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Heather in VA

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Posts posted by Heather in VA

  1. I am absolutely sick for those girls. I have always been angry at the Duggars for their treatment of their girls - basically raising them to believe they are only good for marrying and making babies or staying at home and doing Michele's work. But to be active participants covering up their molestation at the hands of their brother - To knowingly force them to continue to live in the same home with him - I suspect there was even a good deal of victim abuse since their leader (Gothard) believed that all sexual abuse was the fault of the female. I am just ill.


    And Josh has not learned or repented. Even his statement today calls is a mistake. Hello - you fondled your sisters.... that is not a mistake. That is a sick, perversion that has most likely scarred them for the rest of their lives. 

    • Like 16
  2. Bitcoin isn't shady and trades at varying amounts against the dollar. It can be sold for U.S. backed currency.


    Sorry - I used a pronoun with an ambiguous antecedent... Bad homeschool mom LOL. Anyway I meant that the weird setup of the funding for the grooming business with the "investors" and being paid in Bitcoin etc was shady, not Bitcoin itself.

    • Like 1
  3. If the funds are in bitcoin, will the family even see any money? I would think of the fund as a symbolic gesture, rather than tangible help. I don't traffic in alternative finances, though, so cannot know the answer.


    I haven't the foggiest idea. I thought the bitcoin stuff was for the grooming business but I didn't understand it there either. I really don't understand bitcoin at all. I was doing night nanny work for a family who worked for the World Bank and when he asked how I wanted to be paid I said, 'check, cash, Paypal - anything is fine'. He said how about Bitcoin' - and laughed. I guess that's World Bank humor. But beyond that I've not heard anything about it or how it works. It screams shady to me. 


    I think US GoFundMe is typically US currency but I don't know how it's distributed. I did look a bit at the website and there are rules for using it, including an agreement to comply with tax laws. Are we taking bets on whether the Nauglers will pay taxes on this 40+k gift? They certainly don't have charity or tax exempt status. It also mentions that it is monitored and fraud, such as using the money for something other than what it was said to be for, will be reported to authorities. That could be an issue as well if they don't keep an account of how the money is spent. 

    • Like 1
  4. See my reply to WordNerd.


    Oh I knew you were wishfully thinking. I'm right there wishing with you. I was just saying that what we  see as something to protect the children and honestly it would help Nicole and Joe as well plan and get the most out of the money, they would see as another sign that the government is all about stealing. 

    • Like 1
  5. A court-administered trust to ensure that all money is spent on things to improve home and life for the children??


    Won't happen, but sounds like a sensible approach that would guarantee no foolish expenditures were made. This also would confer credence upon the tear-jerker moans about how much they love the children.


    Can you imagine the claims of fraud and theft??? The government not only stole their children to make money but then they commandeered the donations they wanted to use to fix up their home to meet the demands of the evil overload. 

    • Like 3
  6. I really hope there are things on the to-do list like place for kids to sleep, roof, walls, water, place to cook, refrigeration and not just 'build a fence and get rid of some glass and an old boat.'

  7. And of course, she's claiming the broken glass and some of the garbage was there before they moved in. Riiiight.


    even if that's true, they've been there a while. When you move in somewhere with young children and there is broken glass all around, that's the first thing you clean up.

    • Like 15
  8. Well.... I think you have to look at it in context.  I mean... I have a movement every morning, but that doesn't mean it is of any great significance in the scheme of the world.


    LOL!!!!  Just wish that in this case the movement wasn't plopped right on the head of the innocent children being neglected while the parents push out their dung.

    • Like 1


    In the interview, I think they said something along the lines of their having a friend who was foster-approved, who took all the kids for the weekend.  It wasn't clear how much time the parents had with them.





    If that is how they treat their tools, it's no wonder they have done very little building.  A rusty saw isn't going to cut much.  


    And don't get me started about letting the toddler play with them.  



    There is a post on the Nasty Blessed FB page from that guy Pace claiming the weekend long visit is evidence that the abuse allegations have been proven false. Hmmm.....

  10. Yes, there are more people out there with these anti-government beliefs. Years ago, a family lived nearby who was into this. Well, it was an older couple and their grown son. The lady wasn't into it, but the husband and son were.


    He didn't have a tag on his truck. I remember there was a plate on it where the legal plate should be and it said, "Sovereign". The old man ended up in the county jail. I think it was for not having his truck registered. He probably had previous similar offenses, because I would think you would just get a ticket for a first offense. he probably was rude to the law enforcement officer or something also. He would not eat while he was in jail because he refused to eat with "the enemy".


    When our dd was born, we were showing her off to the wife ( a very sweet lady) and the husband commented "That baby probably already has a birth certificate and social security number."  Why , yes she did.  :laugh:  The wife rolled her eyes. He continued on spouting nonsense about the government and birth certificates, and ssn numbers.


    They moved away shortly after. 


    I used to hear this kind of thing from the dad on that show Dharma and Greg. The show was hilarious. In real life... not so much. 

    • Like 4
  11. I never thought I would posit that there is a shortage of psychiatrists.


    Something tells me they would consider psychiatrists to be the alien overlords come down from Planet Zoltar to brainwash us into submission

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  12. Not necessarily.  I had two homebirthed babies, both with a midwife present.  She wasn't completely licensed with the first one (she had taken half of the licensure and took the other half soon after he was born).  My aunt was present at the birth and she signed the birth certificate registration form and we filled it out and mailed it in (usually dads sign, but my aunt was *so* excited to have been there for his birth we decided to let her sign).  She was fully licensed when the younger one was born, but we still could have filled the form out ourselves.  She did it because we told her to go ahead and do it.  So just because you have a midwife, you don't actually have to have a birth record.  Most unassisted birthers do get their kids birth certificates.  It's the fringe of that fringe that don't.


    Sure - I think the OP was just saying since Nicole is that fringe of the fringe, not having anyone there to encourage or require birth certificate documentation is a motivator for not just having a home birth but having an unassisted home birth.

    • Like 2
  13. Joe:

    "To know the truth about something, look at the fruit of it.... You can see how happy and healthy and well rounded and adjusted our children are. Look at the banner picture on our facebook page, there isn't a face on there that doesn't have a smile. So that's what I would say to the naysayers out there. I can go into any school system and there is a large percentage of children on ADHD and antidepressant medication and it's a pandemic of those kind of medication."



    This is a bit edited, not exact quotes, I'm not that fast a typer. :) But yeah, basically, you can tell his family is fine because they have happy pictures and aren't being medicated.


    Ok - let's say the kids are super happy all the time. I argue that isn't really the point. There is a reason for parents. We have to make choices that keep our kids safe, look to their future, teach them to be good adults someday. That isn't going to always make our kids happy. So if sitting in sewage, getting no education, eating rotten food, sleeping on the ground (or a pallet), having no responsibilities etc makes the kids happy, it just doesn't matter. That doesn't make their parenting decisions good. It's their job to provide education, safe food and water, and a safe home for their children even if their children don't want one.

    • Like 15
  14. I assumed the "Crown" was both figurative and literal. For the British it would be the actual Queen, although that's still pretty silly since the Queen is mostly ceremonial. But I also figured even for Americans, they might use a term like Crown since it implies royalty, uncontrolled power rather than an elected government.

    • Like 4
  15. Yup.  All of that comes from the nuttiness of the sovereign citizen movement.


    This is the most disturbing comment so far. There is a movement?? That means there are more of these crazies. I was hoping their supporters were just buying the spin that they are being harassed because they are different or because they homeschool. But it sounds like there are supporters who know what kind of crazy stuff the Nauglers believe and are right there with them.

    • Like 1
  16. I don't think that rant was from her personally, but from one of her supporters, right?

    This is true. It was in response to her request for ammunition against the request to get her kids birth certificates and SSNs.

  17. What in the world is she talking about? What the hell is the Crown? Is that like the Illuminati? I literally can't even figure out what she's talking about. I need my coffee...

    Coffee isn't going to help

    • Like 24
  18. Ah, I suspected all along they were at least on the fringe of the sovereign citizen movement. After reading an old post of Nicole's on FB where she mentions them getting pulled over for not having the van registered and how they don't need to due to having a "right to travel" it is confirmed.


    She sounds like she is as deep in the crazy as he is.

    This insanity has a name???

  19. Someone who just doesn't see the dangers - physical or health - to her children.  


    Or someone whose focus is so narrowly centered on an agenda that they can't see anything else

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  20. I'm sure Nicole and Joe are really proud of that and think it's a "win" for their side, but I suspect all it will do is drag out the investigation even longer. It just compounds the parents' lack of cooperation, increases suspicion that they're hiding something, and prolongs the assessment process. If they think that teaching the kids to respond this way will somehow force CPS to return them sooner, they may be shocked to discover it has the opposite effect — it may even end up restricting parental access, if the parents are encouraging this. Worst of all, it could result in splitting the kids up even more, if they feel that kids are refusing to cooperate out of solidarity. They sure have been thoroughly indoctrinated.  :sad:


    She is definitely proud of it. She goes on to say "So teach your children. Let them know their rights, even when they aren't being acknowledged'. She also has a post about being asked by CPS/the court to get the kids SSNs and birth certificates (for those who don't have them - so it appears some do). She doesn't want to. The responses are just as nusty-coo-coo as she is. Several say that a birth certificate or an SSN is an acknowledgment that the State owns you. One woman recommends not allowing her kids to be "oppressed" in that manner. UGH

  21. Wow, this brings back some ugly memories of my childhood. My dad used drive us around and coach us in what to say, and we wouldn't stop until we got the script right. :-(


    ((((HUGS))) ... I was going to 'like' this post but it didn't seem right. We need a ((HUGS)) button

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