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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. No suggestions wrt the copay money, but maybe a friend and you could trade babysitting duties a couple of hours a week. Or some therapists have evening or weekend hours.
  2. (((ikslo, Slache, Bookie))) (((and anyone else I might have forgotten)))
  3. Yay!!!!!!! DW is a senior now! As in, they gave her a promotion so she's got 'senior' in front of her title now. The raise is smaller than we would've liked, but they also gave her $1k in stock (which, if the past is any indication, will remain about $1k worth of stock indefinitely, except during blackout periods when she can't sell, but oh well), and increased her bonus percentage. Oh, and apparently her promotion went in effect on Oct 1st, so she'll get back pay for the difference over the past month (and she agreed to pay off her credit card with that). She also said that she'll ask to be promoted to 'principal' in a few months, with as slow as the company works (seriously, it's ridiculous how slow anything that needs to be run by HR works - this promotion took about a year after her superiors agreed she should be promoted). Also, I found my new driver's license, so I should be able to deal with registering the kids with the new school district (which I don't legally have to do, but that way Celery can get speech therapy through them).
  4. Can't people with PharmDs get jobs in the pharmaceutical industry as well, not just in pharmacies?
  5. That reminds of what DW once told me. There's a "spy store" in WNY, and DW decided to go check it out. The owner was surprised she was in such a good mood - turned out that pretty much all of his customers are people who suspect their spouse is cheating on them. I imagine Jean as pretty in the "girl next door" kind of way. Btw, does the bolded imply that you don't think the ones with pictures are very beautiful??? If it helps, my pic is 8 or 9 years old. I don't necessarily look much like my pic.
  6. Sounds like some basic white girl feed. Of course, it's on a basic white girl platform, so, that's hardly surprising.
  7. For high school, maybe, if you collect all the supplies needed. For elementary, no thanks (yesterday evening's lab was the first one in a couple of months or so...).
  8. At least Celery seems to remember that he's had school on Halloween, so, there's that.
  9. HalidonMusic has Scary Dark Classical Music - Halloween Party on YouTube. Thus far it's not bad. Ugh. Broccoli thinks Halloween should be a vacation day, and is not convinced when I told him the local school districts don't think it is. Wishful thinking, dude!
  10. Oh, and while I'm bragging about our accomplishments, Broccoli finished Honey today. LOF Honey, that is. If he'd finished our honey, I'd probably be mad, since I just bought a bottle of honey yesterday, lol.
  11. Edpo! We finally got around to making goo. It didn't work as well as intended. I think maybe too much water? Oh well. After dumping out a bunch of liquid we ended up with something gooey, so, good enough. (we did the thing from Mystery Science - may have been my fault though, since I eyeballed some of the measurements instead of getting more measuring cups etc dirty, or the stuff we did use measuring cups for the kids spilled somewhat while pouring in, so I added some extra water to compensate, and anyway...) Then, after I cleaned up, I saw that there was a bonus challenge for making your goo bouncy, by trying to see which worked best - adding talcum, salt, or cornstarch. I told the kids maybe some day, but probably not this week. I need to decide which set of mysteries to do next - the kids are of course wanting different things. Celery wants watery planet, and Broccoli wants the one about sound. But anyway, I got another 'experiment' (demo) done (and the kids did a fair amount of the work). Woohoo!
  12. Made obsolete by the ITT. Not that I ever used Tumblr pre-ITT.
  13. And I haven't practiced with my new snowshoes - I only bought them. We've got wind and rain and something like 40F, I think.
  14. Shhhhh! You're not supposed to mention my real name!
  15. Call it a homeschooling expense. ETA: of course that would require a discussion with the kids about DNA, and possibly about genealogy, and maybe about how historical records don't always match up with other ways to verify history, or w/e.
  16. Which would make you a lot more what... - a lot more Jean?
  17. We did the lake too. Except we walked next to it and above it (a couple of piers). The kids had fun (me too).
  18. 234. Just a 1000 pages until 1234. And a ways to go till 12345.
  19. De gringo's aten enchilada's. Perfect Dutch. (The gringos ate enchiladas - the conversation was about stacking vs rolling) It shouldn't be complicated to explain to a Dutch person. The gymnasium track of high school is quite a lot like classical education, with Latin and Ancient Greek. That said, it takes some effort to explain homeschooling to Dutch people.
  20. The ITT is so educational. I knew about tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes (and maybe eggplant... not 100% sure). I had no clue about tobacco though. Nor goji berries, but I'm not even sure what goji berries are. Btw, black pepper is not a nightshade, afaik.
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