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Posts posted by Calizzy

  1. Tuesday morning we noticed a rabbit about 50 yards from the house in the backyard. He was very still and nibbling. Being the good homeschoolers that we are, we broke out the binoculars and watched him. We watched for 30 minutes, then an hour, than hour and a half and he never moved. Ok, something is up. Why was he totally not moving? A little later I noticed that he was no longer in the normal hunched rabbit position, but laying on his side. I thought maybe he had eaten a poisonous plant and was sick. We went to co-op and came home around 6pm. He was still there, but now sitting back upright. Right at nightfall, he was gone. I thought maybe he had recovered and was on his way. Yesterday- no rabbit. Today, the rabbit is back! In the exact same spot, totally not moving. I’m attaching a picture, you can’t see him, but he is down along the shrubs.


  2. @Lori D. thanks for all these suggestions! I didn’t know that about the so light curriculum! They light it as for grade 6-9. 

    @Rosie I’m just trying to do a survey of some places we are unfamiliar with. So I’d be happy with a biography of a famous Australian, literature from an Australian,  books set in australia, etc. 


    @stripe I guess that’s because the Eastern Hemisphere spine breaks out the Asian countries individually, but it just lumps Africa into 2 sections- Northern Africa and Southern Africa. 

    to be honest I’m not committed to the eastern hemisphere textbook. If you know of something else that covers Africa and Middle East better I’m open to suggestions. 

    basically I am just wanting a survey course of cultures we haven’t studied much.


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  3. I am creating a history/culture/geography class for my 8th grader next year. She is an avid reader and this will largely be a literature base course. I would like a mix of fiction, non fiction, and some poetry. We will be using Sonlight's Journey to the Eastern Hemisphere as the spine, but I've created this list based off Sonlight's as well as Honey for a Teens Heart. She is not as interested in Asia as well studied it quite a lot this year. Here is what I have so far:


    China: The Art of War (Selections)

    Japan: The Big Wave

    Korea: Kite Fighters

    N. Korea: ?

    India: Daughter of the Mountains, A Beautiful Lie

    Russia: Breaking Stalin's Nose, Stalin by Albert Marrin, Family Romanov, selected short stories of Leo Tolstoy

    Middle East: Shabanu (Pakistan), Habibi (Palestine/Israel)

    Polynesia: Call it Courage


    Africa: Journey to Jo'burg (South Africa), A Girl Named Disaster (North Africa)

    Capitalism: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy

    Communism/Socialism: ?

    We have room for about 1500 more pages. Any we shouldn't use? What else should we put in? Where are we weak? Do we need more in Africa or the Middle East?







  4. We live in a different state than all of our parents, and we usually see them once or twice a year. Currently, we haven't seen then in 1.5 years. School wise- I have an 8th, 4th, 2nd, and k'er. We are on track for our schooling this year. I have 1 more break planned for early April when dh and I will be doing an adult vacation (yay!) And then we were going to school through the end of May. That isn't because we need that long to get it all done, just because I'm trying to do 175 days. Now, both my mom and my dad (divorced) want to come and visit in April/May each for a week. Part of me thinks "They're old, family is important, forget about school." And the other part says "we can't just miss 2 more weeks of school..." realistically, we won't do any school during the summer. Also, we can try to do some the week they visit, but I doubt that too. What would you do?

  5. They didn't tell me a cutoff, but they evaluated the test and said she should do prealgebra. I checked it last night and I believe she got an 84. Like @busymom5 said, we still have 2 more months of school too, so the 3 topics she didn't know might be covered in our book. I'm not trying to push my child into something she's not ready for, I just don't want to waste our time and $ on review if she doesn't need it.

  6. Dd has done rod and staff math for all of elementary, this year (7th grade) she finished book 7 and we will finish about 1/2 of book 8- selecting the chapters that cover prealgebra and geometry topics. I am wanting to sign her up for either prealgebra or algebra with a local co-op and they sent me the entrance test for algebra 1. What do you think would be a passing score to be admitted in to algebra 1? She missed a few questions because of mistakes and there were 3 topics that we hadn’t yet covered. I’m afraid prealgebra will be 80% review, but I also don’t want her to be in over her head with algebra, especially taking math outside the home for the first time. 

  7. I actually went ahead and ordered it for my 5th grade did to do independently. I thought it looked like a good place to start for her to be able to read instructions and material and answer questions on her own. So I’m halfway using it for history, and halfway using it for executive functions. 
    also, @Emily ZL I think there is a misunderstanding about the scope and sequence. It follows the same 4 year cycle as sotw. It just has 2 books per year. So there are 2 ancient books, but they are both to be completed in the same year. 

    I’ll let you all know how it looks when it come in the mail 🙂

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  8. Do you do a lot of driving around? I don’t and one child in particular is asking for more activity and I just don’t want all the driving. I’m trying to decide if I’m being a curmudgeon. 8th grade Dd desperately wants to attend a drop off co-op next year. Mon/Weds 20 minutes from home. So drop off/come home, pick up/come home 2x per week. I have 3 other kids I’m homeschooling and that just seems like a lot of time driving. But she so wants it, and she is a good kid. 

  9. My dd sounds just like yours. She's in 7th now and we did Writing and Rhetoric class through Schole Academy. You read short stories from classic literature and then have to make arguments for or against the book/characters. It's geared towards writing in a persuasive way. Our teacher is Ash White and my dd absolutely loves the class and Ms. White. She had loved writing and did a lot of creative writing on her own, but this class has really helped her write thesis statements and support them with evidence from the text. 

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  10. *Regardless of whether I think the stimulus bill should be passed or not*

    Let’s dream spend the stimulus checks on a vacation! I’m not saying that I will- there are always medical bills and responsible choices. But let’s just dream. 


    With 4 kids, I would be getting $8,400 on the House’s plan. I am so wanting an all inclusive resort. Maybe Hawaii? Or the Caribbean? I really don’t even care because in my dream vacation I am laying by the pool all day and not even sight seeing 👙☀️

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  11. 38 minutes ago, Ditto said:

    Since you don't know her daughter I think I would get something for the mother of the bride.  A really pretty frame for her to put a picture of her and her daughter on her wedding day would be lovely.   You might even research "mother of bride gifts" and see if something unique and special comes up that fits her personality.

    Ok, fun. I’ll look in to this.

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  12. 20 minutes ago, Katy said:

    I don’t see how a gift would be passive aggressive unless there’s some extreme dynamic not explained here. We got a lot of cards & small cash wedding gifts from people in DH’s (small) hometown that weren’t invited. They were all appreciated. 

    Ok, that’s good to know. No weird dynamics.

  13. Our piano teacher’s daughter is getting married. I don’t know her, but I think my piano teacher is a wonderfully sweet lady and would like to acknowledge this wedding somehow. We’re not invited to the wedding, is it weird to give a card with a bit of money? Is it normal to give a gift to a wedding you weren’t invited to? I don’t want to look passive aggressive. 

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