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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. It makes it much easier to read the big threads too. :p **ducks and runs away snickering bwahahahaha ** :auto:
  2. :lol::lol: :) Sleep well maiden of Rohan. :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. heheheh :blushing: Awww shucks. Glad you enjoyed it. :p LOL Christian Bale's Batman would I'm sure of it! :D
  4. Keep reading. It's in there. :D I told you. Everything you need to know is in that thread! :p hehe
  5. LOL That's what I pretty much do when I meet Portuguese speakers. They speak to me in Portuguese and I answer them in Spanish. lol
  6. :lol::lol: Sadly Alex isn't in that thread that I can remember. We'll just have to put him here I guess. :)
  7. It will tell you everything you need to know. All of the secrets of the world are buried deep within that thread! :D hehehe
  8. Nice! :D Oh my gosh that was hilarious! Thanks for posting it up. :) :lol::lol::lol:
  9. Blech I hate the smell of stale cigarettes too. The round door would be AWESOME!! :thumbup: :D
  10. LOL You may be right. I personally like the http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n106/FloridaNat1ve/MrDarcy.png[/img]"]strutting Leo meme best. That one cracks me up. :p
  11. Oooh I can't drink sake. It gives me an instant headache. Champagne too! I can't drink that one either. My brother once bought a gallon sized jug of Albertson's vodka (grocery store brand) for 8 dollars when he was despondent over breaking up with his girlfriend who was his first love. He didn't want to drink alone so he invited me to join him. I have never ever been so sick in my life before or since. I can't even smell vodka without feeling sick. I've never had ouzo, but wine yes. :) I grew up drinking wine with dinner, it never helped me learn Latin though. hehehee Ay, ya'll are going to think I'm a total lush! lol I'm not really. I like my rum, but I only drink a little bit and never drink more than one and don't get tipsy either. I just like how it makes your belly warm and it relaxes you. I hate feeling drunk though. :ack2:
  12. :) Glad it made you laugh and I'm gladder still that you're feeling better. Nighty nite! :) :grouphug: Are you Portuguese?? Cool! Sure come on down here. Florida can be pretty miserable at other times of the year, but in winter it's glorious. :) I can read Portuguese and understand a lot, but I just can't pronounce it well or speak it. Whenever I try to speak Portuguese it just comes out Spanish. :p lol
  13. Okay, I'll try to be as brief as possible because I'm Cuban and if I don't stop myself I will literally talk forever and ever.:tongue_smilie: So I had taken 2 years of German in community college. I could understand a lot but still was slow and clumsy in conversation and didn't feel confident speaking to anyone in German. I went to Europe and was in Belgium in a pub. I had never been in a pub before and I don't drink beer either, but I figured when in Rome (or in this case Belgium)... So I ordered a black beer called Leffe and I was travelling with a friend who was a native German speaker and the Belgians there all spoke German. Well, they were asking me where I was from and I was trying to make small talk and tell them about my state etc in my poor German. They were kind of understanding me and my friend was translating the rest for me that I was saying wrong. Well, it turned out that those beers were actually really good. So I ordered another one. I figured I'd better enjoy them while there because we couldn't get those back home in the states and we were walking distance from the hostel we were staying at and plus everyone knows rum is stronger than beer right? Well, after my third Leffe, I was getting a lot more confident in my German speaking and was talking more and by the fourth, they were cracking up laughing and the guy who was sitting next to me told me that my German was getting better and better with every beer I drank. lol Everyone in the pub was laughing with him and we were cracking up too.. It was funny. I had such a hangover the next day! :ack2:, but it was just really funny how my German improved so much with the beer. I guess Germans and beer really do go together. :p So that's my story. :) I wish it worked for other languages. I really wish I could speak Portuguese well. I drank some port hoping, but it didn't work. :glare::tongue_smilie:
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