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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. My dad taught both my brother and I when we were young. I liked playing, but it is a passion for my brother. He has played competatively since he was 12. I have taught my oldest the game and her uncle has coached her a little too. I wouldn't call her passionate, but she does enjoy the game. I think , like any strategy game, it's really great brain excersise.

  2. I'm there and doing that. It sucks. I don't have any better words for it. The hardest part is keeping it to myself. I don't want my dh to feel bad, or to project anything but confidence to my kids, but truthfully, I'm really not sure that we'll ever fit here (or that I want to fit). (((hugs)))

  3. Imo, October is the best, best, BEST (!!) month in central Florida. The weather is amazing, not too hot or too cold. It is at the tail end of huricane season, but even our crazy huricane year, we didn't have any in oct. Everyone is back in school and unlike during the spring, there aren't any school breaks yet. That said, the park is also really cool in December because it's all jazzed up for christmas. I personally couldn't handle a vacation in dec, but that's me. It will also be more crowded around the holidays.


    September will be very hot still. Mid April through the very begining of oct are the warm months, give or take a week or 2. Hth,

  4. I have had 1 csect and 2 vbacs. I did a lot of intense research when I decided to go for vbac #1, just like you seem to be doing. I ended up going with a midwife delivery at a hospital. I would have been willing to do the birth center, but I think it was against the law. The biggest thing that all of my research taught me is that induction is the enemy. I am totally certain that without the midwives, I would have ended up with another c sect. I went overdue and I have big babies. It was their confidence and guidance that helped me handle my fear in that last week. No doctor would have ever done that for me.


    With my second vbac, we had moved and there weren't any midwives that took our insurance(we were not in a position to pay out of pocket). So I went to a doc that "supports" vbac. I had my confidence back, and felt like I could advocate for myself. So fast forward to 36 weeks pregnant and she wants to induce at least a week early! I refused and she was not too happy with my decision (she did remain professional though). So we agreed that if I went a week over, I would be induced. Secretly, I knew that I wouldn't allow induction unless I hit 42 weeks, but I just wanted to end the conversation. Anyhow, I ended up only going a few days over. I delivered smack in the middle of huricane Charlie so I'm pretty sure she must have been cursing me for not inducing sooner, LOL.


    I had an epidural with my first vbac, but not with my second. I don't think it it hindered my first delivery at all. The only reason I didn't have one again was the back pain I had from it. I think that any EPi could be a hinderence, depending on the person, but I wouldn't automatically rule it out.


    My first vbac was an incredibly healing experience. I think the most important element is the midwife you choose. I think with an experienced midwife, who is fully commited to vbacs, it doesn't matter if you're in a hospital or birth center.




  5. I really have no advice, but I do have a friend who is very similar. She is also the type of person who notices everything visually. She's really anal about her home, she notices if you wear a new shirt, she's super structured with her time and schedule, ECT. I've always chalked up her noise sensitivity to her overall brain wiring. I'm sure that didn't help at all, but at least you're not alone!

  6. Planning this far ahead is like writing a birth plan (I would bet that you are a birth plan momma too; ), you have to be ready to change directions once it's time to implement them. So just remember to go easy on yourself if your days don't go just as you envision them. I like planning too, but it's rare that my plan ends up being what I actually do, if it's more than a year out. I think it helps me to feel like my goal of raising well educated adults is not as far off as it really is. Forget that it's going to be 15 years (!!!) till I graduate my youngest, at least I have a plan to get her there.

  7. I think posting that question here is going to get you a "bad mom" response, honestly. People who don't ride will say "never. Over my dead body," ECT.


    We ride. Dh has never taken dd on the highway, but they did longer country rides starting at about 10. I don't know when I'd be ok with highway rides. He does neighborhood rides with our 5yo. Ooh, bad mom! ;-)

  8. We're doing sl5 for science next year. From hanging out on the SL boards, it seems to be one of their best science years. The usual sl science complaint in the early years is that the experiments don't match up with what you're studying, but I haven't heard about any such issues with year 5. We've used sl for our other subjects for a couple of years now, bit this will be our first year using of for science. Hth,

  9. Mondays we're home

    Tuesdays is Awanas

    Wednesday is youth group (dh is youth pastor, our whole family is there)

    Thursdays we're home

    Fridays are park day

    Saturday we're home, unless we do something fun with the kids

    Sundays is church


    This is our schedule after JUST moving here. We haven't even begun to add extra curricular activities. Eventually, I'm sure we'll have our sports teams back up and running.

  10. My mom had to have her nose surgically reset after her dog knocked her inthe nose. They actually sent a social worker in to ask if she was being abused. I guess they didn't buy her dog story, LOL.


    The worst nose bleed I've ever dealt with on a kid was our friend's son who fell face first off of a small wall. It was gushing, I thought he was going to need to go in to the hospital. We got it stopped and 30 min later he was playing again. It was remarkable. Ah kids....(and dogs)

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