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What are your favorite things or things you would like to try for a 6th grader?

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My dd is going to be going to high school next year so I will be left with just my 6th grader at home. I would really like to try some new things with him, partly because we can, and partly to try to make our homeschool a bit more interesting again. So, I'm looking for some new things to try with him. What I have been using and want to stick with for sure is Rod and Staff English and Singapore math. We are also finishing SOTW3 so I was planning on finishing up with SOTW4 next year.


I have 6th grade Calvert that I did with dd which I could use some of, but we didn't like it that much. I also have Rainbow Science that I'm thinking about using with him. I have some assorted logic type books on hand too. All of this is if I don't find anything else that I want to use.


What I really need the most help with is Latin and writing in particular. We are nearly done with LCII but I don't think he is grasping it as well as he needs to and we aren't ready for Henle (or any other harder Latin). I don't mind backtracking on this to get a good review, but I don't want it too be too easy. What should we use? For writing, we tried Classical Writing this year. It was okay and I might continue with it, but I would love other suggestions too.


I just want to spice up our school year a bit this year, and would love to hear about what you or your kids love as well as suggestions for Latin and writing.



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Latin Prep would be a good programme for you. It starts from the beginning, but moves forward fairly fast. It is written with a sense of humour (Calvin still remembers translating, 'Master, the friends of the poet are killing the inhabitants with books') but is a solid grammar-based programme with lots of good translation work. It's designed for middle school, so it isn't scary or dry.


Fun things for sixth grade? It depends on your idea of fun. Calvin adores Greek myth, so is spending an awful lot of time this year working on a classical civilisation course. He also enjoys Philosophy for Kids.


Best wishes



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Write Shop for writing. This is something I'm looking forward to, as I just got it to use for next year.


Something else different, but that looks interesting to me: Harmony Fine Arts at Home. http://www.harmonyfinearts.com/ I got the outline for my dd who will be in 7th, and got the FREE outline for music appreciation for my ds who will be in 10th grade. I'm excited, cuz I've been trying to find something like this for awhile! I took a class like this in college, and absolutely loved it! I thought I might have to write up my own program, but after asking here, came across Harmony. Barbara McCoy, a homeschool mom who wrote the programs, is very personable and helpful!


Oh, Barbara set up each year's program to go with the corresponding year they're in for the 4-year cycle of history, so it fits in very well with the rest of the curriculum!


Oh, if you like Christian materials, I'd check out Queen Homeschool for a variety of neat stuff! www.queenhomeschool.com

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Barbara McCoy at Harmony Fine Arts also has her Outdoor Hour Challenges. We just started doing these after a year of fairly rigid science and it has been a blast. We go traipsing through creeks with our snacks, camera, magnifier, and sketch book. What a blast compared to our business as usual. Yeah, I'm a slow learner when it comes to realizing that school at home is not homeschooling at its best! handbookof naturestudy.blogspot.com.

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