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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Edpo: I'm contemplating Conceptual Physical Science by Hewitt for Celery next year. He said he wants Astronomy, but naturally, there are no decent Astronomy textbooks at his level - it's all just living books and kids stuff, or AP/college level, which would be (seriously) pushing it. I know I could just do living books, but I'm thinking maybe trying a textbook would be good? The last 3 or so chapters of that book are about Astronomy, and I'm thinking I could probably do those first...
  2. I'm ketchupped. But no ketchup with the French toast - that'd be gross. The French toast was with sugar and cinnamon. Also, DW said it didn't have enough egg. I told her American French toast is way too eggy. I also Russianed this morning. I'm almost exactly halfway through RS - that is, I'm almost halfway through level 3 out of the 5 levels. Ikslo, I'd definitely look at the alphabet with the pronunciations some, but, it's not too hard, at least it isn't if you have some clue about the Greek alphabet, since it's similar. ETA: my spelling still sucks though.
  3. Except when deciding whether to order pizza. I made French toast for dinner. I was going to make it for lunch, but since it was after 6pm... :leaving: Huh. I don't think we've ever had an issue with that. Then and again, I don't file; DW does. I'm sure I would've heard about it if there were an issue. That said, this year's taxes haven't been done yet, and probably won't be until, uh, April.
  4. Yes! I finally figured out what book series I read when I was 10-11yo or so. I'd tried Googling it a few times before, but somehow, The War of the Roses, England, children's books, series, historical fiction, etc (Googled in Dutch, because I read the Dutch translation, even though I was pretty sure it was translated, I wasn't sure if it was translated from English), wasn't getting me anywhere (was mostly getting me Philippa Gregory). Anyway, it's the Mantlemass chronicles, by Barbara Willard. Naturally, our library doesn't have the first book in the series (though it's debatable which book is first, since what most places claim is the "first" book wasn't the first book published), but anyway. By publication date, the Lark and the Laurel is first, but otherwise, Miller's Boy is first, and the latter sounds like it's more likely to appeal to boys, so, I ordered it from Amazon, because I'm not sure at what point it might or might not appeal to my kids.
  5. Wasn't your oldest born in 1984? It'd make a great high school assignment, and then you could read and discuss it together. Okay, he probably graduated high school a little while ago already, but, never too late, no? When? About 3 weeks before the wedding. How? By managing to fill out a lot of paperwork for the US govt and paying the filing fee.
  6. I get that. But a math degree is not going to doom somebody to a lifetime of poverty, even if they never go to grad school. That's the problem that I have with that. It's over-the-top and rigid thinking etc.
  7. Yes. And the feeling that I should go take a nap. I did *not* get enough sleep last night, and I had some serious lunchtime crashing going on, and will probably crash some more later. I know, not what you meant, but still.
  8. Also, lots of engineers have deadlines, which can interfere with school. E.g. DW worked evenings, weekends, and holidays during December - we barely saw her (well, we saw her, because she worked from home a bunch, but, it was work, work, work). If she'd had an art history final during that time period, she would've had to either take it without studying, or not take it at all. ETA: which isn't an issue, since she's not interested in art history, and her company doesn't pay tuition anyway, and she found out years ago that she can't juggle a school and a job at the same time, but still... jobs that pay decently can't always just be combined with school, because the employer expects that your job is your #1 priority, and your school and GPA etc is your own problem.
  9. Which is how many companies these days? Seems to be getting rarer and rarer, and then often they require that it's "related to the job", so art history is out if you're an engineer, because it's not "related to the job".
  10. I have nothing against practical majors, but the authors of this book apparently don't even think something like math is a practical major for a kid who wants to be a math professor. Also, there are plenty of people who think early pressure to become a sports star is crazy, bad, you name it. And yes, there are people who glom onto methods other people have tried as being the One Way. Should they? No. But that doesn't mean that people like that don't exist.
  11. Wow, this is the second time in like a week that I've seen someone refer to primary school as early elementary school (this time someone over on the K-8 board). I don't think I'd ever seen someone use it like that before this week. In my experience, primary is Pre-K through 6th, secondary is 7th-12th, and tertiary is w/e education you do after high school. I mean, I don't think anybody is referring to mid-upper elementary as "secondary", are they? Confused. I'm also out of it because I didn't get enough sleep.
  12. Also, apparently the bakery section wasn't fully stocked yet. Late at night, I get that they're out, but early in the morning... didn't see that coming.
  13. Yes, I went. I usually go at 11pm or something. Downside of early morning is that we live near a school, and parents dropping off kids are crazy.
  14. I guess y'all are sleeping through it too. They finally left. I'm thinking maybe I'll go to the grocery store.
  15. Oh, and somehow everybody else is sleeping through it. Guess I should be happy about that. I wish I were sleeping through it though.
  16. Wait, WHAT?! How, where? Neighbor kids having been stomping around just above our bedroom for about 25 min now. I hope they'll be done soon. I'm not sure why they're even here - neighbor normally only has them on weekends.
  17. It isn't as good as the MOOC on the same topic I took a few years ago, but, unfortunately, that MOOC hasn't been given since.
  18. I'm not sure if that's me being evil, insane, or both.
  19. Right. I've got a thread over on the Logic Stage board about potentially doing the GC 48 lecture series "War in World History". And I wasn't really planning on starting it until 6th grade anyway, since we're trying to get through An Economic History of the World Since 1400 at the moment.
  20. To be clear, those were the colors I thought of before I looked at the bilingual board or anyone else's answers. Really though, you should ask someone with synesthesia.
  21. Brown. Or maybe purple. Or maybe... I don't know. I ended up looking up the thing on the bilingual board, and either of those should work, assuming they don't interfere with your colorblindness.
  22. Also the 1977 movie "A Bridge Too Far" is PG rated (of course, rated back when the PG-13 rating didn't exist yet), or, by Kijkwijzer, rated 6+ for violence, 12+ for fear, and 12+ for discrimination. In case y'all were wondering. I'm pretty sure I've never seen the movie.
  23. They have done a good job of making it seem less boring on their website. Well, on the Dutch version. The English version of their website is pretty bare bones, so, I'm guessing all the audioguides, treasure hunts, etc mentioned on the Dutch website are only available in Dutch.
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