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Everything posted by dancer67

  1. This is an interesting read. Atkins has the highest sodium intake. Not so good if you have high blood pressure. Looks like SB is middle of the road. And two other diet plans seemed to outrank both SB and Atkins. With Atkins being last. Hmmmm.....I don't like all that sodium.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2040023/
  2. From what I have read on SB, the maintenance phase is easy to maintain for life. Both PubMed and NIH states that this is a well balanced dietary program. Especially for those who want to lose weight, control blood sugar, high blood pressure and be able to eat healthier foods. Off to look it up on Atkins.
  3. But what about long term maintenance? This is what I have to look at closely. If it is to hard to maintain a healthy weight on the maintenance phase, then there really isn't any point to doing it. Also, I need to find some studies that have been done(reputable, like NHI or PubMed) on the long term effects of being on a diet like Atkins. How are the overall cholesterol readings after say, 5 years of STAYING on Atkins. Here is what I see, and please correct me if I am wrong. When you cook bacon, what happens to that fat if left to long? Right, it hardens. So if it hardens in the pan, what is it doing to your arteries? Second question is this. Can that be avoided, by drinking something hot when eating something like bacon? Heat will keep fat from hardening. If you eat bacon with orange juice, for example. Wouldn't it make "logical" sense that it would harden? Not looking for an argument. Just trying to understand the whole high fat does not = high cholesterol and/or heart disease. And Ellie, you said "by going back to Atkins". So that tells me you did not stay on this consistently, correct?
  4. Well, the reason for Atkins or South beach is to lower my blood sugar(fasting has been around 105 for about 3 years, but post prandial readings are good). I have high blood pressure(controlled with lowest dose BP meds) and a stomach. I weigh now about 138. I was 143. Dr. says to aim for 130 pounds. Cut back on sugar and carbs. Exercise minimum 3X a week. South Beach seemed better because it wasn't so strict, and seemed doable for lifetime maintenance. But I have not read through Atkins in a long time, so I need to re-read it again. I do have a high Trig rate(197) overall cholesterol was 210. I was a sugar-aholic. Literally. I have since cut WAY back on both sugar an carbs. So eating high fat, doesn't that raise cholesterol? Or is that really a myth? Thanks for posting al this info.
  5. I just saw that my library has it. I am going to check that one out. I do like to belong to forums because you always gain insight(and encouragement) from others there. Flaw in South Beach? Yes, would love to hear it.
  6. I will have to research Atkins more. Is their own site the best one, and do you have to pay to join? Or is it free? Oh,and I asked about Zumba instead of walking because everyone says WALK WALK WALK. And I love Zumba because I love to dance. I am still kind of leaning towards South Beach because it doesn't seem to be as extreme as Atkins. But I will certainly research it. Thanks.
  7. Thanks ladies. In terms of exercise, I do Zumba instead of walking. (It is very icy outside at the moment). Everyone stresses walking, but I really prefer Zumba. Wondering if that is ok? I do it 2X a week for half hour, and an hour Tap class the third day. When summer comes I plan on swimming and walking because I like to be outdoors.
  8. I have heard of a lot of controversy about Atkins. But not so much with South Beach. Anyone prefer one over the other, and could you tell me why? I have done so much reading on LCHF diets, that I need a beginning point. Easy recipes etc........
  9. I took a look at Dr. Bernsteins site and like what I see. I see he has one book out called The Diabetes Solution. But he has another one out to called Low Carb dieting(something like that). Which one is the better book? I don't need a lot of technicalities, but maybe something brief,and then how to implement the plan, and get recipe ideas.
  10. What about South Beach Diet? Any thoughts on that?
  11. Yes, our grandparents did have these problems only we did not have the technology to properly diagnose them. Now that we do, the pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars off of them. Take diabetes for one example. The ADA lowered the limit to 126 and anything over that you are now considered a diabetic. Before, the numbers were 140. Another example is blood pressure.At one time it used to be your age plus 100 for the upper number. So my BP should be 145 and under, and bottom number was always under 40. Now it is 120/80. Now they want to lower the limit again to 115/75. I would feel faint at those numbers. So the issue is, we CAN eat bread. But the "guidelines" now tell us we can't. I know SOOOOO many people on Metformin, where at one time they never would be. And, our grandparents lived into their 90's. Never had Cholesterol screenings, or FBG, or even all these cancer screenings. It is all about money, and lots of it.
  12. My favorite is Bobby Vinton "Melody of Love". My Babci would put it on all the time. I can sing the entire version in Polish. LOL........And I learned to Polka when I was 3 years old.I only wished I had listened and learned to speak it fluently.
  13. Now obesity is protected under the ADA. And I was told when I was applying for disability(after I was denied), he asked "Are you obese?" When I said no he actually said "That's to bad because you would have a better chance of qualifying" WHAAAA???!!!????
  14. So what do you drink? Water? Tea with no sugar? I have a hard time fining things to drink other then those two. Nether of which I like. I put half and half in my coffee. You say you use heavy cream? Doesn't that have sugar in it? I guess I am confused, because I think there is a difference between low carb, and NO carb. IOW, you have your healthy carbs, and then you have the junk carbs. Even in diabetic cookbooks they have recipes for low carbs that include whole grains. I am going to do some research on this. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
  15. Well, I love any form of cabbage. So this is a good thing. But, you say you have NO sugar. We have sugar in practically everything we eat. I do have to drink OJ. A small amount and it is 50% less sugar because I need to take iron. Yogurt has sugar, fruits have sugar. So isn't it impossible to cut out ALL sugar.? I mean I cut down drastically on my sugar intake. No sugar in drinks(esp coffee) I use half and half. That's it. I do know I have lost weight. Even with eating whole grain bread for lunch, or even a small amount of whole wheat pasta. Cutting out all that junk food has made a big difference. And I am happy for you that your trigs came down, as that is my goal as well. But, to have NO carbs(whole wheat, brown rice, potatoes) forever? I am not sure I could do that. I have been told the key is moderation. And low carb doesn't mean no carb?
  16. So you never ate ANY carbs at all, including whole grain bread? My trigs came in at 197 and my FBG at 107. I was a sugaraholic. And always ate white breads, potatoes etc....I have cut out the sugar from my coffee(3TBSP in a 12 oz cup), gave up my sweet teas, and have not touched any sweets except 80% cocoa chocolate. Did you exercise? I take tap class once a week and Zumba for 30 minutes the two days. I am 5'3" and weigh 139(down from 143 since Jan 5)since cutting out a lot of sugar. But I still eat grain bread for lunch with roast chicken and cholesterol free mayo. I will eat whole grain pasta every once in a while as well. Dr. says I should weigh around 130. I do drink flavored sparkling water now. Almond milk, and diet teas. Sometimes I brew my own green tea and make it into iced tea. Are diet drinks bad? I hate plain water.
  17. I had my daughter watch the youtube video, and the sample video from the website. She was so excited. She jumped up and yelled "I understand it!!! I got it!!!" So, looks like that is going to be a winner.
  18. In classifieds? Or Sale and Swap? And did they all merge? And how come it doesn't give a date listed? I liked the other set up better, but maybe that's just me.
  19. I saw a Demo of Algebra 1 on youtube for MUS. I have to say that even *I* understand it. (And I do not get math at all) . I am someone who needs to *see* it. Like my daughter does. I am going to show her that video and see what she thinks. And I already have the blocks so the program is not that expensive. If anyone else would like to chime in on MUS, please do.
  20. Glad I could help. And to the OP, I hope you get a correct DX. If she is just ID, usually a good quality multi-vitamin with iron(18%) should help her.
  21. We are in TT Pre-Algebra. My daughter struggles so much with math. She is in 8th right now.In pre-algebra. I am extremely bad in math myself. What is better for a struggling student. MUS or TT? We need a DVD program. I have already checked out Khan, BJU is way to hard. As well as chalkdust. I really need a math program for Algebra that is going to have clear explanations, and goes at a slow pace, but also reviews. I am not sure how TT is with Algebra.? Cannot find a tutor, and cannot afford an online class at $350.00. (husband is very slow at work). Ideas? ETA: Someone did mention that there is a person on this board who does online classes, but know nothing about it. Wondering the price, if it is a set time etc....
  22. Yes. If ferritin numbers are very low they will suggest IV Iron. Sometimes a blood transfusion. I always tell people if they need to get IV Iron, that they should be pre-medicated first(With Benadryl, and anti-nausea), and if you are taking medication for high blood pressure make sure they check it prior to the infusion. Even if you do not have high BP. If your BP is already low, IV Iron can cause hypotension(as it did with me) and made me pass out. Or, if you are not pre-medicated, IV Iron can make you very, very sick. (as it did with me the first time). Make sure they do a test dose. And do not leave that Chemo room for at least 2 hours after the infusion. Make sure they give you a very small dose, dripped very slowly. Then if no reaction that day, they can bump it. IV iron can really boost your ferritin quite quickly. But it also depletes very quickly if not placed on oral iron right away. If you are bleeding from your periods, your ferritin will quickly drop again if not given the correct oral iron dosage.
  23. You don't have to give it up. But if you drink it, wait at least an hour after you take your iron before you consume any dairy, tea or coffee. Take a Vitamin C pill(500mg) with your iron and drink orange juice. You don't have to drink a full cup. You can just drink a small, bathroom size cup of OJ. When you eat lunch or dinner, try not to drink milk, tea or coffee with it since the iron from your foods will not absorb as well. Try to drink orange juice if you can. If not, the vitamin C pill you took in the morning should still help with absorption. I could never give up coffee. My routine is to take my two iron pills, Vitamin C pill with OJ. Then take a shower, do some cleaning. And by that time it has been an hour and I can have my coffee, or tea. And I take my one iron pill at night with OJ before bed, so I don't need to worry about dairy or coffee. So don't give it up!!! :grouphug:
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