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Going back to the doctor, and I'm feeling frustrated.

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My back has flaired up again. I can't stand for long, I can't sit for long, and I can't walk for long. Next to childbirth, this is the worst pain I've ever experienced. In addition, the lump on my neck is still there, and my neck has been achy, and I want to know what the lump is as well. When I mentioned the back pain to the doctor before (it happened the first time in November, and has been just minor if I sat too long for the most part), he told me I should go to physical therapy.


I really want answers. I thought I had found a good doctor, but the past couple of times I've seen him I feel like he hasn't wanted to figure out the cause of the problem. The last time I saw him was for a physical, and he ended up prescribing Naproxyn for wrist pain and ankle pain and not doing any relavent blood work or anything. I've had thumb pain that I've mentioned to him, and he's guessed I pulled ligaments. If it turns out I need to go to PT, fine. If it turns out I need pain killers, fine. But I'm tired of his best guesses with no investigation.


I'm only 33. I spent my 20s fat and out of shape with no pain. I lost over 80 pounds, am fairly active, and am in pain. I want to know why. I want to make sure there isn't anything I should be doing to prevent the pain and I want to make sure there's nothing underlying causing the pain.


Just needed to vent in the hopes I can keep my composure while I'm at my visit. I'm afraid I'm going to break down crying, so maybe this will head that off.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Sounds a lot like arthritis. I can't believe you've had pain in various joints and the doctor hasn't run any tests. When I had horrible back pain two years ago I was immediately sent for x-rays and later a cat-scan (because the pain was radiating throughout my abdomen as well). It turned out to be arthritis.


In the meantime you might try ibuprofen and applied heat to try to reduce the symptoms. HTH

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I'm having similar problems with my back right now too and I'm 33 also. I've gone to the Chiropractor about 5 time so far and need to go more. Ugh. Lots of pain. Can't sit for long at all and when I get up I can't walk. I can lie down but only on my back without pain and I can walk for about 20 minutes before needing to lie down.


I can feel your pain.

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:iagree: I would definitely get him to test you for arthritis. I would demand it. If he won't, find another doc. I would also suggest going to a chiro for the back pain. It sounds like what a friend of mine was going through recently, and the chiro really helped her. :grouphug: I hope you get some relief/answers soon!

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You know, when I gave birth...about 2 months later...I was in such pain I had to roll out of bed. I had x-rays done when my daughter was 2, and had "early arthritis". I've been to a great chiro...at first I went a few times in a row. Sometimes I have to go 3 or 4 times in a row...but usually just maybe 5 or 6 times a year. I feel...NO PAIN now! I would suggest looking into Chiro visits. You need to look at the various kinds of Chiro. I get maybe one serious massage a year...and a few Chiro visits. Of course..the massages are wonderful. She's great! I tried going to Physical Therapy...but that didn't help me...

Good Luck!


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You know, when I gave birth...about 2 months later...I was in such pain I had to roll out of bed. I had x-rays done when my daughter was 2, and had "early arthritis". I've been to a great chiro...at first I went a few times in a row. Sometimes I have to go 3 or 4 times in a row...but usually just maybe 5 or 6 times a year. I feel...NO PAIN now! I would suggest looking into Chiro visits. You need to look at the various kinds of Chiro. I get maybe one serious massage a year...and a few Chiro visits. Of course..the massages are wonderful. She's great! I tried going to Physical Therapy...but that didn't help me...

Good Luck!



I'm glad you guys aren't telling me I'm crazy. He did suggest a chiro or PT for my back, but this is without knowing what's going on. I'm willing to do PT, and I'm willing to conisder a chiro (they scare me), but I want to know what's going on in my body first. There are auto-immune diseases in my family (my Mom has chrone's, my Dad has type 1 diabetes, and my 6 year old has arthritis) and my Dad is the only one in his immediate family that hasn't had cancer yet. Something isn't right, and I really hope he'll listen and run some tests. I'm hoping that maybe I just haven't made my concerns clear enough to him and he'll listen & hear me this time.

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I would go see a spine specialist or at least see another one if you are already. Get an MRI so they can look for stenosis, arthritis, and disc problems. I've heard good things from fighters (through their wives) about spinal decompression. You are probably suffering from some sort of combat sport injury or wear and tear.


On a totally different track, it could be stress or some sort of emotional thing. I thought I had so many things but the spine specialist cleared me of everything and sent me for PT and a reading assignment, The Mind Body Connection. I had been to PT before without much success. This time though, the therapist really hit the spot with her manipulations and pointed out problems in posture which were causing me pain. Frankly, I was surprised that anything worked.

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Don't be scared of chiros...although...hmmm...they do sound scarier when they're abbreviated. :001_huh:


Whatever happens, I hope you find a good dr who can figure out what's wrong. You might talk to a chiro (or 2, since they're not *all* great), & just see what they say. Whatever's going on...maybe it would be easier for a chiro to identify?


I have no idea, but I know mystery ailments are sooooo frustrating & interminable. :grouphug: And as far as pain goes, since it's just a mssg, sometimes you want to say, ENOUGH ALREADY--I GOT IT!

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I would go see a spine specialist or at least see another one if you are already. Get an MRI so they can look for stenosis, arthritis, and disc problems. I've heard good things from fighters (through their wives) about spinal decompression. You are probably suffering from some sort of combat sport injury or wear and tear.


On a totally different track, it could be stress or some sort of emotional thing. I thought I had so many things but the spine specialist cleared me of everything and sent me for PT and a reading assignment, The Mind Body Connection. I had been to PT before without much success. This time though, the therapist really hit the spot with her manipulations and pointed out problems in posture which were causing me pain. Frankly, I was surprised that anything worked.


He's a GP, but he also specializes in Sports Medicine (that's why I started going to him :D).


The good news is I felt like he listened this time. He took x-rays of both my neck and back (back was clear, neck has a bit of arthritis). He's having me go to PT at a Sport & Spine place. He did blood work (CBC and various arthritis markers). I'm supposed to call back if it doesn't improve and he's going to order an MRI or CT scan.

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