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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. You went to Public School, I presume? ETA: I'm joking. Before all the afterschoolers get all up in arms and offended.
  2. Or you can make homemade whipped cream to put on top of your blueberry buckle. Add a bit of honey and some vanilla extract, and whip it up.
  3. See what I did there? I invited people over to clean. Thereby guaranteeing no one ever comes to my dirty house, ever.
  4. I can tell you what works for me, working 40+ hours and homeschooling: 1. Don't invite people over. Then you don't have to clean. 2. Get single-ply Scott's toilet paper. Then when they invite themselves over, they never come back. I shall keep a roll or two of cushy-soft toilet paper for my ITT friends when you visit, though. I'm sure y'all will help me with the cleaning. Slache will be #bossyboots and coordinate everyone/assign tasks.
  5. No, she shouldn't. She's a regular klepto. I was just trying to make it sound more innocent than that. LOL
  6. M keboard kes stick. Honest. Can ou tell which one does is the most?
  7. You got it! I'm just bad at punctuation, apparently.
  8. I don't think matrips would be good for this thread. She's ignoring us again.
  9. Oh, and Renai - you should tell your dancing dd that she didn't get a solo because they didn't want the other dancers to look bad. Brightest star is blinding. :)
  10. So, I'm guessing neither of you knows how to use the search function? "second verse" brought it up for me both times I needed it. So, Renai, I used "So" to start my response so you wouldn't feel so bad. Kids love paperclips. And tape. Well, office supplies in general.
  11. I just want to say I love my dentist. I woke up this morning, less than 24 hours after a crown, and have no pain whatsoever, and can't even tell I had work done. My mouth feels completely normal.
  12. Hugs, Susan. Way to go, Renai! Even if you don't accept, the fact that they want YOU is huge. :crying: Doesn't this emoticon cry, Another Lynn? I'm testing it out here for you. ETA: Nope. I guess not.
  13. This is the thread that never ends You'd best come join it with your friends 'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days This is the thread that never ends....
  14. DS is just as allergic to the egg white as he is the egg yolk. I would try googling "vegan" rather than "eggless" - that usually gets me better results.
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