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Michelle in IL

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29 Excellent
  1. One of mine did this for a while. He would wake up queasy and didnt feel like eating. Then he would eventually vomit. He was lethargic and pale. He usually felt better and started to eat about lunchtime. No one else ever got sick. I finally linked it to an early supper the night before. If we ate an earlier supper than usual and he didnt snack before bedtime, he would be sick the next morning. I try to make sure he has something within an hour or so of bedtime. And if he wakes up queasy I encourage him to eat something right away. It hasnt happened in quite a while.
  2. Arabella by Wendy Orr A picture book. Neat story including a boy in a wheelchair.
  3. We jumped in at HSA at Spanish 2. After a couple months I realized my student hadnt started their Spanish 2 material. They were still reviewing. I set up a meeting with her main tutor and we worked out an accelerated plan to have her finish the Spanish 2 material by the end of the school year and the end of my purchased lessons. They were easy to work with. I just had to have my student agree to a slightly higher courseload to get it done. It worked out just fine and she ended with a 95ish I think. I would set up a meeting and see if they can help you figure out a solution.
  4. My 8yo is just finishing up Book A. The handwriting style is different than what I had taught him. I just told him to make the letters the way he had been taught. So he's not truly tracing but close enough IMO. One of my older kids did all of AAS and I have a younger just starting it so I have the rules in the back of my head. I just throw them out as appropriate to my 8yo. I refuse to stress about spelling with my younger kids. I was diligent about it with my older kids but it didnt seem to matter much. After 9 years of instruction, my stinky speller is still a stinky speller. My maybe almost average speller is still my maybe almost average speller. I'm guessing this doesnt hold true for every family or the spelling curriculum companies would be out of business! :)
  5. My kids are kind of artsy. I take their picture and then they recreate it with whatever medium they want. I glue a small copy of the photo to their artwork. I am planning to keep them all together in a binder so we can watch their progress through the years.
  6. Yes, horse show fails here too. In my dds first show, her horse ended up hurting itself in the stall before the show. Horse limped threw her event and poor dd wasnt even placed because her horse was lame. The next show which was 4h, the same horse went into heat and was unmanageable for my dd. She had to scratch all events except the first event that she placed last in. This summer was the first time she took her own horse to 4h and was her last year of 4h. Torrential downpour the day before ruined the arena and her events were cancelled. I think my poor dd has maybe only participated on half the shows she signed up for.
  7. My daughter took Architectural Drafting and Design with Mrs. Kaiser at Landry Academy last year. She loved it. Lots of drawings. 2Nd semester they worked some with SketchUp. She was in 10th. Not sure of the lower age limit.
  8. I think this is it. http://beginningspublishing.com/version2/rainbows1.htm
  9. In all fairness my daughter learned a ton. So definitely a good class in that respect. But a combo of the disorganization stress and the amount of work (it seemed like a LOT at times-but it was our first outsourced class so we didnt really know what to expect) that made her freshman year borderline miserable. I felt so bad for her but knew it was good for her to stick it out. She was so excited when that last class came only to find out there were more assignments due. Sigh. I cajoled her into Spanish 2 with Homeschool Spanish Academy. It is definitely more relaxed but she has learned a bunch also. A much more pleasant year for my kiddo. :)
  10. We had similar experiences with a provider. I am assuming it is the same one. My daughter emailed 4 times. I emailed at least twice. The situation was finally resolved. His disorganization was more than we could bear. My very diligent dd was unprepared more than once in class because she "missed" that an assignment was due. Unfortunately, there was no place that listed every assignment and so there was no way to double check if you missed something. I figured we were weirdos because I never saw a negative review but this was such a stressful dealbreaker for us. We also had some other grade discrepancies in which the way he was having the kids score their work was inaccurate. So frustrating. Needless to say, we didn't return. Im not sure why people are reluctant to name names but I will leave that to the OP. I do think he responds more readily to phone calls.
  11. My dd is taking Architectural Drafting and Design 2 from Landry Academy. She took 1 last semester. She really loves the class and the teacher, Melissa Kaiser. I think (not positive though) they have interior design as well.
  12. We didn't have the teacher's book. This was an elective for her and I just pretty much checked that she did what we agreed she would do as far as answering the questions. I graded her more on her projects, notebooking and short essays.
  13. My DD did Equine Science last year in 9th with a high school textbook cleverly titled Equine Science by Rick Parker. This is the 2nd Edition. I think the most current is the 4th but I got the 2nd really cheap. It seemed pretty standard. There were review questions at the end of each chapter and also suggestions for projects or further research. My dd liked it well enough. We didn't cover the whole book but I let her dive into the chapters she was really into and skip or skim the chapters that she wasn't. http://www.amazon.com/Equine-Science-2E-Rick-Parker/dp/0766835316/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1451971250&sr=8-2&keywords=equine+science+2e We also used this Dover Horse Anatomy Book. My dd is artsy and really got into drawing the labeling the muscles and bones of the horse. She says it helped her horse drawing skills immensely. http://www.amazon.com/Horse-Anatomy-Dover-Nature-Coloring/dp/0486448134/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1451971429&sr=8-1&keywords=horse+anatomy+dover We also found this Coursera course covering Equine Nutrition which she thoroughly enjoyed. https://www.coursera.org/course/equinenutrition I had also purchased some James Herriot titles that I would have liked her to read but we ran out of time. It was a fun subject for her!
  14. Hmm...well I think I didn't express myself as well as I could have, but Lori's response was so complete that I do think I have my answer. :) Thanks, Lori! I definitely fully intend to have a numerical GPA. It was just the small chart at the bottom that indicated what I considered an A, B, C, etc that I wondered about. I see it would be better to just go with the standard numerical values there as well. You are a wealth of knowledge, Lori! Thanks again!
  15. Yes. Most transcripts list a grading scale to indicate what constituted an A, B, etc, yes?
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