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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. If you were buying a twin sized mattress for a 5 year old boy for his very first "big boy" (twin sized) bed, would you opt for a softer mattress or a firmer mattress? My son's 5th birthday is tomorrow, we bought him a very nice used loft bed for his birthday present to replace his toddler bed with crib mattress, and my husband is going to go to Big Lots to get him a mattress in about an hour. The two choices there are: a Serta Arrington Firm Twin Mattress for $99.99 or a Serta Boulevard Plush Twin Mattress for $149.99. He'll have this for YEARS. Do I go with firm or plush? Does it matter? Help! :)
  2. I never heard of them, myself, but I opened your link... ...and proceeded to crack up laughing at the first review I read! :lol::lol::lol: 5 of 7 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars when life hands you a fuzzoodle...., August 27, 2010 By Courtney Leonard - See all my reviews Durability:1.0 out of 5 stars Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars Educational:1.0 out of 5 stars Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Fuzzoodles Mega TV Kit- AS SEEN ON TV KIT! In Stock and Shipping Daily!!!! (Toy) When life hands you a fuzzoodle...make lemonade! While I'm not sure why, I bought the fuzzoodles. Because of a really funny review, I bought the MEGA Pack....and awaited my fuzzoodles arrival. After three days of waiting, I felt confused when I opened the door and saw the smallest package I'd ever recieved via mail. Stranger was that S&H was almost 7 bucks for the smallest package I'd ever recieved via mail. Unable to handle the disappointment I knew I was going to feel when I opened the tiny package, I drank 2 coors lights. Looking over at the smallest brown box, I started to giggle a bit and laughed at myself for being such an easy sell. I stabbed a fork through the tape and opened it. I spent 22 bucks on pipe cleaners with eyes. BTW: The picture they show is the small book that comes with it and not the actual package that shows up. (We should clear that up ASAP.) Defeated, I reached for a black and white fuzzy pipe cleaner and picked out some eyes to stick on it. OH WAIT! Is that a clown hand? why, yes....yes it is. I decorated my fuzzoodle with eyes, a purse, silly chicken feet and clown hands. Next thing I know, there's a camera out, fuzzoodle is drinking wine and falling down, she binge eats chips and yogurt and bam....she's fallen to the floor and I can't revive her. THIS IS BY FAR MY BEST INVESTMENT SINCE 3 HOURS AGO WHEN I PURCHASED COME COLD TASTY CL'S. I'm pretty sure i'm going to do a grown up party with friends and bust these things out for everyone to play with. Those people will probably not talk about it the next day but I'll have known that they had a memorable fuzzoodle time." :lol:
  3. Well. Mine enjoyed SHORT 3D films like at a theme park or some such, where it's only for 15 or 20 minutes. But I can't IMAGINE him (even at just about 5) sitting through an entire, full-length 3D movie. Actually, I think it would be annoying for ME to sit through an entire full-length 3D movie. LOL sorry.
  4. Tell me about it. I find it quite ironic that an 18 year old is "old enough" to go to war and get themselves killed for their country but can't walk into a bar and have a drink. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that I think they should change the law to say that an 18 year old can legally drink. I'd RATHER see them change the law to say that if they've still got a "teen" after their age, they can't legally die for their country. How about we change THAT to 21? But I don't make the rules.
  5. aw- lol. Good for him! I'm glad he fessed up. I hope you guys let Nathan know so he doesn't go about his day thinking he DID wet the bed! :D
  6. I'm an "Other." I don't HAVE a picture of my wedding day. <sniff, cry, pout> So my husband and I had a TINY wedding. Like, it was us, my mother, my brother and his (now ex) wife, and that was IT. And a non-denominational minister did it at his beautiful, water front, Long Island home, and in all the excitement, can you believe that neither my mother, my brother, OR my husband or I brought a camera with us? Nor did we hire a photographer for such a small event. Then the non-denominational minister informed us that he had some of those disposable cameras and that we could have one of those. So we took it, gladly took pictures, later went to develop them... ...and found that not a SINGLE one of them came out. Then we saw that the camera/film had been "expired" (who knew!)... by several YEARS. So.. I don't have a single picture of us on our wedding day. Otherwise, I'd have displayed it. :P
  7. Yeah, I agree with those things for the most part! I said it was cropped too tightly too (that was the effect they wanted, but then some things that would have made it more apparent as to who it was were lost in the translation so to speak, such as the hair, and the glasses looking weird). Ah, well! My husband is a tattoo artist and a good one but he's NEVER attempted to do a 'portrait' before. This was his first one ever, and he tattooed it on a friend of his who is also a tattoo artist. They were both happy with it, especially for a first attempt, and wanted that oval/cropped kind of effect. I said I thought not seeing as much of the hair made it harder to see a good resemblance and that I wasn't sure how the shading could have been different, but that as it stood, he looks kinda like a white guy in his tattooed form... lol. (and you're right, now that you mention it, I think the face IS too thin). But anyway, my husband wanted me to post the picture and see if anyone found him recognizable. I will tell him better luck next time lol.
  8. Heh I didn't expect that most of you guys would know who that was (I wouldn't recognize him either as I wouldn't even know what he looked like without Googling myself). It's a rap artist, his name is Lil Wayne. If you look at THIS particular picture of him... http://dajaz1.com/uploaded_images/lil-wayne-791210.jpg ...do you think the tattoo closely resembles that particular photo of him?
  9. :lol:.... ...and yes! <waiting to see if anyone can recognize him by sight>
  10. For the record, I had it in my head, too, for quite a while there that this was going to be an assignment that was a page or two/at least several paragraphs in length. I don't see it as being AS big a deal either if it was one paragraph that took her five minutes or less, although my feelings about rough drafts and writing assignments in general remain the same :D
  11. :lol: That one made me laugh. My bras tend to end up in odd places, too. If you ever go into my bedroom and look on my bookcase which is next to my bed, you're bound to find a bra or two on it somewhere.
  12. Yep! Like here in PA! When I lived in NY, we could go into a supermarket and buy beer, wine coolers and so on, or a convenience store... ...here in PA, they sell NO alcohol whatsoever in grocery stores. There are "beer distributors," liquor stores, and bars that you can buy alcohol from, and some pizza places and whatnot can sell six packs of beer or something, but no alcohol in the supermarkets!
  13. Well. You MIGHT be right. I don't know your daughter. But even if it WAS out of laziness and/or carelessness, wouldn't the direct result of her assignment being difficult for her to edit due to the lack of editing space be lesson enough, and show her WHY that was important to begin with....? And couldn't she then just be told to be sure that she does it correctly on the final draft? And couldn't you then stick around to make sure she does so? ...Rather than it becoming what does seem like a punishment, rather than a guided lesson?
  14. That you can see right now, from where you are sitting. Here are mine: 1. A small "Smurf" figurine collection. I had a BIG Smurf collection when I was a kid until my brothers decided to sell them at my mother's yard sale when I wasn't home one day. I was heartbroken. After hearing this story, my husband decided to buy me some Smurfs online. :D 2. A "covered wagon" that my husband and my daughter made last year out of a shoebox, strips of cardboard, and an old teeshirt for a social studies project. It lives on top of one of my bookcases. 3. An empty cereal bowl with a spoon in it sitting on my computer desk. 'Cause I just ate a bowl of Apple Jacks for dessert. :D 4. A blue "sticky lizard" toy. That's on my desk. For some reason. Why do people think they should just put random things down on my desk, anyway?! 5. A large, saltwater fish and coral reef aquarium tank that is my husband's pride and joy. He really needs to clean the algae off the glass, by the way. It's looking kinda icky right now.
  15. Yeah like I said I almost never separate colors either... ...except for if it's new and black or new and red... ...because I HAVE had colors run in the wash... ...but that might be because I tend to procrastinate on my laundry and leave it sitting in the machine a bit longer than I should. :blushing:
  16. If it's something new and black that I'm afraid will run, I wash it with other black clothes only the first time or two that it is washed. (Normally when things aren't new and I know they won't run, I can't be bothered separating my laundry into whites and colors, it all goes in together!) If it's something that is new and RED, I will probably wash it alone as I wouldn't have enough other red things to do a whole wash of red only, and i certainly wouldn't want my whites turning pink :D
  17. I want to add that I also tend to stay with my daughter as she starts an assignment, especially one she's not already very good at, to make sure she's doing what I want her to do, and so I can guide her as she goes. There are plenty of things she's starting to be able to do independently at this stage. Writing in her cursive workbook. Her spelling review. Her TT math. Silent reading. A decent amount of her vocabulary and/or grammar assignments once I've gone over them with her. But at this age there's a lot I still don't expect her to do independently. We do most of her science together. We do most of her social studies together. And we do ALL writing assignments together. When it comes to writing, we're still working on formatting and proof-reading and proper paragraph structure and things like that. I usually stick with her for those types of assignments to give her feedback, tips, suggestions, help etc as she goes. I imagine your daughter is still kind of new to trying to figure out how to write a proper paragraph, how to format her papers, and trying to get ideas out all at the same time. What seems simple and easy in your head can be overwhelming for a ten year old. She might have been so focused on one aspect, that she just forgot about another, despite your reminders. So I just don't think leaving her alone to write an assignment (with a checklist to follow), and then telling her she did her rough draft wrong and has to redo said rough draft, and then proceeding to argue with her about it, is in any way conducive to ending up with a kid who might actually ENJOY writing.... Give her some slack, and hang out with her while she's doing things like this. Also try writing out exactly what she's writing and give yourself an idea of how YOUR hand feels after that much handwriting. Seriously!
  18. I hear you. Folding laundry is one of the main things I procrastinate on, which is why there is ALWAYS laundry left in the dryer- that I have to "dewrinkle" next time I want to use it... ...that and writing out bills. Which I still haven't done this month. Which has been on my "to do list" for the past three days. Which I really, REALLY need to do before the weekend is over, for sure!
  19. I can't swear as to whether there is ZERO violence although I don't think there is- what about some of the Nancy Drew PC games?
  20. Here are a couple of pictures from last winter. You can have it. All of it. I hate it all. The snow, the ice, the wind, the cold, the sleet, the freezing weather, how horrid it feels to take your blankets off in the morning, the winter coats and mittens and scarves and hats and boots and scraping ice off your windshield and shoveling, the kids begging to go out and then just staying out for about 24 seconds because it's too cold, and then coming back in and dripping snow all over the floor and having to peel them out of wet, cold clothes, the way the snow that looks so pretty at first just piles up into nasty gray mounds, snow plows blocking your car in, having a harder time finding parking... blah. I told my husband I wanted to move to Florida because I hate winter. He said: "But I bought a new snowblower." Is he dense? THAT's supposed to make me feel better?!?! :lol:
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