lines being too big if I start them at the K level.

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