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Everything posted by InHisGrip

  1. I'm thinking about having my 6th gr. ds take the beginning of the year assessment test and then figuring out which list to start with. For us, I was thinking of just orally going over 20 words a week or so and discussing the rules with each word and the phonograms, but not actually marking them and making a complete SWR notebook with all of the reference pages. Another thing I thought of doing was just catching spelling mistakes in his writing and using those as his spelling words (Ruth Beechick style) - we would discuss the rules & phonograms, etc. with those as well and then maybe test him at the end of the week. He spells pretty well, so I would feel comfortable doing this with him, but I'm not sure if I would feel so comfortable doing it if spelling was an area he struggled in. I'll be interested to see what others have to say on this -- ETA: I think it's important to remember that we are not slaves to this particular curriculum & are free to trust ourselves as our kids' teachers and make changes as we see fit. I remember feeling like a big SWR failure for the first year until it dawned on me that I didn't *have* to do everything recommended, no matter how strong the suggestions were.
  2. thanks for your answer. If I go w/ this, I'll start with the 4th gr. book. I'm not too worried about being on track. I'm so far off the track, that root words are my last worry. :D
  3. thanks for the suggestions. I think I didn't type clearly, though....I do like all of the planning pages (shopping lists, etc.) in the planner - just not the style of it. So, I was wondering if there was something that was as encompassing but used clean lines.
  4. Thanks for the detailed information. I appreciate you taking the time to do that. The plans look great and I am considering this for next year. We have not done too much science here the last two years, and I think this might work better for my ds next year - giving us this year to get adjusted to doing some more formal science. Thanks again!
  5. Yes, what Caroline said. After working on math for 20 or 30 minutes, then maybe doing a read-aloud. Or, after doing a written narration, doing music appreciation or poetry reading - something that is done for enjoyment and isn't requiring the extra focus and concentration that something like math or written narration would.
  6. O.K., this is good. I'm going to starting using the R&S assignments. Amie, thanks so much for giving me that link. Great info there. Writing is just so different than teaching math -- I can look at a book and see what answers are wrong & right. Not so with writing. I noticed in the thread that Amie linked someone mentioned a CD with SWB explaining how to teach writing? Anyone have this? I think I do need something that will guide me on how to teach and what to look for at different levels. Is there a resource like this?
  7. O.K. We've had this for two years and still haven't made it all the way through the level we have (which is level 3, I think? The one with the birdcage on it). I finally realized today it's because I can't stand it and so I don't assign it like I should. My rising 6th gr. ds groans everytime I assign it, too. So, now that I've figured that out, I need to find something else. Background info: We do use R&S Grammar and I've always skipped the writing (b/c I had Writing Strands that we weren't doing, either -- real smart, huh?). My ds doesn't have much confidence in writing and doesn't enjoy it, but I think he does pretty well when we sit together and I give him ideas and instruction. Anyways, would R&S be enough? If not, what would be a good fit for us? I need something that teaches outlining and after that, I have no idea what I want (other than that I don't think IEW is an option for us). I have so many writing programs written down from other posts that I have no idea where to start and how to narrow down. I think in the past I have tended to shy away from "formula" type writing programs so maybe something that mixes formula and freedom. I don't know....
  8. Yeah, we have the movie -- we'll have to bring it along with us as we haven't watched it in a while. Haven't read the book, either.
  9. Wondering if we've never done any root study if I should start with the 4th grade book for my 6th grader? Also, from year to year, is there review of the previously learned roots? Thanks -
  10. I LOVE the books here. I just glanced at the first few pages of the 6th grade book. There are some great quotes in there. Thanks so much for this. As far as doing grammar at the same time, I have confidence I can do that for my 3rd grader, but not so much for my 6th grader. I forgot what age you said your dd was. Maybe someone else will jump in here and give you some suggestions. Thanks for the encouragement that if I do use something else, it will be just fine! That sounds like a good way to simplify things! Thanks for the suggestion. I guess I've always thought they should have an original in either the manuscript or cursive for them to copy? Maybe that would be more beneficial when they are just learning how to form the letters, but when you know they have mastered the formation of letters or the strokes in cursive, then you could do this?
  11. Wow - I've had a chance to look over some of your recommendations and, Faithr, that Lapaz link is awesome. I just wish I had the patience to tweak it a little as it is geared for high school (and I'd need to cut the length of it down quite a bit). But, I will still use the games & other links she provided. I get amazed when I see these detailed plans that moms just come up with for their kids. That is soooo not me. Also, Susie and Brittney, I love both of the unit studies you suggested. I still haven't had a chance to look into each book suggested, but have looked at some. The Exploratopia book looks good and the suggestion for Keep the Lights Burning, Abbey is great as I have an Abby (just spelled differently). Thanks again...
  12. Caroline - can you elaborate even more on the way you go through the books? When you say you one at a time, you do mean you take one literature book, one science book, one history book, etc. at a time, right? What books are you reading aloud and what do you have the kids reading on their own? I would love to get a look inside your CM day. Or, better yet, you can come mentor me in my home. :) Thanks, Caroline & Another Lynn for the art print suggestions. I like the idea of just buying them, but the back-up option from the yahoo group is good to know. Do you know which yahoo group it is specifically? I have joined the main AO group & AmbleRamble in the past, but am not very active. For some reason, yahoo groups drive me crazy.
  13. I think we'll try a combo of all of it! RS4K and interest-directed. He has already started an Ambleside science book (The Fairyland of Science - can't remember if that's the correct name) and he really likes that, so we can finish that, too. I have a feeling I'm going to have to hold his hand a little with RS4K. O.K., that is now two subjects for him that I don't have to buy because we already had something. Yay! (Although, I might break down later and buy some of the Stratton Home Science Adventure kits if he really hates RS4K).
  14. but good idea -- maybe you would like to put something like this together for all of us? :D
  15. that's NOT girly? I like clean & simple and wasn't crazy about the background "family pictures". But, I like everything else.
  16. Also use the large paperclips here, too.....I paperclip about 20-30 pieces of paper together where I'm marking and it's very easy to find & flip to. The kicker, though, is it took me about a year and a half to get to a level of frustration where I started using them. Before that, we would have to search and find the correct place in the book every single time we opened it. What a waste of time. I'm a little slow.... :)
  17. My girls, 8 & 5, made me recite it for a period a month or two ago everytime we were driving and saw an American flag. One day, I must have said it 15 times. :tongue_smilie: So, there's a good way to incorporate it without making it "school". We also discussed the phrasing and what the words mean. I think I need to go back to doing this two or three times a week, so they will continue to memorize it.
  18. Oh, so apparently I have plenty of company? I can't tell you how many questions on timelines I've posted on another board. Got great suggestions. I have the sewing board that MOH suggests. I've spent hours trying to create my own images in Word & some other stinkin' software. I've daydreamed & obsessed and have just never done it. I am feeling a little more free after reading this post that maybe I can go easy on myself and just get a pre-made one. I think I'll be better off just facing facts -that we may never actually do our own - and at least having something to look to for a reference. Aaaahhhhh--- I feel better now.
  19. I don't have time to thank everyone personally, so thanks to all of you for these great recommendations. I'll have to look over the responses more in detail and choose what we want to do. Thanks so much!
  20. No, we don't use the tests. I agree with the value of learning to take tests, but my son is going to be in 6th and I'm not worried about it for this upcoming fall, either. Maybe 8th or 9th (for us).
  21. What? You add things?!? And, here I am, thinking I can't even do what she's recommending. :tongue_smilie: I'm assuming the guides you are talking about are the ones she writes/sells? Do you follow the history & science modules? Sorry for all of the questions.....I was mulling AO for a while, but I just have a feeling that SCM is going to be a better fit for my family. I like the idea of keeping the kids together for history. I have noticed that you answer a lot of CM questions - so can I add another one? I was wondering if there is a place I can get good quality, but inexpensive art prints. Thanks!
  22. that I can use for a month at the beach with a 3rd grade dd and 6th grade ds? Or any other suggestions for making a month at the beach fun, but still a bit educational? Unit study, maybe? Thanks!
  23. This is for my ds who doesn't like science textbooks, but prefers real books. So, I'm considering Noeo or something similar (Awakening Wonder? Sonlight? What else would fit in this category?) Also, I do have the RS4K Level I (have all three books), which I know is supposed to be below his level, but we are NOT sciency around here. Speaking of which, I need something that will get him excited about science and not bore him. Even though he doesn't like textbooks (he's thinking big thick textbooks), would RS4K Level I work for him? Or am I better off with a literature-based program? Any suggestions, advice would be appreciated. :bigear:
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