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Everything posted by dancer67

  1. Okay, so do you know how that breaks down into a percentage? IOW, my other molasses bottle said Magnesium-25%, Iron-4%, Calcium-20%. Or is that not possible to determine. Or do you know if those MG you gave me is equal to, less then, or greater then 25%?
  2. I am SOOOOO bad in math, so wondering if anyone out there can figure this out for me. I purchased a 15 fluid ounce bottle of Plantation(not organic) Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses. The ingredients are listed by 1 tablespoon. I know it has 20% iron per one tbsp. My question was about the amount of Magnesium in it. And wasn't listed on the label. So I called the manufacturer. He told me there is a total of 457mg of magnesium in the entire bottle. He couldn't tell me the percentage.....SOOOOO...........what is the percentage of magnesium in one tbsp. of this molasses? Is this even feasible to determine? My Brer Rabbit only had 4% iron per tbsp., but 25% magnesium per tbsp. The amount of magnesium per tbsp. is important to me because it helps me go to the "bathroom". Okay, any takers?
  3. Didn't know this group existed. I am doing low carb. But I don't eat all those fats that Atkins recommends. Just because I couldn't eat all that meat ALL the time. I have learned a balance. And that moderation in the key. I have lost 7 pounds in about 6 weeks. I am looking to lose a total of 10 for now, so I am almost there. I do eat a sandwich for lunch(whole wheat). But I eat no carbs for dinner. I used to practically eat sugar all day long. I had 3-tbsp of sugar in my coffee. I have not had sugar in my coffee, or any sugary drinks or snacks since beginning of January. That is a HUGE change. I have started exercising more.I am a dancer, so I already dance on Mondays. And then Ipractice dance all week, plus add in Zumba. I am not really a walker. To boring. I would rather do a zumba routine to my favorite music and it doesn't even feel like I am exercising. Just doing something I already love to do anyways. :thumbup:
  4. The Vitron-C is the only thing that works well for me. It doesn't cause me GI upset at all. But because I take 3 a day, I would have to expect to have *some* bathroom issues. And my iron stores and levels have been fine just taking the iron. I assumed it was also because of the molasses, but now I find out it only had 4%. So that wouldn't even make a dent. I am going to order the Plantation one today. I will be curious to see what my iron stores will be in June after taking this along with my iron. My Ferritin usually hovers between 30-40. It used to be 8.
  5. I am going to order this. Thank you so much for pointing out the iron. And, it has magnesium so my bathroom issues will still be fine.!!
  6. I do not have pernicious anemia. I have Iron Deficiency Anemia. It is caused by my periods. But since being on the Vitron_C pills, my levels have been fine now for over two years. So I guess I *really* do not have it any longer. But I would if I stopped taking the iron.With the Blackstrap, I never had any trouble with constipation. I am going to order the Plantation one. It has way more iron, and looks like it has the magnesium I need.
  7. I can't take this. Not alone. I did use it for a little while in addition to the Vitron-C but it made no difference in my numbers and all it did was stain my teeth. The Vitron-C's are the best. No stomach upset and easily absorbed. It has been working for me for almost three years. And I have to take 3. So if it doesn't cause me stmach upset at that amount, that is a good thing :hurray:
  8. I didn't see it on the label. I did check with my primary care Dr. and she said I could continue to take the blackstrap. That my blood sugar was perfectly normal. So, I wonder if I were to call them(If I can find a contact number) if they could tell me if there is magnesium in it. Because the one I have now, has 25% and does the trick. But I would LOVE to get the 20% iron!!!! If you have a contact number for them, let me know. I see vitacost carries it and it is ultra cheap to. Thanks so very much!!
  9. Wow. That is a huge difference. The only thing I didn't see on your bottle was Magnesium. Mine has 25%, but only 4% iron. And here I was thinking I was getting extra iron along with the benefit of the mag to go to the bathroom. But basically, it was junk. And full of carbs and sugar. The only thing it helped was me going to the bathroom. All the while, it was killing my teeth, and probably bumping my blood sugars. So glad you pointed that out. So now I know for sure I have to switch to something else.
  10. What is the name brand of yours? Mine is Briers Rabbit. And it says "Unsulphered blackstrap molasses" but iron is 4%. Hmmmm????????????
  11. One more question. About the Natural Calm.(Which looks like a good choice), after you add the hot water to it. How much cold water can you add to it? Do I have to drink a full 8 oz glass? or can I just add the 3 oz of hot water, dissolve it and just add a little cold water to cool it? And does it work overnight? I wonder if this helps with menstrual cramps as well? And what is the best flavor?
  12. I have to take Vitron-C. That is the only iron that works for me. My hematologist prescribes it for me. So, coconut oil and liquid flax are the two that stand out at me. What about taking a magnesium supplement?Or the magnesium liquid they sell in the pharmacy(obviously low dose)? And where do I purchase coconut oil and flaxseed oil? I have flax, but it is ground. I have to watch my carb intake. Veggies are fine. But I know I would never eat enough to get me "going". Natural calm? hmm..will look into that as well. What about V-8 Juice? And I will up my water intake as well. Walking just isn't possible here right now. To much ice. But I do exercise every day. You ladies have given me some great ideas. I just know I need to stop the Blackstrap because the carb and sugars are to high. And getting only 4% iron in one TBSP will probably not impact my hemoglobin or ferritin levels if I stop.
  13. I am not a water person. But I do drink unsweetened teas, and flavored sparkling waters. I might only drink 24 oz of fluid a day. But water doesn't seem to help except me urinating all day long if I do drink a LOT of it LOL.
  14. What do you take to help you go to the bathroom? I have been taking 3 iron pills a day now for almost 3 years(2 in the morning, and one at night). At night before bed I usually take 1-2Tbsp of Blackstrap Molasses and I have always been able to "go" with no problem the next morning. But my fasting blood sugars have been impaired, and I have cut out all my sugar and have started eating lower carb. But the molasses has a LOT of carbs(13g per tbsp.) and 10g of sugar. After a 8-12 hour fast my blood sugar can be between 95-107. I cannot take any of that benefibers or metamucils, because it gives me such bad gas pains. Not sure what the carb/sugar content is on prune juice. I take my 2 iron pills in the morning with a vitamin C pill and a sip of 50% less sugar OJ. Same at night. I usually will have about 3-4 sips of the OJ. Is there anything you can recommend?
  15. Thank you. I have never seen this sold at my regular grocery store. Will have to get it when I go to Trader Joes or Whole Foods.
  16. WOW, thank you SO much!! These recipes sound fabulous. I am not sure I recognize some of the ingredients though on a few. Like...........erythritol or xylitol ????? What are these and where do you get them?
  17. Would anyone care to share a favorite recipe, or website? I have some Almond flour and am dying to bake some desserts .Low carb. Thanks!
  18. We are renewing our vows in May. We will be married 25 years. A friend of mine is taking my original wedding dress and making a new dress from it. We are doing it in our backyard. Our children will be standing near us. It will be low key. Buffet style meal with a DJ. A simple cake. And my daughter will be writing and singing a song for our "first" dance. Oh, and can't forget the kegs of beer. I think it is a great idea. And these days, reaching 25 years is cause to celebrate.
  19. Do you think that by adding in a half a green apple would be okay?
  20. Okay. I think that is mainly what I have been hearing. Juice veggies and add in a half of granny smith apple to sweeten it. Also a carrot. I knew that "fruit JUICE' bought in a bottle at the store is off limits. But wasn't sure about fruits in their "natural state".
  21. I happened to find a juicer at Goodwill yesterday for $6.00. I was very excited about my find. It is no longer sold(It is a Juicemaster 2) but figured good enough to see how it goes and if I like it. My question is, if you are trying or you have cut most sugar from your diet, should you only use veggies? Is using fruits ok if you are trying to keep your blood sugars low? I am getting conflicting information. This juicer removes the pulp. Thanks for any help.
  22. It is quite overwhelming when everyone has different guidelines. If you say your Dr. tells you this. People on forums say that's wrong. So for now, either way. I have cut back on carbs and sugar. Exercising. Because either way. It is healthier for you regardless. I do feel MUCH better without all that sugar though. The sites that were given here are good. Hopefully your son in law can keep his BG low with diet and exercise and not need to much medication.
  23. Following this thread because I believe I am pre-diabetic. The problem is, there is WAY to much conflicting information on what your blood sugars should actually be. Bernstein claims a normal non-diabetic person should have a BG of 83 +/- 3 point at all time. Ummm, what? ADA and WHO both have differentiating opinions on what BG readings/tests numbers should be to DX Type 2. Or even Pre-diabetes. The you have Blood Sugar 101, and she says something different. And, there is also a lot of conflicting information as to WHICH numbers to go by when you think you might be diabetic. Is the Post prandial meal numbers the key? And what exactly is that number. ADA says anything under 140 after 2 hours. Another site/author says it should go back to under 120. Another site/author says it should drop below 100.(This is for non-diabetics). Then they say A1c tests should not be used to DX pre-diabetes or Diabetes. The best test is OGTT, and do a 2 hour reading. Not so sure about those diabetic cookbooks. Seems to be loaded with carbs. I have no doubt that carbs raise your blood sugar. I don't believe in NO carbs. But I think it is reasonable to keep carb counts under 30g per day. Whole grains are good for you. But if you eat 2 sandwiches, and you are insulin resistant, your BG is going to spike if you are pre-diabetic/Type 2. My FBG have been 103, 106,107 the past 3 years yet my A1c was 5.4 at FBG of 106. Home A1c now is 5.8. But my post prandial 2 hour readings are always good. Always below 120. According to ADA, that is not prediabetes. Other sites say it is. It is all very confusing on who to believe. I have been watching my carb intake, and exercising and hoping that I never get to Type 2. Nobody in my family has it. And I never had gestational diabetes. Actually all my kids were small. I need to make sure I get enough iron though. And prior to cutting carbs, iron came from my breads and pasta which I rarely eat anymore. So I try to eat beans, tuna, leafy greens. And red meat. Will be watching this thread though. I was just thinking about posting about this. Still trying to figure out how you can keep BG levels low by exercising?? Losing weight doesn't effect diabetes. I know of many people who are rail thin and are Type 2. On the upside. Cutting out all that sugar has made me feel better and I have lost about 6 pounds in a month.
  24. I would love a smoothie idea. Low sugar. But rich in iron?
  25. So from what I have researched, there has not been any long term studies done on either diet. I am going to ask my friends husband who is a cardiologist and see what he thinks. In the end, I will make the final decision. What I DO know that eating low carb does decrease blood sugars and trigs. It is just a matter of how much your body can handle once re-introduced, and how one can maintain this way of eating long term. I am still on the fence about eating all that fat. Especially all that meat. I like meat, but not in large quantities. I have the Atkins book on hold at the library. Thanks Ellie for sharing your experience with me.
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