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Quaver in teen's voice?

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About a month ago my 14yo ds started having a strange quaver in his voice when he talks. It's pretty much all the time. His voice is definitely changing and he's having a bit of a growth spurt. He also has tics/involuntary motions (this is ongoing). Could this be a strange new tic? Is it a growth spurt thing?


He has a doctor's appointment coming up, so I'll definitely ask, but this is a brand new one for me. Anyone else experienced something similar?

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I don't know what it is, but my son has a friend with that kind of voice. We've known the kid since he was 3 so I know he hasn't always had it. He's 14 now and has had it for at least a year.

This kid has also gone through a huge growth spurt in the past year, so maybe that's it. He has no other tics that I have noticed. Our ds had some tics when he was between 9 and 12 and even though they were scary, they're gone now.

You'll probably feel better once you mention it to the doctor...I bet it's puberty related.

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We've had three sons go through puberty now, and a fourth about to enter. The boys' voices have cracked and made a variety of strange sounds. The guys admitted that they "played" with their voices a bit just for fun:glare: A couple of them have seemed "twitchy" and I know that one nervous habit can replace another if you ask them to stop doing something like incessant tapping....ask me how I know. One ds actually has a familial tremor that began with puberty, sigh. The pediatrician thought it was a symptom of possible heart trouble, but the cardiologist recognized it as a benign tremor and had us double-check with a neurologist to be sure. I'd certainly ask his/your pediatrician for the peace of mind.

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My son's friend's voice always sounds as if he's tentative or unsure about what he's saying...it's like that. As if he's trying out each word to see if it's ok. It's really hard to explain! Almost as if he's talking like a very old man...that quivering voice thing.

And I know what you mean when you say 100 reads but no replies...your mind starts to wander and think that it's something terrible and nobody wants to be the one to tell you! But I think it's a puberty thing. Keep us informed!

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