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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Were you the one who also mentioned sleepwalking? Note to self: Never sleep at Slash's house.
  2. Yeah, but I'm a ninja elephant minion with nunchucks. Beware the nunchucks!
  3. Oh. my! I have a few choice words for that guy. :grouphug:
  4. So, sort of like a play date for married couples?
  5. I have a headache. I should probably drink some water and go to bed. 5 hrs OT working on a company org chart is behind me, and my eyes are tired.
  6. Wow, that brings back memories. I had one of those my freshman year of college. Good times.
  7. No pizza for me tonight. We had tacos. Boy inhales tacos.
  8. It's a deal! I love acorn squash. I make a soup out it at Thanksgiving, even.
  9. Sorry about your dd, Renai. Sending you all :grouphug: .
  10. In order to post my Avatar, I had to post it to another homeschool board I used to hang on, then copy that photo to my desktop, and then it would post. It was a size thing. The other site effectively crunched the file for me. :)
  11. We went mini-golfing last weekend, and as we were leaving the guy in the shack pointed us towards the "more games in the back for free." So we walked around back to check it out and there was a giant outdoor Jenga game! So cool. If we ever win the lottery and buy a house at the beach, we are definitely going to have Giant Jenga. DH just sat and watched while DS and I played. The stack of 2x4 blocks was over DS's head by the end off each game, and I was petrified that it was going to collapse on him. But we kept playing anyway because who doesn't like Giant Jenga??!!!??? ETA: Myy y z f and x keys are still sticking. Grrr
  12. Argh! I'm out of likes so I need to get back to work. Thankfully, it's a slow day today. :)
  13. My avatar is a self-portrait my son did. He calls it "Self Portrait #2" But I am flattered you picture me as skinny as an 8 yo boy. :thumbup1:
  14. Yes. They are sort of like this: http://www.varidesk.com/compact-standing-desk-laptop-30?gclid=CNX1kOGb0cYCFckYHwodjdYHbw I wouldn't be able to stand all day.
  15. I'm thinking of asking for one of those stand-up desks. A few people here recently have been trying them out. I prefer to be lazy and sit but I know it's not healthy.
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