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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Wow, this is the second time in like a week that I've seen someone refer to primary school as early elementary school (this time someone over on the K-8 board). I don't think I'd ever seen someone use it like that before this week. In my experience, primary is Pre-K through 6th, secondary is 7th-12th, and tertiary is w/e education you do after high school. I mean, I don't think anybody is referring to mid-upper elementary as "secondary", are they? Confused. I'm also out of it because I didn't get enough sleep.
  2. Also, apparently the bakery section wasn't fully stocked yet. Late at night, I get that they're out, but early in the morning... didn't see that coming.
  3. Yes, I went. I usually go at 11pm or something. Downside of early morning is that we live near a school, and parents dropping off kids are crazy.
  4. I guess y'all are sleeping through it too. They finally left. I'm thinking maybe I'll go to the grocery store.
  5. Oh, and somehow everybody else is sleeping through it. Guess I should be happy about that. I wish I were sleeping through it though.
  6. Wait, WHAT?! How, where? Neighbor kids having been stomping around just above our bedroom for about 25 min now. I hope they'll be done soon. I'm not sure why they're even here - neighbor normally only has them on weekends.
  7. It isn't as good as the MOOC on the same topic I took a few years ago, but, unfortunately, that MOOC hasn't been given since.
  8. I'm not sure if that's me being evil, insane, or both.
  9. Right. I've got a thread over on the Logic Stage board about potentially doing the GC 48 lecture series "War in World History". And I wasn't really planning on starting it until 6th grade anyway, since we're trying to get through An Economic History of the World Since 1400 at the moment.
  10. To be clear, those were the colors I thought of before I looked at the bilingual board or anyone else's answers. Really though, you should ask someone with synesthesia.
  11. Brown. Or maybe purple. Or maybe... I don't know. I ended up looking up the thing on the bilingual board, and either of those should work, assuming they don't interfere with your colorblindness.
  12. Also the 1977 movie "A Bridge Too Far" is PG rated (of course, rated back when the PG-13 rating didn't exist yet), or, by Kijkwijzer, rated 6+ for violence, 12+ for fear, and 12+ for discrimination. In case y'all were wondering. I'm pretty sure I've never seen the movie.
  13. They have done a good job of making it seem less boring on their website. Well, on the Dutch version. The English version of their website is pretty bare bones, so, I'm guessing all the audioguides, treasure hunts, etc mentioned on the Dutch website are only available in Dutch.
  14. Yes, and I guess WWII had plenty of stuff going on in Asia... I'm just not sure to what degree he wants it to be WWI & WWII, nor whether he'd be annoyed if I gave it an Asian spin, but, as you know, NL was occupied in WWII, so, anything European feels pretty close-to-home (at least to me). It even crossed my mind that I could drag him to some WWI/WWII sites while we'll be in Europe this summer... e.g., Dachau wouldn't really be a detour when driving home from Austria, BUT, even the Dachau Memorial's website itself says that they have nothing for kids, and that they don't recommend it for kids under 12, and that most of it is really 14+. Of course, there are milder options - e.g. my parents don't live all that far from a Bridge Too Far, where there is a small WWII museum. Pretty boring from the one time I went there though.
  15. Edpo: I asked Celery what part of history he's interested in, and his first answer was no particular time period, but then his second answer was war, WWI, WWII. Contemplating what I can do with that. History of warfare should be doable, but the war part of WWI & WWII gets pretty intense pretty quickly. And somehow I don't think he's asking for something like American Girl's Molly books.
  16. Would "War in World History" from the Great Courses work for a 6th grader? When I asked him what parts of history he's interested in, he says he's interested in WWI & WWII, and history of warfare. Obviously that course doesn't spend a lot of time on WWI & WWII, but, I feel like he's probably a bit young to throw something like Utopia and Terror in the 20th Century at him (which otherwise sounds like it'd be great, so if I'm wrong and it would be okay for a 6th grader, let me know). Likewise, I'm not convinced that the separate courses on WWI and WWII would work either because of age. Also, I don't think he really cares *that* much about the two world wars - his first reaction was that he doesn't have a specific time period he's interested in, which is why I'm thinking WiWH might work. There are also courses about Military Blunders, or about Decisive Battles, but I'm not sure how much context those give for people who are still relatively shaky in their world history knowledge (he's listened to all the SOTW audiobooks, and likes to read and reread all the Horrible Histories books). For reference, he's completed Thinking about Cybersecurity (his choice, he liked it), and we're partway through How to Become a Superstar Student and An Economic History of the World since 1400.
  17. I think I need to block my in-laws on FaceTime. They told the kids they were going to send them plane tickets, without consulting us, and the kids are nag, nag, nagging about going, and then this morning just as I was going to get them to do something edumacational with them, I heard them start chatting with them, so I didn't want the kids to get mad at me for taking it away just after starting, so then I let them be, but now my schedule is completely off, and I'm grumpy, and everything. Oh, and they told the kids that the kids hadn't been able to visit them for a year because of FIL's health, which is BS, they haven't visited them in over a year because we won't let them because they keep ignoring boundaries, and won't talk to DW, etc.
  18. Nope. Sheep herding is all that's required, per Tsuga.
  19. Since he did get okay grades, couldn't you just not have him repeat the courses (maybe review a bit during the summer)? Because I agree, it probably would look confusing to colleges.
  20. See, the way the admissions applications for pretty much all colleges are written, is that you should include transcripts from all high schools attended. So, whether you're using any of the credits or whether it'd look confusing or is ethical etc is a moot point. It's not fun to have that kind of stuff hanging over you, if you go down that road (says the person who took the GED because it was cheaper and easier than having their high school diploma translated).
  21. Yes, I just meant that our (urban) district, despite having an average SAT score of 815, also has an honors high school with an IB program, and that the scores for that high school are probably very, very different from the district average. I'd hope. We aren't zoned for any particular schools within the district.
  22. Technically, yes, you'll have to. Now, colleges might never find out if you don't, but they could kick your kid out etc if they do find out.
  23. I've read about some family (maybe it was the Brainy Bunch people) where mom or dad would take the college class with the kid, at least for the first (few) course(s). Also, online degrees, where it's easier to check up on your kid doing the work. More doable the fewer kids you have, but, it's not impossible to micromanage your kid's college work (assuming you have the time, money, etc). Not saying the above is desirable... just that there are workarounds to having to wait till the end of the semester to know whether your kid is doing the work and/or passing.
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