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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. Repetition is key- You are planning way too much for a 5 1/2 yo. You are going to overwhelm yourself and your son with that plan. IMO, you should concentrate on Math, reading (phonics), and handwriting. The rest is just way too much. If you want him to gain science and history knowledge, get some age appropriate books from the library and have fun with that. Just be warned- at 5 years old, most of that knowledge is going to fall right out of his brain. And that's ok- as long as he's having fun.

  2. We've used Abeka for grammar for 2 years now, Language A and B. It's really worked for us. My dd is able to work through it for the most part on her own. I actually talked with SWB at our last convention about it and she agrees that it is a solid grammar program (just don't use it for writing). It has a ton of review and very clear teaching. We also like the workbook format. My dd is doing well with it and I plan to continue using it as long as it works. hth,

  3. I would suggest that you listen to SWB's cd on teaching writing. You can purchase it for something like $7 at PHP. It's really important to have a "big picture" understanding of how to teach writing, in order to make the year to year decisions. I think her seminar was the single most important one I've attended since beginning to homeschool. That said, my short answer for you is Writing with Ease, Writing Tales, or something similar. hth,

  4. I wet the bed till I was about 11 or 12. It runs in my family. My mom was also a bed-wetter and was harassed by her family about it growing up. It was so damaging to her. On the flip side, she was totally encouraging to my brother and I, who both wet. I'm so thankful that she handled it the way that she did. I forewarned my dh before we had kids that we would likely have bed wetters. Frankly, I expected them all to wet. But as it turns out, it's just my 5yo who seems to have the issue. I'm fully prepared for him to take years to grow out of it.


    Put a plastic covering on his bed, keep a change of sheets in his room and let him wear pull ups. My 5yo will often wake up right after he wets and come into my room. We just change his pull up and send him back to bed. It takes all of 60 seconds. Whatever you do- don't stress your child out about this. If he could control it, he would.

  5. For my dd- they're mandatory. I really don't think she'd "get" things the way that she does without them. Especially the fraction overlays. She just has that type of brain. If your child was distracted by them before, chances are that you won't need them.

  6. The bottom line is that if it is a schedule that someone else made up, we follow it fairly closely. If it's a scheule I've made up, it just doesn't seem to happen.


    That is SO me. When I heard SWB speak about writing, I was all over it, but without an actual curriculum to follow- it's just not happening.


    I consider us eclectic, with an emphasis on good literature.

  7. FPEA is such a great convention, in the future, I think I'll be flying back for it. (That seems extreme, but it's really just an excuse for me to have a weekend with my girlfriends- we just moved away). The vendor hall usually takes me a couple of days to go through. First off, don't buy something the first time you visit a booth, unless you already planned to buy. Go through once and highlight the booths you want to return to.


    The other thing about FPEA, is the seminars are awesome. I would go just for those. In fact, they have so many seminars that are just great Christian parenting classes, that my girlfriend and I talked another friend, who doesn't even homeschool, into going with us. The hotel is beautiful, so if it works for your budget, stay with some friends! My bday is the end of April, so my present was splitting a room with a few friends on that Friday.


    That was a little rabbit trail! All that to say that FPEA is awesome and I'm really sad that I won't be making it this year. I absolutely would go. I just thought of another tip. Bring a rolling crate with you to carry all of your purchases. They're $15 at office depot and well worth it.

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