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Heather in VA

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Posts posted by Heather in VA

  1. Changing publishers often for algebra+ isn't a bad thing like elementary. The courses have a more standard scope and sequence.


    Lial does have a geometry, but it doesn't get many good reviews on this board. Introductory Alg (Lial), Jacobs Geo, and Intermediate Alg (Lial) seems to be a common sequence.


    I've only heard positive remarks for College of the Redwoods. :)


    Yea I did a variety of publishers for my older two so I know it's fine content-wise. I just worry about transitions. Mine isn't good with them either and so if I could find a publisher that works well for her and then could stick with it I would love that. But it may not be possible. 

  2. I am laughing so hard at these comments. My daughter just called over to me and asked what was so funny... I said 'You can't unsee Nicole Naugler's butthole'. I think she's calling a psychiatrist. 

    • Like 17
  3. Don't do it.  You'll be sorry you did.


    I know I am. :crying:


    The Internet can be a scary place. I recently opened the link to JimBob Duggar dry humping Michele while playing mini-golf. These threads are going to make me order brain bleach by the truck load

    • Like 14
  4. Can you imagine what the foster parents are having to deal with right now? I bet it's bad.


    I can't imagine. These kids have had no rules, no structure, no discipline, not even the requirement to go to the bathroom in a toilet. 

    • Like 4
  5. They're on one of her many blogs.


    Found them.




    No warning needed really. You know what you're in for. ;)


    Well... that was interesting. I have attended a lot of births - I was a birth assistant for a while - so the actual pictures don't bug me that much. What bugs me is first that no one thought to take the poop off the baby... duh. When I was in labor, not delivery but pushing, some poop came out. It happens. But my midwife cleaned it up. She even said 'let's keep the poop off the baby'. Who takes that picture and doesn't lean over with a small kleenex and just remove it from the baby. UGH. And 2nd - who posts this stuff on line?!?!?!?! Like Butter said, it's fine if you want those photos. I had home births (well 2 of 3 were) and we have photos but none like that. Sometimes I actually wish I did. But I would never in a billion years share them with anyone let alone the whole world via the Internet. Just because something is natural and normal doesn't mean it needs to be seen by everyone.

    • Like 6
  6. My daughter struggles with math and it took a long time to find something that worked well. She's using R&S now and has made terrific improvements. The explanations, the doable word problems (she can not handle the bar drawing from Singapore)  and the build in review sections have really brought her a long way. She's going to be ready for pre-algebra soon. Knowing that this setup works well for her, what do you think we should look at for Algebra and up (or pre-algebra if you like something in particular). She has issues with stamina so a program with 50+ problems a day and can not be reduced (I've heard that about Saxon - that you can't skip anything) would be a real problem. 



  7. Sure, it happens, but she doesn't need to publicly post close-up photos of her naked @ss in the air with a half-born baby hanging out of her with her big ol' turd stuck on him!  Who does that???  :ack2:




    ROTFL!!!! This description is just hilarious! I have to know... where did you see these pictures?

    • Like 1
  8. I wonder if maybe we are giving her delusion a little too much credit. If they make a huge effort to clean everything up, get water, walls, and all those things were are discussing, what happens when they still don't get them back? She'll have to admit there are abuse and neglect issues well beyond the problems with their living situation. But if they do this little bit and still don't get them back they can continue the mantra that the evil overlords are trying to make them conform by forcing all these housing changes that don't respect their "homestead". 


    I think their ideology is more important to them than their children but I think they are also trying to hid things they know would really upset their supporters. When/if more charges are levied against them they want to still be able to spin. 

    • Like 3



    I think she's been living in lala land for most if not all of her relationship with joe.  I think she is truly mentally ill.  even when they had bathrooms - they used buckets and lived in filth.

    I do think joe doesn't care if they get the kids back or not.  he likely only knocks her up so she won't leave him.


    I'm sure CPS gave exact parameters that would need to be met.  but Nicole lives in lalaland and only hears what she wants to hear.   I wonder if she could even be helped with proper medication (if there is anything for whatever her mental issues are) and intense therapy.



    This is what I would  have thought too. I would expect the housing portion to look like an inspection check list and I can't imagine it only included glass cleanup. 

    • Like 1
  10. Goodness.  Thank God someone swooped in to help those children.  My word.


    But now this post you found begs the question:  why didn't someone report them to CPS sooner?  If these types of living conditions have been their norm for a while, and people were apparently in their home(s) to see this happening, why didn't those people report them years ago?


    I think they have been reported before. They seem to have moved around to avoid both debt and CPS.

    • Like 2
  11. Someone asked Nicole on her FB page why she wasn't working nonstop, doing everything in her power to get the place fixed up so she could get her kids back. Her reply:



    So they had one "clean up day," when 8-10 volunteers showed up to help them haul away some trash. According to someone who was there, the work party ended by about 3:00 PM. Someone else posted that Nicole and Joe went out for a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant after the work party. They are not even staying at the property, they are mooching off friends. And she's saying there's nothing more she can possibly do between now and the custody hearing in mid-June????

    She can not possibly believe they've done enough. I am starting to think they don't want the kids back

    • Like 2
  12. She posted a picture of the snow in Maine today (just as an aside... good grief - it shouldn't snow in May LOL). and then claims that they left Maine because of the snow and Texas because of the floods..... uh no. You left to run away from authorities.

    • Like 2
  13. The information about mom being Rh- and dad Rh+ is disturbing in light of the unattended home births (which were already disturbing).


    If this is the case this is very worrisome. I had home births and am Rh- with an Rh+ spouse. But I had medical personal and this was taken care of. It's really easy to deal with but it  must be dealt with. Knowing that she doesn't have medical care during pregnancy or during birth makes it very unlikely that she's dealing with this. Her chances for problems increase with every pregnancy and since she's pretty anti-doctors, Rh disease could be fatal to the infant.

    • Like 4
  14. I'm baffled that the court couldn't compel the mother to produce a DNA sample. and by medical exam I meant a contemporary exam that would corroborate the girl's belief about her age. And they wouldn't accept evidence such as the mom's blog? Why was the grandparents' testimony unacceptable?


    Obviously it was a situation Texas law hadn't contemplated--that the parents were hostile to the girl's claim.


    I'd think if the state courts were unable to help her, it would be a federal question of citizenship for social security That could have been dealt with in federal court or by some SSA administrative procedure...


    Plugging holes in the law can take time. I'm not surprised there aren't procedures already in place for this. Who would imagine that a parent would refuse to acknowledge that their child was born when their child wants them to. All the parents have to do is sign an affidavit saying when and where she was born. But they won't even when she asks them too. Who does that?? If anything at least this case is spawning identity abuse laws which will help other kids as well as this girl. In fact it could help the kids from the Naugler family. Several currently don't have SSNs and birth certificates and the parents are resisting attempts to get them for the kids.

    • Like 5
  15. Was anything posted beyond sharing the Mike Huckabee post? I saw that and that she "hearted" it, but nothing else. 


    I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. 


    No that was it but I can't imagine they would share and "heart" the post if they didn't agree. It was very pro-Josh and very absent of any mention of victims. Since one of the victims is their daughter-in-law I find it really upsetting. 

    • Like 5
  16. I really think people underestimate how strong the Duggar women actually are.


    Just because their brand implies it, that doesn't mean those women are actual wimps.


    I don't think you have to be a wimp to be unable to stand up for yourself. Jessa and Jill are in a bit better position, Jill more-so because Derick has a college degree and a job unrelated to JimBob. But Jana, Jinger and the others are completely dependent on JimBob for everything. They don't have an education or money. It makes leaving or going against the family very difficult. 


    I'm not a wimp but I understand being stuck. Sometimes you stay in a situation because you know you need support to get out but there is no support.

    • Like 19
  17. I still think you are missing my point.  What if the girls WANT to do the show?  Wouldn't it be like a punishment to take it away?  


    I don't think there would be a way to do the show even if the girls want to. First, they would never be able to do the show if Jim Bob and Michele are involved. I don't think any kind of show, aside from an escape show, is going to get sponsors or viewers. But most importantly, the girls want what Jim Bob and Michele tell them to want. So we will never know what they really want.

    • Like 9
  18. Both.  Link and then bounce them.  


    Matt Walsh is apparently going on saying that no liberals or no progressives really care about what happened to the girls, because of course liberals (like me!) have no moral compass and would be down with this if they weren't Christian.  

    I've currently got a FB friend involved in a big argument that I have no idea why I keep seeing but she's arguing that no one cared when Lena Dunham molested her sister so they are just being hard on Josh because he's a Duggar. I'm not sure why it means we should be less hard on Josh. They should have been harder on Lena. What she did was disgusting too. 

    • Like 7
  19. I think probably Anna was told that her fiancé had "inappropriately touched" his sisters -- something that could mean anything from assault to too much hugging in the Duggar context. Without detail, a young woman in love could rationalize that as somewhere between boyish curiosity and 'teenage mistakes' -- forgive, forget, and get married all the while considering it no greater issue than his struggle against the desire to masturbate.


    However, now, there are definite issues of her extremely vulnerable position. If she convinces herself she "knew" -- she can continue to minimize it and rationalize it: even though she is now a grown woman with her own children in a home with a man who was *molesting* (not expressing curiosity) young family members in their sleep in his previous family home. She can refuse to encounter that information objectively, now, by steadfastly assigning it the status of, "Already known, already settled, long over with."


    The reason she would be strongly motivated to do that are the things that would have to happen if she takes it seriously. The fact is that "you" don't continue to live in marriage with child molesters. It's not safe.


    1. The very real fear that she couldn't make it in life after a divorce: as both home maker and bread winner. That she would end up in poverty and endless minimum wage work while her children grew up as barely-patented delinquents in public school in a bad neinourhood she can barely afford... If that. (Without a man's pay check, life looks grim-or-worse... Probably, it looks impossible.)


    2. The idea that comes from her ongoing spiritual abuse: that it is a sin punishable by death/hell (or the forgiveness thereof, but definitely that serious) rejection by God, and the loss of her ability to see herself as a good person at all, because of direct and willing disobedience... If she chooses separation or divorce.


    3. The perception that he would not be jailed, and would continue to have access to his children, so, separation or divorce would only mean that he would have access to them *alone*.


    Therefore if taking his offences seriously, and re-evaluating him in light of the way he might be a current risk to the children is something that just can't be handled... You just don't think about it that way. You think about it in the 'stupid teenager' way, and basically try not to think about it at all.


    Yes to all of this. You said it much more effectively than I did. I'd 'like' your post but I keep running out :-). 

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