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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. DW turned down my suggestion to do reverse Ramadan and only eat during daylight hours, especially since it was already dark when I suggested it. Seriously, why do people need to eat?
  2. And my computer wanted to update something, but said my browser couldn't be open, but then my browser wouldn't let me quit it. I could close all my windows, but not quit the browser. And now (after reopened this window) all my tabs look blank, so it's super hard to find something. :banghead:
  3. Both kids did math, and Dutch, and Celery did typing. And we read some more about the weird and wacky inventions.
  4. Yay, they finally answered their phone. They said they'd had a problem with their phone/computer/etc all day long. Violin/guitar lessons set up. Still need to wait to hear back about violin rental though.
  5. We've got renter's insurance. And then when I got home, I realized that we don't actually have deadbolts here, so I called them to let them know that I messed up. So, now waiting to see if they're going to call me back (the person who answered the phone was the wrong agent of course, so, she was going to let the other person know). I doubt it matters, since when I played around online with quotes it didn't seem to make a difference, but blegh. And, it looks like Broccoli and Celery can get violin/guitar lessons at the same time... if they'll answer their phone so I can let them know that the time they mentioned to me works (it's giving me the busy signal, so I can't even leave a message). Sigh. It's been a light school week thus far here. We should probably do math later. And yes, I'm aware it's like 4pm here. The only seatwork the kids have done so far today though is 1 page of the Beginning Outlining book for Broccoli, and 4 pages of the Outlining book for Celery, so, I think they'll live. Oh, and Broccoli did typing, because he kept nagging me and Celery is pretty much through the lessons now, so I can focus on him, because Celery was exhausting to deal with at first with the typing (kid needed supervision to make sure he wasn't looking at the keys, whined, etc yada yada).
  6. I wish... Last night tech support called DW: "hey [her name], how are you?". She was like, dude, just get to the point... she's not bored enough to want social calls from tech support at night. Which, of course it wasn't a social call. Some server was throwing some error message so she had to go deal with that.
  7. Seconding this... we just finished SOTW (1-4) using audiobooks borrowed from the library. Not that I recommend #4 for young kids... Broccoli was bored out of his mind during that one.
  8. The electrified fence(s?) I've touched aren't that big a deal. Of course, I think I've only touched one (or more) in NL, so who knows how JJM's compare. I also wasn't wearing gloves of any kind, wet or dry. I made an appt for later today with an insurance company to set up renter's insurance (because getting an online quote over a month ago and then doing nothing doesn't actually do any good). Progress. I suck at adulting. I also need to do my first quarterly report today or tomorrow, since it's due tomorrow.
  9. I think some books read to the kids should count... then and again, mine are slightly older (I have no idea who I thought I was talking to/about - obviously your kids are not younger than mine). Bookie: I would not put Spanish on a loop, at least not with that many other subjects (it looks like you'd hit Spanish only once every 3rd day or more). I'd be more inclined to just wait a couple of years before starting Spanish. Of course, YMMV, etc. Same with music, if it involves learning how to play an instrument. If it's just music appreciation and singing some songs or w/e, then it doesn't matter. Basically, I'd do foreign language and musical instrument at least every other day, if not every day. That said, for foreign language, it's pretty easy to just put on a video in the foreign language for a half hour every afternoon and leave actual instruction to every other day or w/e. The reason I'm saying that is that my kids' progress is soooooo tediously slow with foreign language, and we do do it every day - every 3rd day or w/e would probably be completely pointless.
  10. I took Celery to soccer. It was too far away, the Y was too big and too noisy, but he liked it.
  11. I'm guessing the exhausted part was staying up too late watching TV? I hope? I thought there was no time limit? And, since Critter will live forever, 100 books should be quite doable. Even on top of all that.
  12. (It's my understanding that car thieves either steal really common cars, because it's easy to sell them whole or for parts, or steal really expensive cars (different thieves, obviously) - stealing an uncommon car that's old and isn't worth much is just not a typical target)
  13. FWIW, unless Mexican carjackers are idiots, stealing a car that almost nobody in Mexico has and that isn't worth much is probably a pretty dumb idea. Apparently Kias were quite unpopular in Mexico, though they did just open a factory there last year... but, stealing a 2009 Rio... maybe not the best choice when there are other cars to jack. The main concern, of course, is that there might be some idiots who will only look at the NY plates on it. Not that we have plans to actually drive to Nicaragua in the foreseeable future.
  14. That would still get me more than halfway there by car before having to walk. :coolgleamA:
  15. Yes, that's with tolls. Without tolls, it would take about that long just to get out of NYS.
  16. I'm guessing it was listening to Prairie, who told me not to drive. I'm pretty sure that walking is not a safety improvement.
  17. Oh, wait. For some reason it was set to walking. It's about 72 hours driving. I'm NOT walking to Nicaragua. I'm probably not driving to Nicaragua either... I've got other places I want to visit more.
  18. Um, Google? It does not take 1177 hours to drive to Nicaragua. Really. I've never been, but I can guarantee that it will not take that long (it's about 3500 miles).
  19. Prairie, I promise that if we drive to Nicaragua, we WILL drive through TX on the way.
  20. Can we drive to Nicaragua? I mean, we'd need a car at our destination anyway, right?
  21. There's a very good chance we'll be flying out of Canada again. I don't wanna, but odds are it would save oodles. And who doesn't want to save oodles? Maybe if we were rich we could fly out of the US, but we're still nowhere remotely near six figures...
  22. Btw, I'm thinking of renting a house in Austria for a week. Y'all are welcome to meet me there (btw, my parents are supposed to be there too). That said, I'm not meeting anyone in Seattle in order to fly to NL or Austria (it hasn't been decided yet whether we fly to NL and then drive to Austria or fly to Austria... tbt).
  23. Hm, my dad said that there's a Legoland in Ulm (in Germany, near the Austrian border), and that allegedly it's bigger than the one in Denmark anyway (he mentioned the latter after I complained that it's not the original one :lol: - not that bigger is necessarily better... one reason I don't want to go to Disney is that it's too big afaik). So, I Googled Legoland, and apparently New York should get one in 2020. Which of course would still be a 5+hour drive each way from where we live, so, might as well go to Denmark or Germany or w/e*. So, maybe we'll do a week in Austria and then do a day of Legoland on the way to NL. Since it sounds like DW's raise is just about the cost of going to Europe again anyway, so, that makes sense, right? There are quite a lot of logistics to plan though... it sounds like my aunt is thinking of selling her camper, so, who knows what we'll be doing. *Also, I think my kids will have a much more suitable age for Legoland this coming summer than in 2020.
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