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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Hey guys, did y'all know that Jean is one of the Duggar kids?
  2. Best I've been able to tell, Fall flood warnings are generally not a big deal. Spring flood warnings are generally not real problematic either, but have more potential to (melting snow, frozen ground, rain, ice in rivers blocking the flow of the river until they suddenly break loose and then release a whole bunch of water).
  3. Morning! Coffee. Alfred J Kwak episode about Atlantis (in Dutch). High of 49F today. (Mild) flood warning (probably won't affect us).
  4. Ingredients: apples, water, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) for color. On the jars of chunky unsweetened applesauce I have. #teamchunky
  5. Rambling 2k words on the ITT really is easier than whatever you may be doing though. Unless you find us hard to talk to... I once chose a dentist from the list on my insurance company's website. He asked me too, and when I told him, he lectured me that that was a terrible method. From his perspective, it should've been a great method, since it meant I was sitting in his chair. :001_rolleyes: We stil get huge thick books of yellow pages delivered. Here in the Pacific time zone, it's always daylight when I get up. Check your library to see which of those 2 movies they have on DVD.
  6. What's the saying? You can lead a heathen to water, but you can't make him attend an actual service?
  7. How's that working out for you? Also, you may want to rethink posting about intent to commit arson on a public forum. Wait... is TN in the southern hemisphere? I know it's to the south of here...
  8. Working great. We go to church all the time now (okay, not even every day, but anyway...). That said, the last time I set foot *in* a church was on vacation in Germany, because tourism. I didn't mean to correct your terminology... I just wanted to make sure I hadn't made it seem like the churches *chose* to be in the game.
  9. To be clear, none of the churches I've encountered are Pokémon 'affiliated'... it's just that the company that created Pokémon Go had a previous app in which users tagged landmarks, and a lot of churches got tagged as landmarks, and then they used all* the tagged locations in that app when they created Pokémon Go. I think locations can actually request to not be gyms/Pokéstops anymore, though I'm not 100% sure. And places can pay to become a gym/Pokéstop as well, afaik, but iirc that shows up in the game as obvious that that place paid to be in the game. *Though I think that if too many tagged locations are too close together they don't include all of them.
  10. Wouldn't that count as a fallacy of some sort? If I google "satanic temples near me" I get search results (on a map) too. Though the first result is a Wesleyan church and I'm clueless about the others as well (I don't think Wesleyans are satanists... but like I said, clueless).
  11. You probably don't want to take my advice on matters of theology, but I think it's probably less bad than to pick one by seeing which church near you is a gym or pokéstop in Pokémon Go and decide based on that. Out of the 3 churches closest to our house, one is a gym, one is a pokéstop, and the third one isn't anything.
  12. No, I took Broccoli to his tournament. He got 3rd place in both forms and sparring. It took for.ev.er. Then after that we had a snack and did some shopping, and I cooked dinner, etc. Green beans, roasted potatoes, spam&eggs. So, then saying you don't know whether the French are rioting about the butter shortage would be "je ne sais pas", oui?
  13. The place where I lived from 6-18yo has on average 291 days with precipitation annually, according to weer.nl. Buffalo ranks really high in days of precipitation/year for the US, but nowhere near that high (168 or something). :svengo: Also, Buffalo has a significantly higher percentage of snow days as part of those days with precipitation. (Where I lived in Thailand had 258 days with precipitation = rain days in 2016, but I didn't see an annual average) Thanks for your thoughts! And odds are that some people do scream when they find a dead body.
  14. Morning! It's my understanding that it's advice for *beginning* writers. And, quite frankly, if you barely have a clue about your subject, then it's either a LOT more work to make it work, or, more likely, you'll end up writing a bunch of nonsense. Like, I considered writing a (very) short story for Bookie about Zheng He's giraffe unicorns, but, that would've required doing too much research for why I was doing it (fun and to cheer someone up), or risk completely butchering history. Now, some people are totally okay with the latter, but personally I wouldn't be able to stand it. Of course, if you write, say, sci-fi, then historical accuracy isn't an issue, but you'd still want your society and tech to make some sort of (internal) sense. And if you write (e.g. contemporary realistic fiction) about people from a different subculture without doing your research, then you risk offending people big time. Etc.
  15. I'm going to bed now, I think... there's no way I'm going to get to the 1700+ words I'm supposed to get per day anyway.
  16. Right... I didn't mean that idea. I just meant in general. If I write about the paralysis of anxiety or w/e, it'd be too easy to slip into memoir, or at least partially memoir. Not that there's anything wrong with memoirs; I just don't want to write one at the moment. I did remember something I'd wanted to do... not a story, but something I wanted to do with language, and I've got 345 words now, and a genre and a general idea of where I'm going (no clue about the ending yet, but, I think I've got the main premise or w/e). Grammar is hard (because I'm messing with language), but that should become easier soon when I get used to how I'm using words.
  17. Not sure how to square "write what you know" with not turning it into (partially fictionalized) memoir. Not that NaNoWriMo requires you to write what you know, or w/e. It's just common advice. Maybe I should write what I don't know.
  18. Btw, 'book' was in quotes because it wasn't very long, not because it had anything to do with bOOks.
  19. When I was (almost?) 10 I wrote and illustrated a 'book' about some girl going scuba diving and I don't recall what. It was a few dozen pages, iirc. I gave it to my best friend's mom. She died not long thereafter (breast cancer relapse - she was already in the relapse when I started writing it, iirc).
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