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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. OK, you win. Your SAHM to 5 job is undoubtedly more taxing than my desk job. LOL
  2. Slash, I wish for you a speedy recovery, my friend.
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for you... And three cheers for Matt! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
  4. As soon as? Um, no. That would be BEFORE bugs are collected at my house.
  5. I had to go to the third page of New Content to find this thread. What's up with that? Slackers...
  6. Nalgene for the toddler. Leakproof, durable, easy to clean. As he got older we simply removed the sipper valve so DS could get more flow, but eventually switched to this. Looks like they have a newer version.
  7. And sometimes I wish I didn't have AC. Dh and DS in their boxers while I am here in a sweatshirt and long pants. And socks.
  8. I agree with JoJosMom, Renai. She's a beautiful girl. And I am no dancer, so I thought her posture was splendid! I could never make that look good.
  9. 1. Maybe go to the library (or bookstore) and let them pick. Anything. It's how DS discovered graphic novels. 2. Ask them for suggestions of topics. That's how I discovered DS wanted to read war books. NOT something I would have picked. 3. Sit on the couch for the weekend ignoring everyone and reading a book. Make it look like so much fun you'd ignore your own family just to do it. Okay, maybe #3 won't work for you, because you actually care about a clean house? (I prefer a good book to a clean house.) If that is the case, substitute the following: 3. Ask Farrar for book suggestions. So far she has yet to disappoint. :)
  10. What are you trying to get them to read? Do you let them pick, ask for suggestions? Do you model the behavior and read yourself? Do you do read-alouds?
  11. My response to DS8 when he whines about the daily 30 minutes I have assigned him M-F this summer: "Suck it up, cupcake!" He would just rather be doing...well, almost anything else. He was really stoked when he finished his book yesterday, though. He even said he likes it once he gets started, it's just hard to pull himself away from the other stuff.
  12. DS convinced DH that DH should buy himself some new *used* Xbox games for Father's Day so they could spend quality father/son time together. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I grew up in MA and my sister's name is care-ee Mine is: ICK sloe
  14. Ditto. I was liking that she went back for Marley. :grouphug:
  15. Oh, it gets done and I do have a "schedule" - I just don't feel the same way about the little details. My heart just isn't in it.
  16. Oh, my son tries to sweep, and he is very good about putting laundry in the laundry baskets, and fairly good at picking up after himself. But I don't consider cleaning school. Ever. My cleaning comment was more that I'm just not very anal with cleaning, whereas I am anal about homeschool. I just don't get the same sort of satisfaction from a clean floor that I get from my scheduling spreadsheets. I'm weird like that. ETA: Totally unexpected Booya! This is the thread that never ends...
  17. I love DD chocolate munchkins! (I assume you went to DD?)
  18. Well, I never took home ec, so I am not sure what it is you are referring to that you know ... do you mean cleaning the house?
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